Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
Morning... Wake n Bake :eyesmoke:
me too!! bongsmilie

SO everyone i hope ya'll are having a good morning!!!! Here is wat I decided to do last night.

023.jpg here is my 1st ever clone taken. scraped bark of to weaken stem dipped in water than my root powder :D spraying dome as much as i can to keep humidity going
013.jpg027.jpgand here is my LST job :D


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Nice I hope the clone takes of for ya....Are those zip ties you got holding your girl down?
nope. they are twisty ties xD i took a bunch from the grocery store. i figured they would be more gentle instead of using zip ties. idk if you can use anything to LST but since the twisty ties are more gentle. Id figure i would go with them.


Well-Known Member
nope. they are twisty ties xD i took a bunch from the grocery store. i figured they would be more gentle instead of using zip ties. idk if you can use anything to LST but since the twisty ties are more gentle. Id figure i would go with them.
Plant tape works great too, I use painters tape when I first start training, removes easily when the time comes and is great for a quick stem repair ;)
the older the plant gets though, you have to tie down so to speak.


Well-Known Member
nope. they are twisty ties xD i took a bunch from the grocery store. i figured they would be more gentle instead of using zip ties. idk if you can use anything to LST but since the twisty ties are more gentle. Id figure i would go with them.
I use this and it works pretty well for me................


Well-Known Member
So looking through the 50 seeds in germ 12 hours later, most of them have cracked. A few have small taproots, and some including my Blue Dream S2 needed some hand cracking assistance.

The Blue Dream seeds have a VERY hard shell. But I think that they will be ready for plugs by midnight EST or by morning sometime.

I still have to figure out what else to run... once I have a count on sprouts including these 50 or however many pop, I will pop more Circus Candy, Bruised Skunk, and some Purpleberry Yum Yum. But not from the sativa BBYY mother. I got a few seeds from the Indica Purple pheno as well as a lone seed from the skunky Indica pheno.

Not sure what else I want to add to this line-up.


Well-Known Member
hey stew, only one of the 2 headbands i planted made it. but shes a beauty,
like 3 weeks old or so. just got her first feeding. hoping its a girl any way.
im hoping it stays fem but ik u dont mind males so if you want a HB clone to throw
in there hmu


Well-Known Member
That's something I should add to my line-up. Lol... I got some headband seeds actually from this kid a couple months ago.

Yeah, I'm not ready for males yet. I gotta finish cleaning up the grow room and closet so I can get the little 18"x32"x36" tent for male flowering. Pop my 150w HPS in that bitch with NO air circulation. Lol

Once I finish setting up the closet, male tent, and possibly a 4'x4'x7', I can take in orphaned cannababies. Lol.


Active Member
Hello All :leaf:

I've been try to keep up the past few days ... it's been hard ! lol
Two reasons ... 1) (I think you know :bigjoint:) and B ... I will share in a moment ;-)

Funny ... I has taken me 3 hrs to catch up and (as I type this) may be longer ... lmao (reefer to B)

Hey guys.. Took a small break for a day or so. You know how tit is. ;) Anyways, I cropped 2 Purple Voodoo's out along with Northern Light Blue. Still waiting on the Sx1 & the Silver Bullet to finish up. Just waiting on seeds to mature is all. The others are still trucking along. The Jack The rippers are LOADED already with trich production. Still 5 weeks or so to go on those 2. The Bluedream's are doing super good, along with Green Love Potion,Blackberry Kush, Mazar x White Rhino,Lost Coast OG, Crazy Quake,Night Shade, and others. I added 6 new strains to the lineup. Bruised Skunk x 4,Bluedream S2 x 1, Hawaiian Baby Woodrose x 2, new cross (Purple Voodoo x Jack The Ripper = Purple Monkey x 4),Danks Psycho Circus x 2, Blueberry Yum Yum x GDP x 3. Hopefully those will all do good. I also added 1 K.A.S.I into flowering room#2, and a Grand Berry Purple to flowering room #1 today.
:leaf:Dank ... Simply Momentous :leaf:

I would love to hang out in the garden during your daily ritual ;-) .. or just an hour ! hehe I would ejoy just looking, but watching and learning would be priceless.
A few of the strains stand out to me .. Grapefruit, Silver Bullet look really sweet. I have to say though ... that Purple Monkey sounds pretty wicked, but I have had a krush on that Purple Voodoo since I first started reading about it, oh .... about 50k pages back. A seed from her could, maybe get me over my phobia :lol:

Keep them coming ... I think I speak for more than few of us here that these updates are capital, in every way, and we appreciate all the hard work you put into it.
/it is time consuming to say the least/

Oh ... would it be to much to ask if, every so often you put something in a photo for size reference ? Its cool, if too much. I like the mess out of them anyhow.

So I ask my girlfriend to pick out a t-shirt for me. She took forever and then brings me one that says, "I don't know what I would do without you, but I bet it would be AWESOME!"

Think she's tryin to tell me something? Lol
Stew ... do you love her ? Im just say'n man ! We could make arrangements ... quick and painless, cause Yes ! She is !
j/k ... funny though

hey everybody hope everything is well!!! i was in the hospital for a few days and hours. damn back pain. im 21 years old what the EFF!!!! anyways... my WW is doing good... tonight im taking 1 or 2 clones. and also decided to LST my WW as well. my grilfriend is also buying more bulbs and y adapters so i can get more light on my WW especially after LSting. and also good lighting and heat on the clones...

and pfft we've had nothing but snow for the last week straigth and today and tomorrow highs are -30 to -50 with wind chill.....
Looking great chief ... I am all caught up over there. I will put up some pix of mine in a bit.
Same here on the weather. Still -10 to 5 here. blah

Dude that sucks about your back, I hurt mine at a young age, What ever you do try to stay away from the heavy narcotics if you can, They will only cause trouble in the long run
IMO, Best advise I heard all week. Thats All

speaking of games.... I still have a Tetris game/challenge started that Im starting to think will never get played. lol. Cant get enough people to want to play it.
Wish I would have got in on it. It was going when I found it.
Next time !

Damn, I don't wanna have to find my 300 ring and take a pic.........:lol:
Pics or it didn't happen......:lol:

Remind me after the sun comes up junior.;-)
Ya, I tried to give it to my daughter, anticipating my death, but she won't take it yet.
hehe ... shhhhh /poke, suns up/


Ok .. Short version

I noticed that there are more than a few animal lovers that hang out from time to time, so I will try and bore the haterz ;-)

I (we) lost our little buddy 2 months ago. He was a 12 yr old Jack Russel T, that ruled ! He was a hunter for sure. He was my companion. OK .. i cant go over the details, just know that he was hurt real bad and didnt survive. :-(

After many emotions and still greiving ... it was not our intention to become pet owners again. Well .... let me introduce the newest addintion/s to the family.


She ... is a 11 week old Yorkie and the big boy is a 9 week old German Shepard. And they are amazing.
I forgot how much work/effort they are as babies. Its all coming back ! lol

She thinks she is as big as him, and I have to watch them play becuse he throw those huge paws and she go flying ... but she come back. its halarious !
But he could hurt her, so we do have to pay attention. you know ...
They are both teething, so they are bitting/chewing at everthing. Its funny, you should see me. running to take one out, then the other while the big one is dragging the trash can, so i put her down to grab the trash before ... to late ! damn
You get the jist .. gist, jist ? hell I dont care.

I will be keeping up ... maybe not posting often. Til these guys get trained ;-)
Also ... I will be putting up a couple pix of my lil plant over on GMZ's thread in a bit if anyone is interested .. hehe (I will mention when I do)

til then


Well-Known Member
That's something I should add to my line-up. Lol... I got some headband seeds actually from this kid a couple months ago.

Yeah, I'm not ready for males yet. I gotta finish cleaning up the grow room and closet so I can get the little 18"x32"x36" tent for male flowering. Pop my 150w HPS in that bitch with NO air circulation. Lol

Once I finish setting up the closet, male tent, and possibly a 4'x4'x7', I can take in orphaned cannababies. Lol.
Lol duely noted sir. and wat if its a she?


Well-Known Member
Lookin like next week sometime, was supposed to get my stuff today but I'm too fuckin sick to move :(
but now I'm feelin pretty damn good on some reggie...must be runnin a fever! LMAO!

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