BHO tips and tricks

Hello, I just ordered some tubes, a chamber and vacuum pump and am planning on making my very own BHO soon. I was wondering if anyone had tips and tricks for yield success. I have heard things like using a non stick baking sheet to speed up the process and eliminate the process of scraping pyrex plates with a razor, what are your guys' advice?
Heres the biggest tip i can give you. Do not blow bho indoors. Very big explosion risk. I dont make much bho so thats the only tip from me
Spray onto one of those silicon baking matts or even into a silicon bowl, something that will fit inside your chamber.
Yeah I started using no goo silicone dish instead of parchment paper & it works great... I got a small 2"x3" one that fits inside my purging jar for like $9 worth it & use over & over. I rather enjoy the process of scraping...some prefer to blast right onto parchment but I like using Pyrex so you can start melting it in a hot water bath right away after initial heat purge & scrape. Then I put the oil in the no goo dish while it's still warm & begin "muffin-ing" in a jar wrapped in a heat pad set on high.
Yeah I started using no goo silicone dish instead of parchment paper & it works great... I got a small 2"x3" one that fits inside my purging jar for like $9 worth it & use over & over. I rather enjoy the process of scraping...some prefer to blast right onto parchment but I like using Pyrex so you can start melting it in a hot water bath right away after initial heat purge & scrape. Then I put the oil in the no goo dish while it's still warm & begin "muffin-ing" in a jar wrapped in a heat pad set on high.

So what is the difference between blasting directly on to parchment in a pyrex dish vs directly blasting into a pyrex dish?
the paper in some cases will have negative effects when the butane hits the paper, people have reported waxy flakes flying off the paper

this needs to be a sticky

everything is in there.... along with some entertaining side banter

I feel rather proud I guess that I had found that tread when I started with butane. What gave me the initial confidence for solvent extractions was
Lots of great info.
Guizas thread is more entertaining though ;P

I basically disappeared off RIU for a while...but I just performed my first butane extraction in nearly 5 months. Got some Stok and a couple oz...and of course used my thermos tek for extraction.

I will have results this weekend and will eventually post pics.
I feel rather proud I guess that I had found that tread when I started with butane. What gave me the initial confidence for solvent extractions was
Lots of great info.
Guizas thread is more entertaining though ;P

I basically disappeared off RIU for a while...but I just performed my first butane extraction in nearly 5 months. Got some Stok and a couple oz...and of course used my thermos tek for extraction.

I will have results this weekend and will eventually post pics.

I'm trying to make some shatter, any advice?
I started BHO but with no vac no pumps becoz I dont have electricity etc... but I find it too sticky to manipulate once its in the pyrex dish... is there something I put in the bowl so that it doesn't end up so infuriatingly hard to manage...?
i have a nogoo dish but i would think some parchment type wax paper but never tried it. You can probably find a piece of some kind of silicone something laying around to collect it on. That or if you can get it cold
If you blast into pyrex, blast into a round dish. Scrape all you can normal and transfer onto parchment. Then use a razor blade and scrape from the middle out, towards yourself, rotating the will get every last bit. (vs a rectangle/square dish)
I tried parchment the last time and it stuck to the parchment and wouldnt come offfffffffffffff and I did try with a round bowl and got myself into a whole load of trouble........ eeek!
Its a fine art yall !!

650!! Wadddup. Share your thermos tek again on the winterizing thread

I made shatter with a blow dryer, and bho on parchment befoh
fold, blow, fold, blow.
If you blast into pyrex, blast into a round dish. Scrape all you can normal and transfer onto parchment. Then use a razor blade and scrape from the middle out, towards yourself, rotating the will get every last bit. (vs a rectangle/square dish)

I wouldn't recommend a round dish, but if you do use a round dish measure you vac chamber, I've blasted into a 9" bowl and moved that straight into my 3gal chamber it was the clearest shatter I ever made since there ewas no agitating.