Bug problem help please

Ice Cubez

Well-Known Member
Ok so greatfully i noticed this 2 days after planting 4 seeds. Tonight I went to see how they where doing and they just started poking out of the soil and i realized my light was too far away because there was some stretching going on so i adjusted it.

Anyways these bugs are small but big enough that i can see them without a microscope or anything. they look like white almost clear little spiders or something. I noticed quite a few crawling in the top of the soil but they was a couple also right on the top of the seedling eating it or something I guess.
I'm sorry to tell you dude but you've got spider mites. A bitch to get rid of. Get some "neem" oil and apply heavily spray the undersides if leaves to. They also seem to not lije tobacco juice (soak 3-4 cigs in a 20 oz sida bottle) and finally get some if the YELLOW pest strips. They work great indoors.
Good luck

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AimAim can make a recommendation on this.

I've failed on many fronts to get rid of mites, but he's a senior with successful experience.

I'd never recommend Private Messaging anyone, but PM him with a link to this thread, and tell him I told you to ask him to give guidance here.

at this point i could throw out the plants and not care they are not eve an inch tall yet.

I just need help on maintaining these little bastards before i grow some serious plants.
you must have good eyesight because I cannot see spider mites without a magnifying lense.
you must have good eyesight because I cannot see spider mites without a magnifying lense.

I'm only 18 and i was litterally 2" away from the plants and just noticed the movement of the little bastards.

I was kinda skeptical at first because alot of the people on here say they can't see them without a magnifying lense but I am young and have 20/20 vision I figure alot of the members on this forum are older anyways.

Ok after alot of research it would see hot shot pest strips seem to work really good and are a cheap fix. The only arguments with it is that they are toxic to humans and possibly the plants but I can leave the room empty for days with these things if need to be to kill these little bastards before i start my grow.
I'm only 18 and i was litterally 2" away from the plants and just noticed the movement of the little bastards.

I was kinda skeptical at first because alot of the people on here say they can't see them without a magnifying lense but I am young and have 20/20 vision I figure alot of the members on this forum are older anyways.

Ok after alot of research it would see hot shot pest strips seem to work really good and are a cheap fix. The only arguments with it is that they are toxic to humans and possibly the plants but I can leave the room empty for days with these things if need to be to kill these little bastards before i start my grow.
My grow got spider mites too , i bought some stuff called mite-x which has mollasses , clove oil and cotton seed oil in it. You can also use NEEM oil if you can find it. There is also a pepper tea you can brew as well. you will have to spray something on the plants to kill them , I dont think hanging strips in the grow space will do it , because they are on your plants and not airborne.
Add a teaspoon phosphate free dish soap, crushed garlic, hot ground pepper, all into a spray bottle and top up with water. Spray top and bottom of leaves regularly until the mite devastation tapers off.
My grow got spider mites too , i bought some stuff called mite-x which has mollasses , clove oil and cotton seed oil in it. You can also use NEEM oil if you can find it. There is also a pepper tea you can brew as well. you will have to spray something on the plants to kill them , I dont think hanging strips in the grow space will do it , because they are on your plants and not airborne.

Just a shout out on the mite-x. Because it is all natural ingredients it is the one single miticide that I will use after flowers begin to show. It leaves no residual chemicals, no aftertaste, and is moderately effective. :weed:
Whoever you bought the soil from don't ever buy from them again. The bugs had to come from the soil you purchased. I'd get rid of it or return it. Maybe accidently spill it all over the floor at the place you bought it and tell them where to go.. Find a new store and buy a seed starter soil mix like light warrior and coco coir and mix them together. Light and fluffy and not hot soil for seedlings.

The trick with mites at this early stage is to treat every 3 days for a total of 4 treatments. Kills the adults and catches the new hatchlings before they lay eggs again. I like spinosad because it's non toxic and kills mites. Also use a second type of product like mite x on the third and 4th treatment to get any survivors or pest resistant mites. Hell at this early stage I would carefully remove the seedlings from the contaminated soil and replant them in fresh new soil and hope for the best. Clean the area with bleach especially where that soil bag was and get it away from your grow area.
Also bury the stems under soil up to that first set of leaves so it will make the plant stronger and give it more area to root from. Good luck.
The thing is I have nothing to spray yet. Like no plant matter really they are nothing but seedlings just poking out of the dirt.
It is obvious that no one on this thread knows how to deal with mites. Stop with all the homemade solutions. Oh and yellow sticky stripes won't do a damn thing. LOL. Mites are not going to walk away from a plant to see what the yellow sticky thing is all about. So those of you that say they help STOP giving bad advise. As a matter of fact if you don't have good solid advice don't say anything at all. Without being too long winded about this I'll share with you how to get rid of mites.
1. Keep your grow area clean.
2. Don't wear clothes in your garden that you wore in another growers garden or in an outside garden.
3. Make your own clones. If you have to get clones from another grower assume that it has mites, powdery mildew etc. and quarantine it in another room of the house or growsite until it is deemed safe. Experienced growers can do this in a week or two. Longer for others who aren't as aware.
4. Keep ambient room temperatures at 70 or lower. A mites life cycle at 65 F is about 30 days. At 80 F it's about 3 days. Mites love it hot and dry.
5. Manuel removal of infested parts. Even the whole plant. I've tossed 2-3 plants in a harvest to protect the integrity of the others. Dry microfiber clothes are a great way to manually remove webbing and mites from the plants.
6. Use proven effective miticides and rotate them. I use Shuttle O, Forbid 4F, Avid, Azamax, then Cold Pressed Neem Oil. I use and rotate these every 5 days at the first sing of mites. continue to spray for a few weeks after the last sight of the mites. (Not using proven effective miticides not only doesn't get rid of mites but can make them resistant to the chemical you are using. As well as not using the proper concentration of effective miticides)
7. DO NOT USE bug bombs. They will burn your plants.
8. Spray with cold water between miticides.
9. Use a wand sprayer to achieve complete coverage. Wand sprayers have enough pressure to was
10. Small plants (1 gallon or smaller pots) can be dipped into a bucket of solution to get complete coverage.
Whoever you bought the soil from don't ever buy from them again. The bugs had to come from the soil you purchased. I'd get rid of it or return it. Maybe accidently spill it all over the floor at the place you bought it and tell them where to go.. Find a new store and buy a seed starter soil mix like light warrior and coco coir and mix them together. Light and fluffy and not hot soil for seedlings.

The trick with mites at this early stage is to treat every 3 days for a total of 4 treatments. Kills the adults and catches the new hatchlings before they lay eggs again. I like spinosad because it's non toxic and kills mites. Also use a second type of product like mite x on the third and 4th treatment to get any survivors or pest resistant mites. Hell at this early stage I would carefully remove the seedlings from the contaminated soil and replant them in fresh new soil and hope for the best. Clean the area with bleach especially where that soil bag was and get it away from your grow area.
Also bury the stems under soil up to that first set of leaves so it will make the plant stronger and give it more area to root from. Good luck.

Brah, mites don't come in soil or live in it. Gnats do but not mites.
I feel like i just live in a mite infested house after looking at the house plants i noticed some webs and white spots on one of them.

whats the best procedure for cleaning a grow room?

I have a grow tent but I suspect the mites came out of the carpet or something in the room the tent is in.
I would go to a garden shop and ask for mite killer or soffocant. You probably need to treat all the houseplants too.