I just use tap water, because I don't have a reverse osmosis machine connected to my taps, and I use way to much water for my tomato and herb plants, my soil weed grow, my hydro reservoir to bother with distilled water for any of it.
The key to tap water though is you want it as soft as possible, this means there are less things put in the water when it is treated, the more stuff in the water (minerals) the harder the water will be, often this is a necessity in many areas because the water untreated is to poor (use your EC or PPM meter to see if you have one). My water is about 0.3 EC which is 150ppm this is fine for Cannabis, but I would say much higher is not advisable and 300+ is going to cause you issues with any strains that are temperamental.
R u hiding those n the woods? Lol
Haha Green, no not in the woods. I am not going to describe the area but its close enough to be convenient and stealthy enough to be hidden, and no people will go there unless they saw me going there and were curious, so I go really late at night.
I actually transplanted my girls tonight even though they are going to get the shock of that + the dark spell till sunrise + sprayed with pyrithium to keep the bugs off it was still better than doing it at a time when people could have spotted me going there. Nobody ever will see me going there at night so its perfect as long as I stick to that. I went there in the day to set it up because it would have been impossible to do that at night time but that is last day trip till I have cut down and will dump the soil collect the pots and wait till next season for another round (probably from clones of one of my other grows at that time).
Hope they take and will do well outside, its a little late in the season but we will see, I guess it just means a lower veg time so if they do get to flower it will be lower yields from less growth.
PH meter should be calibrated every month and make sure before and after you wash it in distilled water, it will ensure a more accurate reading each time.
Try to keep it simple as well is my view, I have just used potting soil that contains a mix of organic nutrients that are slow release, and while this could be to little while they are young it seems to be going ok so far, have not fed any extra nutrients and probably wont till they are at least another foot higher, then just a mild tea probably. I tend to use more foliar spray also which contains weak nutrient solution, once every 3 days and 2 day plain water solution.
Have had no issues with nutrient deficiency yet or PH issues, usually runs out at 6.2-6.5