So who here is growing in true organic living soil?

Hey fellas, what if a guy could get some fresh chicken poo ? How would you mix that?

Don't touch it with a ten foot pole! That stuff defines HOT. To use it safely it needs to be composted for a year, and even then half the mass needs to be something like straw. Even chicken manure compost does best if it can cook in the soil for a few weeks to mellow some more. Flipside of the coin is it encourages tons of fluffy myco webs.
Don't touch it with a ten foot pole! That stuff defines HOT. To use it safely it needs to be composted for a year, and even then half the mass needs to be something like straw. Even chicken manure compost does best if it can cook in the soil for a few weeks to mellow some more. Flipside of the coin is it encourages tons of fluffy myco webs.

Well poo, guess ile stick with the cow poo, its was al white and dry, ive got it soaking in about 20 gallons of water now.
I think im getting close , btw i took a clone from the healthiest plant while it was in bloom, hopefully it makes it because i think this one would have grown in saltwater, super healthy.
I also inoculated my dirt with portobello mushroom mycelium. Ever heard anyone doing this and having success?

Ah, now we're talking. :0)

No, not really, as portobello, or Agaricus bisporus, is a compost lover.

This is to say that it digests compost but not humus. (or certainly the prior is preferred)

I will just mix horse manure and chopped straw (+ magic) and follow the
standard process of making a windrow/pile, watching the temperature, and
turning it appropriately. I makes this all sound cool. I am still getting a feel for it. :0)

But this is the stuff that the Agarics love.

There is just not enough nutrition in dirt to make a strong flush, or harvest.

This all being said, if the mycelium came in the form of spawn grains, then
there might be enough energy in the spawn alone to pop a fruit or two.

I got P. cubensis Quila to do this:

Take care,

Extremely Groovy JD!! Thanks so much for that.

I'm planning windrows for Vermicomposting operations. Cool that you mention them.
very cool JD! ive been experimenting with mushrooms this winter(portobellos, pheonix oyster, and regular oysters). i havent had any success with any mushrooms growing, but all my mycelium is doing well. i started my portobello mycelium in about 2 in of dirt in a rubbermaid, waited till it was covered well with mycelium them mixed it in with the rest of my dirt. Heres to high hopes!
It sounds to me like you have a great chance.

...and chance it is, even for the experts.

There is the "horror" of what we call the "non-fruiting strain"

....which is always (or, well, most often) really the ignorance of
the mycologist regarding what trigger or env the fungi need to
pop fruits.

Good luck,


P.S. There is good stuff here, but I am a Trusted Cultivator and
Moderator at The Shroomery. If you need a high traffic volume
site (very active, no pun intended (cool shroom joke there ;0))
then it might help you learn mycology.
a simple question for the folks on my favorite thread here at RIU:

in your 'personal' view, is possessing seeds and growing plants your right?

should the national question be 'is possessing seeds and growing plants, 'any' plants (in effort to meet your own needs in order to 'live') your self evident inherent human right?' ?
or do you think its better that we are all asking 'should we legalize weed?' ???

Why wouldnt it be a right. God makes it grow all by itself , its not man made or patent, its a form of medicine just like herbs.
The only reason why its not legal nation wide is because they havent figured out how to tax it properly yet.
Really, trying to get me started on that too, im barely hanging on now. Seriously, ive always wanted to try and grow them, im afraid of them as far as trying one i figure my heads already strange enough, if i bumped my imagination that much it would be problematic.

It sounds to me like you have a great chance.

...and chance it is, even for the experts.

There is the "horror" of what we call the "non-fruiting strain"

....which is always (or, well, most often) really the ignorance of
the mycologist regarding what trigger or env the fungi need to
pop fruits.

Good luck,


P.S. There is good stuff here, but I am a Trusted Cultivator and
Moderator at The Shroomery. If you need a high traffic volume
site (very active, no pun intended (cool shroom joke there ;0))
then it might help you learn mycology.
should the national question be 'is possessing seeds and growing plants, 'any' plants (in effort to meet your own needs in order to 'live') your self evident inherent human right?' ?
or do you think its better that we are all asking 'should we legalize weed?' ???

Good perspective
What is everyone using for a rooting hormone? Aloe, honey, kelp? Any different ideas out there, im always up to trying new methods. I recently got a product called Azos made by Extreme Gardening, has anyone used this before?
Alright, ya just cant leave us hanging there, someone has to explain it. :lol:

The same 'synthesized' organic compound that is in all the rooting compounds comes from willow
....I don't have time to research the name I used to know it-;-)

Thats what old timers used before there were 'rooting' compounds.....