The Car Talk Thread


Well-Known Member
i love toyota's. i've had several of them over the years and to be honest they are the most reliable trucks i've had. in the states i had a dodge ram for a while then switched to a tundra last year. here in costa rica (and all of central america) toyota is huge. they are by far the most popular cars and trucks. they have a ton of models that they don't even sell in the u.s. like my 4 cylinder turbo diesel hilux. best truck in my opinion. mid-sized, dependable, easy to repair. the inside could use a little more "luxury" but it's a pickup truck so who really cares.
I had one of the very first Tundra's ever sold in 2000. That truck rocked, would downshift at 90 to pass. At the time, my office was located right next to Ford corporate lease in Florida...they sent their execs down there during winter at the time. As soon as I pulled in with that truck, 3 guys got out of the pool and asked if I would pop the hood. All 3 looked at it and one said..."Yep, Toyota is still 5 years ahead of us".

He was right too, I once blew away an unloaded F150 going uphill...and I had a trailer.


Well-Known Member
I'm aware thatabout a pound is always a joke around here. I was joking around as well. Guess I should have used a smiley.
I've really liked every Mazda I've driven but I've never driven anything bigger than a midsize sedan from them.
I'm pretty sure you can get a proper transmission in a Subaru of that size still.

Yeah, actually they were the exception. But I'm finding it hard to see myself in a Subaru. They look, joyless. Will visit a dealership with an open mind. They have a compact SUV hybrid worth looking into. Will visit a Toyota dealer too. The trad GM/Ford stuff is not looking good to me. Probably look into a Nissan Rogue. Making this decision in this weather means AWD is a must.


Well-Known Member
I like the looks but different strokes for different folks. Having owned one I will say they aren't lacking in joy.


Well-Known Member
We have had allot of issues with our ecoboost escape small first year stuff but still annoying, the 2.0 is actually quite quick but its very fwd heavy and has tons of torque so it can torque steer quite a bit. Ours is a lease and i doubt we will keep it but id love to do the usual boost controller, real intercooler, ecuflash to it.


bud bootlegger

That got some fucking lift!
Damn it's not showing up, sorry.
That's my favorite car, the McLaren, maybe m7 or so'ish..
Lots of shit has been hit during grands Prix, dogs, birds, groundhogs, marshalls.. woops..

The worst had to be the.time there wasa minor accident and two marshals went running across the circuit, one carrying a fire extinguisher , just beyond a brow so the drivers coming couldn't see them..
First marshal made it across safe an sound, while the second marshal wasn't as lucky and got hit at about 150 mph.. fire extinguisher at that point went flying into the cockpit and which point it swiftly took off the head of the driver.. :(
The marshal didn't fair much better getting ripped in two before landing on the ground ..


Well-Known Member
Zanardi getting cut in half was the worst I've ever seen.
There's a lot of tracks where it's really hard to keep the critters out. And then there's WRC racing...


bud bootlegger
Zanardi getting cut in half was the worst I've ever seen.
There's a lot of tracks where it's really hard to keep the critters out. And then there's WRC racing...
Zanardi's was horrendous for sure..
And wrc, sometimes I think some of the worst critters are peoples.. the way some people lean in or stand in the road to take a picture .. I only see bad videos come from this and never something good, which is why I don't understand why a, they allow this, and b, you'd even want to risk your life for a photo..

It can be frustrating going to a grand Prix IRL and not being able to get very close to the action, but then you think about the 82 people killed as spectators back in the 60's and realize it's not so bad..


bud bootlegger
YouTube tom Pryce accident if you're interested. .. I won't post the link here out of respect but I'll gladly point you in the right direction, lol..


Well-Known Member
I don't like watching horrific crashes but thank you.
Rally fans are insane. Handy for the drivers when they flip though.


bud bootlegger
I don't like watching horrific crashes but thank you.
Rally fans are insane. Handy for the drivers when they flip though.
I used to watch pretty much all the fatality f1 videos on YouTube but after Schumacher's recent skiing accident I've had a major change of heart and have started to think more about the injured person and their families than I ever did before..
So maybe one good thing came out of it..

But umm, yeah, fans are great for flipping an over turned car for sure.. I always love it when they flip them and the car. Just goes on its merry way..


Well-Known Member
I love watching in car cameras of WRC. I think it's hysterical that they beep out obscenities in other languages when they crash. We all know what they meant if not the exact words.


Well-Known Member
I used to watch pretty much all the fatality f1 videos on YouTube but after Schumacher's recent skiing accident I've had a major change of heart and have started to think more about the injured person and their families than I ever did before..
So maybe one good thing came out of it..

But umm, yeah, fans are great for flipping an over turned car for sure.. I always love it when they flip them and the car. Just goes on its merry way..

.....and the Grinches heart grew three sizes that day.!i .....