DWC Pineapple Chunk


But my question is why are they so high? I'm running 50% of the bottle directions for the Micro, Grow, and Bloom as well as throwing in some Cal Mag, hydrozyme, and my beneficials (Great White). I have already ran at these levels before so I'm not thinking that the nutrients are too high I'm thinking that maybe I should take the ppm of just the nutrients not including the supplements. Does this make any sense?


Active Member
What is you tap water like ppms? Something doesn't look right , I poster earlier in the thread cos I started the same time as yours and myne are at least a foot tall.
I was having trouble with the chlorine and heavy metals in the tap water.
So I picked up some water conditioner for aquariums which fixed my problem. Also what helped me was to clean my buckets with bleach when I'm doing a water change.

Do you have a picture of your roots?


Also forgot to mention I also brought some pondzyme to add some beneficial bacteria which stops algae from setting in.


Active Member
Just re read your post, you should be running at about 300ppm with plants that size, I'm currently runing between 700-800.

How many mls of nutrients per 20 gal bucket are you using?


Nice to see you again I2icho. I run 5 gallon buckets with Advanced Nutrients grow, micro, and bloom. Last res. change I put in 24ml of grow 16ml of micro and 8ml of bloom. Then I have the additives; Cal-Mag, White Shark, and Hydrozyme. My tap water was 240 ppm. I'll upload pictures of roots tomorrow.


Active Member
Nice to see you again I2icho. I run 5 gallon buckets with Advanced Nutrients grow, micro, and bloom. Last res. change I put in 24ml of grow 16ml of micro and 8ml of bloom. Then I have the additives; Cal-Mag, White Shark, and Hydrozyme. My tap water was 240 ppm. I'll upload pictures of roots tomorrow.
Well that doesn't sound excessive to me. Not sure what's going on there.
What lights are you using?
Tap water ppm is pretty high. Try put some water conditioner in before you add the nutes. Also add the cal mag before adding the nutes.
Are you checking the ph?


Lights are a 600 Watt MH on an 18/6 schedule. I check ph daily and correct it to 5.8. I haven't had any major ph issues so far so I don't think that is the issue.

Everyone says to keep the ppm low for small plants but some of my dissolved solids aren't nutrients such as the Hydrozyme and Great White which are enzymes and beneficials. I assume these add to ppm but don't cause nute burn.

I2icho do you run just nutrients or do you use additives? And do you have any specific suggestions for a water conditioner?


Active Member
Hey this is the one I use, but I'm sure you could use whatever one they are all about the same.
I was using cannazyme and great white for a while although the great white turned my roots almost black, so I ditched the cannazyme and great white, now im using in order, water, tap conditioner, cal mag, canna classic a and b, canna boost , pond zyme, ph down.
Good luck



So I ran a little experiment today to check out how ppm really works. So first off my tap water runs at 260 ppm I then added my nutrients at 50 % which took it to 880 meaning that I'm running 620 ppm on each plant. That's before adding hydrozyme and great white beneficials as well as cal-mag. By the time everything is added it runs at 2000 ppm or so without any issues.

So I think that I have finally figured out why my growth is lagging so much. I am actually running a 400 watt MH and my light was at about 30 inches away which meant almost no intensity. I just moved it closer to about 5 or 6 in away so let's hope that speeds things along.


Active Member
I have my lights no closer to 12 inches , even in a air cooled hood they seem to start bleaching when I try to get closer.
I definitely wouldn't be hanging it 6 inches away. I'm not sure if that's what's going on with your girls. They should of been fine at 30 inches a week or 2 into your grow.

To me it looks like you're high ppms have shocked your plants.

Since they are so still small it looks like they are stunted and might not ever recover. If it were me I would start again sorry dude.

I would be starting again making it more simple . K.I.S.S
Base nutes
Cal mag
Benificials ie pondzyme

What size pump and air stones are you using?


I have two 6 in cylinder air stones in each bucket and a pump that puts out 20 L/min meaning each bucket gets 10L/min. And dam not exactly super encouraging for my first grow lol. But still I knew something was wrong and just couldn't figure it out. I'll probably start again tonight looks like.


Active Member
Make sure after you have soaked your rockwool in say 5,8 ph for 24 hrs, you dont over water it.
When I start out I dont even put my cubes into the bucket and hydroton until seed has sprouted and you can see half an inch of root coming out the bottom. Make sure you soak the hydroton also.

Once sprouted from the rockwool only need to dip them in ph adjusted water for 5 seconds, once you have put them in your bucket you can top water daily at 5-10mlsof water. The rockwool will hold enough moisture.

Dont be discouraged, starting off in hydro is definitely a big learning curve. I grew in soil for almost 10 years till I took the plunge to hydro, good thing about hydro is once you get everything dialed in your going to have killer buds.

Good luck keep us updated


Alright just so everyone is up to date. I originally started with two Pineapple Chunk but ended up scrapping both due to nute burn. However one of them was replaced by a Chemdawg several weeks ago and I just recently germinated an Ice Bomb. The pictures you see are exclusively the Chemdawg however.


Active Member
Good work man she's looking pretty healthy for a couple of weeks, watch now for some explosion of growth now the roots are in the water.
In a cpl of weeks they should be 9-12 inches high.
Keep it up


New update for anyone interested. I took a plant in from a friend unfortunately it is in soil and rather large so no chance of transferring to hydro. I was thinking of maybe of letting it get healthy and doing cuttings but we'll see how it progresses because the plant is pretty messed up as a result of no research. The strain is La Juanita Lagrimosa which is high in CBDs
. DSCF1045.jpg DSCF1048.jpg
Don't really know what I'm going to do with this guy so any suggestions would be appreciated.
Also here are a few more pictures of the Chemdawg as well as the Ice Bomb which has been started in the buckets as well.
I noticed some very light deficiency on one of the lower leaves. I'll have to keep an eye on it to prevent any sort of major catastrophe.
And here is the tiny Ice bomb which obviously is new. My only worry now is how am I going to keep the plants proportionate for let's say a scrog?


Got a pretty good update after about a month of growth. So as you can see I finally got the scrog net in. Based on the last photo, how long do you think I should wait before switching to flower?