
It says that too. I think the real problem is you need to convert thy neighbor. Go out for some beers and be like, "So John, it might be the beers talking but we need to swap wives for an evening!" If he reacts negatively be like "Woah Woah John, I said we need some fives for the tip, whatya think I said?" And If he says ok then you get to fuck his wife.
It is highly likely you're not the only man your wife and her friend are fucking right now. Cheating behavior tends not to be selective. Think about this for a bit white and now put yourself in your NOT-friend's shoes.
Nice math!

I sleep on average 3-5 hours a night. We both send and receive texts, and not just from/to each other. Right now, after resetting my phone on the 1st, and changing my number, I'm at about a thousand texts. And, I only text family now (moms, siblings of both of ours, 2 other relatives.) It'll get stupid again, as (or if...) business picks up.

When I was diesel mechanic/shop manager, I'd average 100-200 sent/received between boss and crews. (crews don't know shit, boss NEEDED to know EVERYTHING.)

That's sent and received. Not nearly as hard as you'd think to send/receive 50,000+ texts a month. But, I don't want to talk to (or hear from) that many people any more. Really, technology is too integrated.

(And, I'm one of those annoying texters that send corrected spelling texts.)

Ok so 3 hours of sleep a night leaves 21 hours per day. 50,000 sent and received texts would be 79.4 per hour, or 1.3 per minute, or 1 every 45 seconds. (so sending 1 text every 1.5 minutes, and receiving one every 1.5 minutes).

Even being a super fast text typer, and a super fast reader that seems like an unrealistic rate to be sending and receiving texts. Maybe over a short time period, but sustained over 21 hours per day, every single day?

How would you feel about your wife sneaking over to their house & fucking them behind your back?

How do you know that's not happening right now?
do you read and quote the bible to her while she is lock up in your house? Probably should pray for me, it's my only hope after all.
Ummm let's not jump on people's backs for trying to clear their conscience ?

i cleaned out the work fridge and took a closed dr. Pepper.... I also threw out a bunch of tuppaware containers out of spite for people leaving science projects in the fridge
Ummm let's not jump on people's backs for trying to clear their conscience ?

i cleaned out the work fridge and took a closed dr. Pepper.... I also threw out a bunch of tuppaware containers out of spite for people leaving science projects in the fridge

But can we jump on their backs if they are bragging? ;D
But can we jump on their backs if they are bragging? ;D

Yeah, I didn't think he gave a crap about meeting his "friend" once or twice a year either. I think the real confession is more along the lines of, "when my wife is doing this chick, it's like I'm not even in the room."
My confession for the day....... I hate the neighbors kid. Ive never wanted to punch a 10 yr old before but this kid is pushing his luck. I could go on forever about why I feel this way. He just urkes me. And its the lazy assed fathers fault. Ive had several convos with the father over the years about his shitty child. Seems to go in one ear out the other.