What's your biggest fear?

What scares me is the ever increasing wealth inequality, and what it mean for the future.

Inequalities statistics: (from a year ago, the USA - but the trend is global):

The richest 1% takes a quarter of ALL national income (24%).
In 1966 it was only 9% which means it has nearly trippeled the last 30 years.

The CEO makes 380 X the AVERAGE workers pay (not the "janitor", the AVERAGE worker). This means the average worker needs to work a whole month, to make what the CEO makes in one HOUR.
I guess the CEO works 400 times as hard :-\
What scares me is the ever increasing wealth inequality, and what it mean for the future.

Inequalities statistics: (from a year ago, the USA - but the trend is global):

The richest 1% takes a quarter of ALL national income (24%).
In 1966 it was only 9% which means it has nearly trippeled the last 30 years.

The CEO makes 380 X the AVERAGE workers pay (not the "janitor", the AVERAGE worker). This means the average worker needs to work a whole month, to make what the CEO makes in one HOUR.
I guess the CEO works 400 times as hard :-\

Like American Express ... Ownership has it's privileges.
Fear is not a weakness but a strength , use your fear as an advantage to conquer all who stands in your path of happiness !!!!
mine is getting arested trying to find my fellow haters at the 2014 cup and not coming home intime to feed the plants..
My biggest fear at the moment is having another fungus gnat outbreak. Haven't seen any in about a week though. My 2nd biggest fear at the moment is my UC fucking up and having to whore myself out on the streets to make ends meet.

Are you sure it's a fungus gnat? Could it be phorrid flies or fruit flies? Where did it happen? First time? Do you think you found the source?
If all you did was knock down adults, then you may suffer another outbreak once more eggs hatch...

You can't have courage without fear.

We all lose ;) Problem with you big buff guys is you don't get enough practice in. You should work on losing more. If you aren't losing you aren't pushing hard enough.

That puts me in mind of the young sportbike gods up at 84x92 (Star Base One) in the Bay Area. They'd be half out of their one-piece leathers displaying 0.3% body fat and saying "yeah man ... if you're not CRASHING every coupla months or so ... you're not FAST enough."
Are you sure it's a fungus gnat? Could it be phorrid flies or fruit flies? Where did it happen? First time? Do you think you found the source?
If all you did was knock down adults, then you may suffer another outbreak once more eggs hatch...


Been there! I'd say it was nearly ineradicatable in soil. I had some in hydro and it was so easy, nearly fun!? I watered the top of the rock wool blocks and they all evacuated immediately! Dying in the process and I shot them down with the spray. After a short while , I just rinsed them away.

Dont forget to bleach the sink drains too. They love lurking in damp dark places.
You can't have courage without fear.

Sure you can. There are many emotions requiring courage that do not involve fear. It depends on ones definition of fear.

For instance, i need courage to do a weekend dinner service without my head chef, but i have no fear over it, i am simply concerned over how my service is received. I don't have a fear over it' reception, it is what it is, but i still need the courage to say ok, i'll do it. If it were a case of "if things go wrong you're fired" then i might feel fear, but it's not, yet i still need the courage to say yes anyway.

Or you could say there is a difference between apprehension, or fear, or fright.

Is it getting caught with another or younger woman??
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My gf would be thrilled :D Group fun!
That puts me in mind of the young sportbike gods up at 84x92 (Star Base One) in the Bay Area. They'd be half out of their one-piece leathers displaying 0.3% body fat and saying "yeah man ... if you're not CRASHING every coupla months or so ... you're not FAST enough."

Yeah it really does have that smarmy sound to it, sorry, I did not mean it that way. Anyway hot tub time :)