Heat problems small grow need help


Well-Known Member
Growing in my closet and having heat problems. The bigger problem is the heat is actually not coming from lights but from the fact that my closet is close to my house's furnace. Besides cutting a hole in my door to vent is there any other ways to vent the air? I already have 2 fans going and my temps do not go below 85F and are as high as 88F. I am growing 3 plants and they are curling. I thought at first it was over watering but now I think it's the heat.


Well-Known Member
Can you insulate the common wall with somthing to stop the heat?
if you have attic overhead you can take cooler air from it.
Good luck!


Well-Known Member
That is not a lethal temperature but if your temps run in the upper 80's constantly you are going to get reduced growth.

You are the only one "then and there" that can diagnose and fix the problem.

Without more info I would say try to insulate your grow area from the heat source, like buy a thick sheet of insulation from a home store and box your grow in.


Well-Known Member
You gotta find a way to get cool air coming in and warm air out as mentioned...do what needs to be done. Once it's completed your plants will thank you. PS...wall board is much easier to repair than a door...just my 2 cents. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Growing in my closet and having heat problems. The bigger problem is the heat is actually not coming from lights but from the fact that my closet is close to my house's furnace. Besides cutting a hole in my door to vent is there any other ways to vent the air? I already have 2 fans going and my temps do not go below 85F and are as high as 88F. I am growing 3 plants and they are curling. I thought at first it was over watering but now I think it's the heat.
Change the spot ? Get a growtent ? Sounds one way road to me..


Well-Known Member
Some good replies here ...insulate with 4 inch rock wall...and if you own or rent the house ...go buy another used door($10) and fit a ventilation system to it, passive air the bottom and used bathroom extraction unit at the top of the door, inside?


Well-Known Member
none of what you said actually helped, especially the person that said cold in the bottom? wth I live on the second floor am I suppose to cut a hole in my closet floor ?

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Well-Known Member
I would agree with AimAim, just insulate the wall between your room and the furnace
Dr. Jekyll

Just turn off your furnace and wear a snowmobile suit
Mr. Hyde


Well-Known Member
I live in a small building that I am currently renting. Doing damage to the walls/door is not a possibility. Cutting holes in things is not a possibility. Putting my grow tent in another room is not a possibility. Is there a small A/C unit or something that I could put in my closet? like I said I live on the second floor, even when I turn my heat off my house gets really cold but my downstairs neighbor keeps theirs blasting and my closet is right above their furnace so this room is always 85-88F no matter what.


Well-Known Member
the plants still look healthy but have some slight curling and are growing slowerish like 2 of them are growing slow and 1 is beast. I think 1 is a sativa and like the heat but the other 2 are indicas


Well-Known Member
ok its 89F in there right now...wth I have only 2 CFL lights and 1 LED light literally no heat at all on and the temp went up by 3F.... 2 fans running with an air purifier and humidifier with fans as well...


Well-Known Member
I live in a small building that I am currently renting. Doing damage to the walls/door is not a possibility. Cutting holes in things is not a possibility. Putting my grow tent in another room is not a possibility. Is there a small A/C unit or something that I could put in my closet? like I said I live on the second floor, even when I turn my heat off my house gets really cold but my downstairs neighbor keeps theirs blasting and my closet is right above their furnace so this room is always 85-88F no matter what.
The things needed to vent a grow room properly are quite easy to patch, and /or find alternatives such as buying a used door and cutting holes in that, saving the current door for when you move out. If you can't afford and/or do the things required for a proper grow room then you can't grow unless you go through what your going through right now. The choice is yours.


Well-Known Member
none of what you said actually helped, especially the person that said cold in the bottom? wth I live on the second floor am I suppose to cut a hole in my closet floor ?

Good Luck,
U Don't Want Helpful answers and suggestions that are Polite.
if you are to Dumb to be able to Patch a sheet rock hole or find a cheap door to replace yours so holes in it Don't matter.
you seem to Dumb to even go look at Home Depot at insulation.
they. Sell 4x8 sheets of styrofoam ( pink) with Foil on one Side.
You cut it with a razor knife, you don't need more than a few dabs of caulk if it's one pce, if you wrap the room you can just fit it tight with no glues.

But you want say "none of what you said actually helped" ....

I think you are To Dumb to take advice so you are to Dumb to grow.
Do yourself a Favor and go buy a nickel on the corner like you always do.

Done wasting my time with you,


Well-Known Member
none of what you said actually helped
Wah, Wah, and more motherfucking WAH!

People are actually trying to help you. I was, but I'm over that now.

Mr Hyde is generally a Prick but I would take his advice and put on a snowmobile suit tight upon your head.

Dr. Jekyll is having an off-day and he will get back to you with better advice I am positive. Because he's just that kind of guy.

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Well-Known Member
ok its 89F in there right now...wth I have only 2 CFL lights and 1 LED light literally no heat at all on and the temp went up by 3F.... 2 fans running with an air purifier and humidifier with fans as well...
89F a major issue with the few lights you have
You need to insulate your floor from your warm blooded neighbors below, or circulate more air in/out, or an A/C unit, but it would also need to vent the hot air outside the room
Dr. Jekyll

Bottom line: if you can't lower the heat, then you might as well pack it as your grow is sure to fail.
Mr. Hyde


none of what you said actually helped, especially the person that said cold in the bottom? wth I live on the second floor am I suppose to cut a hole in my closet floor ?
Your in Colorado right? Popo shouldn't be much a issue, go be best friends with the landlord and work something out. And if your going to want help on here, and you probably will, your going to need some better manners even when you disagree. There was some very affordable & achievable advice thrown at you, you may want to re-evaluate. Do wish you the best.


Well-Known Member
Funny that I am the dumb one considering you have the grammatical skills of a 4 year old. It is too dumb... not to dumb that's just not right...