I liked it. I thought the first one sucked but this one was action packed. Way cooler fight sequencing. I fell asleep in the first one but I'd watch this one again.
I don't get the dragons though. The dragons in LOTR were cool ... microcephalic flying lizards with a sound like gastroliths grinding against each other with you between them. Smaug was, like, Puff the Magic Meth Dragon or something. I wanted to ask him how many licks in a Tootsie Pop.
Wow! Havent seen pt. 2 yet but considering what you guys are reporting about it it sounds like Jackson really... missed it with Smaug. Thats a shame but I still wont miss out on seeing it. Already excited to see how he does with The War of 5 Armies.
There isnt dragons in Lotr, they are differnt cretures called the nazgul,
Also compaired to the book the hobbit part 2 is completly differnt, there is almost no fightng in this section of the book, Peter Jackons has added in action secnes to make it similar to Lotr
Dont get me wrong the Hobbit part 1 and 2 are great cinematic peices but the book is better, I prefer Lotr but maby thats because I didnt read the Lotr books
Ringwraith's were human kings, Nazgul is the flying beast.I was under the impression that the Nazgûl were the Ringwraiths, the undead residue of the kings who accepted the Nine Rings. They rode dragons in the second and third LOTR movies.