Reasons to love winter. Because we need them.

Ahhh! I was wondering if your autocorrect meant to say "ear wax". Which really didn't make sense to me, since I make that year 'round.
Cuddling, warming up by the fire with that special someone.

never took you as much of a cuddler...guess you never know. :)

another thing about winter....... it allows you to find out where you need insulation

.Just had a waterline freeze and shatter.


at least I caught it before it unthawed and flooded the building.
NGC 2477, anyone?

man, I love catching pike in the summer on a spinnerbait. They hit it soooo hard.

What's the biggest pike ya ever catch up there?

mines around 34" or so.'s my camp from last year.Lots of pike out in these lakes

nice! Ill camp like that for ducks during late season, but when it comes to ice fishing I grab my buddies wheel house,I would like to do a winter camp fish trip into the Boundary waters someday..
Going for a hike on a silent frigid winter day hearing the falcons screech and watching the rabbits scurrying from cover.
The crunch of snow under foot on a frigid day, the smell of fresh cold air on my clothes and the hush. The hush comes after a snowfall when everything is blanketed white, a whisper will travel farther and the scene is made new, as if men never were and I'm seeing Nature pure.
man, I love catching pike in the summer on a spinnerbait. They hit it soooo hard.

What's the biggest pike ya ever catch up there?

mines around 34" or so.

through the ice -42 inches long,22 inches girth,20.5 lbs and it was all scarred up from battle. 30 inches or so is pretty common for rod n reel though.They are the best tasting fish,IMO
I really see no reason to like the cold weather. Lack of sun, grey, cloudy, cold days, all that was green is now stark and barren, bundle up when going out side, driving in snow with grown adults that drive 5 mph in front of you, being under electric blanket for hours and fingers/toes are still cold, from Nov - Mar, 5 months inside, etc. This is no way to live...I need out !
SW Fl would be my ideal. Step out to the lanai in the AM w/coffee, ciggie, and herb, maybe a tv to catch the weather and watch the sun glistening off the leaves and water, maybe a warm breeze...take a dip, and relax some more.
I did not mean to depress or push any of you North Easters off the cliff.
PS; Wife hates hot weather, the other day the snow was coming down in buckets with a temp in the single digits and she says - "it's a little chilly out", I give up.