Bud Bundy 024
Active Member
Anyone know about " Dr. Hornby's Big Bud " im looking for something good to help trigger flowering
Nothing is better than Phosphoload for triggering the flowering process; unfortunately it is expensive. A little bit of that stuff goes a very long way, so it will last for several medium size grows. It's just expensive.Anyone know about " Dr. Hornby's Big Bud " im looking for something good to help trigger flowering
Now there's a sensible post,plus rep.there are no nutes in this universe that trigger flowering. they add density to the nugs and a strong healthy plant. flowering is triggered only by light schedule. that is in the dna and nothing over the counter will change that. dr hornbies stuff is good but way over priced were i am. he actualy runs my medical dispensary and talk to him almost everyday. look around and you may find another product that is the same thing just under another name ( hint ). dont buy into marketing most nutes do about the same thing so it realy dosen`t matter. go with whats available for what you can afford.
looks like a "KUBBY" grow. sealed room-7gal buckets--co2---24" veg, then switch to 12/12. forearm sized cola's----what strain did you go with in your pics?. keep rocking brother...I've used Phosphoload since it was called "Super Bud" In dirt, in hydro, side by side with and with out. Verticle growth witll come to a complete stop in two days. It has been my personal experience that I gain a minimum yield increase of 30% and generaly closer to 50%. Buds in my avatar were grown with phosphoload, they speak for themself. If you use half a litre at $140 that's $70, tell me how much of an increase do you need to make up for that cost. The most cost effective additive I have ever use. Warning, the recomended dose is to strong, try using half. if you're vertical growth has stopped your using plenty