Nizza's 3x 15 gallon feminized big bud vision seed grow


Well-Known Member
the pack100_3202.jpg
after topping for 2 main cola's and cloning 100_3182.jpg100_3181.jpg

after i worked on the room. It's a 430w HPS with a hortilux bulb, two 4' t5's going along side with the 430 that's on a 4' light track. about a week or two after the clones were taken.

2 weeks after the transplant into the 15 gallon dirt pots. You might not see it but they're hanging in midair from the handles above a drip trayView attachment 2953788
i also have the intake beneath them, and the exhaust is up top. It makes a nice amount of air come through and around the fabric dirt pots
today I pulled the two cola's sideways, and expect all the nodes to level out.

everything is in a mix of mostly happy frog, a little ocean forest , and some perltie
the pot's aren't completely filled, there's around 4 inches between the top of the soil and pot's. the way they're hanging makes them somewhat oval shaped.

I've given them dyna-gro protekt (silica), general hydroponics RapidStart (alfalfa , willow bark, barley extracts) and that's it. I have only applied those when transplanting or every few waterings, the soil seems to be sustaining the plant just fine

within the next week i plan to topdress them, or start using 1/4 dose nutrient feed. I water every 3 or so days.
in the next week or two, i also plan on flipping the light schedule



Well-Known Member
Fucking nice brother! I really like the hanging pots. Do you have access to the back of the grow? Having to move large plants in 15 gal bags does not sound like fun times to me!
Am I right in assuming based on the setup that you're going to be training these in a CCOB?


Well-Known Member
i use a watering can, and have the drip tray sloped back to the front of the room so i can shop vac it out

to train the back one i have to wait until the plants dry out, take out the first one, water the back one to allow easy training, wait a while, train it, then put the one in the front back in. right now i can reach the middle one, i figure the way i'm doing it when i flip there won't be any training, just watering.. this has always been an obstacle for me, with the hempies i had 30 or something 3L in there and i had to take them all out everytime they needed water
it was such a PITA i decided to re-vamp the closet and engineer it for easy growing

we all have our obstacles right? lol

thanks guys, its come a long way, I started back in high school prolly 5 years ago with just a few cfl's
the light i got was gifted from someone i helped trim with a night, and It's most likely time to replace the ballast

is there a way of checking how good the ballast is? It's magnetic, i heard they start to put off CO after a while, which is a concern for me because the remote ballast is in my room. I guess i could cut a hole into the wall because there is an eve that is open and uninsulated, and i could run the wire into the light

i'd really like to check the ballast because i'm concerned about losing a considerable amount of light % , underfiring or something?
i tried a regular HPS bulb in there, and it seemed way brighter than the hortilux, i was also wondering a good way to check the lightbulb too

i know i can check the bulb socket for signs of wear and the cords will get stiff when old, i'm mainly trying to figure out if i can keep using this setup and get a new bulb , or if it'd be worth it to just up to the 600w (which i currently don't have space for)

i'm thinking of putting my t5's all in the flowering room, and then using cfl's to hold the mothers while they flower.
this would also allow me extra light so that i can throw in some hempies! i just can't stand having no hempy's going... mannn

also trying to figure the best thing to topdress with , was thinking about going outside (it's winter) and getting into the bottom of my compost pile and putting some of that on the top.
hoping that pro-tekt would give me a good amount of potassium for flowering and maybe i could get a little bit of high P bat guano or something for a booster

orrr i could just start giving them dyna gro foliage pro in a week or so, just was thinking it may be good to go on the organic side

compliments are appreciated! and also critiques are welcomed, I'm always looking for ways to improve.

ohhh , i was gonna do CCOB, the stems are way to thick now though for the amount of vertical growth, i don't think big bud is a strain that will train like Hobbes did; at least a seedling won't...

instead i'm just pulling them out to the sides, allowing all the nodes to come up

it should have somewhat the same effect, but maybe stretchier than hobbes' plants.
I think if it was a clone that got stretch i could just ccob it and throw it in flower, i think was what the ccob technique was meant for. since this plant is already so bushy and dense, i don't think i need to CCOB it, i could though if i really wanted to, i just am scared i'll snap a main shoot because they're so beefy already


Well-Known Member
today i made a small shelf out of sheetmetal in the flower room, this is where a bunch of hempies could go. There would also be a few more hempies in the chamber , there are 6 gaps , one on each side of the buckets that i could hang little hempies from, i was thinking about making them so they'd have tubes coming off of them and go down to the runoff tray, because the tray is kind of small. The tube would be black to prevent algae, on the fence about this though; instead i might just veg a few extra weeks to fill the voids

anyways i wasn't sure if it would be a good idea for me to post a DIY on how to build a filter/diffuser box. Mine is also a shelf because of my odd space size, but i want to design a cool setup that would be an air floor and runoff tray with drain spigot. hanging seems like the ideal thing to do, because it's like they float, and you don't have to use wood or anything

here's a pic of my "air floor" in my veg room, along with some other pics including a flower i'm growing in the dark area of the room.
The venting dropping down (fell a while on accident and never fixed )is the exhaust, and the one entering into the airfloor is the intake. the heat mat is covering some holes and the other pics you can't see them because there's trays on top. Once you use airpots though the airfloor is effective . I love the idea of it


[HR][/HR]super happy with the clones this run, i just don't have anything to put em into!!

[HR][/HR]I use a heating pad with the amaryllis because i want it to grow really fast, and don't want it's roots to get cold. For some reason i care more about it than the clones, I set the heater mat at 72, because temps get cold here. The boot is a succulent i planted into it, that used to be a lot bigger. I put it outside and it ended up dying and that single thing came back..
anyy hints on how to grow that , lemme know! lol

here's the material i got at home depot, its this green reusable/washable filter that you can cut to whatever you want. I took some i had left over after doing my house with them and used them in my intakes, it collects a good amount every week!
I plan on building the filter rack into my diffuser box soon! yuckk



Well-Known Member
I like the washable filter material. Gonna have o grab some next time I'm at HD. You can train some reallt thicl stemmed plants if you keep working at it. CCOB uses a long veg to build a really good root system then does the training on 20" plants. He did it to a 39" Kali Mist over two weeks iirc so I think you could do it!


Well-Known Member
ok so today i took apart my veg room and put the equipment into my "flower" room
it's on a 20/4 cycle, and I plan on doing a slow decrease in time, and switching the t5's to warm bulbs as i get closer to to 12/12
i also put a second oscillating fan in the far back, so that i get adequate flow in the canopy
in the very front i made a shelf so i can throw my clones there for now. I'm gonna have to ghetto rig a CFL fixture, and put one clone into flower to utilize the rest of the space. I may even do 6 clones in 2L bottles, to make sure i'm getting maximum yield in that spot (closest spot to camera)
closeups start at the front, and go to the back plant.

sort of bad pic, but you can see the two main cola's, the right is more dominant. this is the closest plant

second plant, the training did what i thought it was gonna do here, and no longer favor the main two colas. All the branches came out and even'ed up. This means i have to flower soon, but instead of adding extra plants i may just move this one closer and train it to fill out the extra space

the last plant. this was a hard pic to get.
today was a PITA, but i did some necessary shit
smashed a 2' t5 bulb on accident, and had a rough time trying to get some drywall anchors correctly mounted for a light.

the constraints of a closet like this suck, but i think from now on , i won't need to be getting back there for anything
i want to give them at least 1 more full week of veg till i start dwindling the hours down

this is such a nice break from hempies...
I love being able to just water them straight from the tap lol
but i will go back to hempy in the summer when the $ is right

since i have all this extra time, i like to do foliar feedings. I'm giving them a mixture of 1/8 dose silica and 1/8 dose dyna gro foliage pro
i always shut off the hps when i foliar feed or take pics. I also follow up a few days after with clean water to make sure no residue builds up on the leaves


Well-Known Member
looking at this after posting, i'm considering taking the front plant, putting it in the back, putting the back plant in the middle, then the middle plant to the front.
that bushy (middle in picture) plant will be trained so that it fills out the extra space in the front of the cab where the clones are, and I also won't have to add any more plants or wait extra time for clones to get rooted after transplant


Well-Known Member
thanks for stoppin in j-dizzle.

last night after dropping the light down, it got caught on something and the chain popped and unlinked.
it then wound up , luckily i heard it before the motor spooled the chain too much and fucked it up

today i gotta fix it, i wish i payed the extra 100$ for the good light rail, that you can set to stop and has the brains inside the mover.
this one is just a long chain with two sprockets, and a set distance.
I may be able to cut it down and modify it.
my light tilts when it gets to each side, and i think it may have been when it hit each side of the chamber it pulls the chain links apart..



Active Member
How did you mount the t5 4 ft lights to the tent? Ive been thinking about doing something like this.
I like your set up!



Well-Known Member
thanks 2k!
it's actually not a tent, it's a closet that goes back into the wall, 4.5' long, 2.5 ' wide, and 5' high
the access is a bitch

all i did was use an awl, punch a hole in the wall, and put a drywall anchor in
after that i took strips of wood, layed out the mounting pattern, and screwed that into the wall so i can take the lights out when needed

If i hung them they would have been facing down, like the one in the front. I like them sideways tho


Well-Known Member
yeea booty picture following now, I encourage you to post on here just so i can see the bubble action on the left side of my page :)

turns out it's pretty easy to fix the light mover chain links, a pair of needle nosed pliers worked well.

to prevent it from happening, i'm going to need to center the light better, or it's going to keep getting caught on the side of my cab and fucking up the light track.. :(

right now a piece of wood is ran along side it which makes it so it can't get caught on the bubble wrap, i could move the piece of wood down, and lower the light, but i want to figure out a way to just fix it from happening ever again

still thinking about shortening the rail..


Active Member
Aah gotcha my mistake. Still, love the ingenuity. How much of a yield increase/ under growth do you see from doing the sideways t5s?


Well-Known Member
well the problem is, i have never really recorded full harvest weight because i always have a few strains, and harvest them at different times
this is the first time i'm filling it up at once and flipping the same strain at the same time (although the phenos may differ)

im going to do a selective harvest starting at the top, then chop the bottoms a few weeks later

the reason i put them in there is because they will add enough light to support the bottom growth when i go into flowering.
you don't need t5's if you don't overgrow your limitations, but since i use a light mover i figured it would give them the extra light they need when the light is on either side of the room.
hoping they'd reduce any possible stretch due to lack of light

oh yeah today i fixed the light mover, and on top of that i found out the hood was offset one way.
it was as simple as flipping it around, now it's centered perfect and won't hit the sides
although now the light is a little bit to the left. I guess this somewhat compensates for less light coming from the socket than the tip? wasnt sure on that