My 2014 has been awesome... Yours?


Well-Known Member
Okay so I just wanted to let y'all know that I have been getting real positive vibes about 2014. After allowing shitbums to stay with me in their time of need I lost damn near everything. They stole my plants, equipment, bud, furniture, and $600 USD. My girl and I lost a baby. And it was hard to stay strong for us all. So late 2013 I got us a new place out of the inner city and in the burbs. We have struggled with rent, bills, food, and HERB. I decided to grow again, for my sanity and supply. With troubles here and there with my soil mix I have adapted quickly and now the growth and vigor is back. Plants are healthier, and so am I. I felt like growing again was a great stress reliever and really pulled me back to reality. I am not JUST saying that the growing produces positive vibes but doing positive things, working hard to dial my new setup has brought out changes in my attitude. Looking at the fact that taxes are coming back, I go out of state on a new buisness venture and get to come back with a nice $7,000 bonus if it all goes well I am extremely stoked. I Thank God, thank you guys, and thank my VERY strong partner. We needed this so bad, just a month and we will starve for nothing again. 2014 is great so far and I plan on putting a ring on the Mrs once we again can afford LIFE. I hope y'all have positive vibes 2014 and lemme know how it's been so far!

PS Ohh! I forgot to mention COLORADO here we come


Well-Known Member
Glad to hear some positive news for ya wdk420...feel ya! my last year had more ups n downs than a Roller Coaster...2014 gonna be a Wicked Yr!



Well-Known Member
Okay so I just wanted to let y'all know that I have been getting real positive vibes about 2014. After allowing shitbums to stay with me in their time of need I lost damn near everything. They stole my plants, equipment, bud, furniture, and $600 USD. My girl and I lost a baby. And it was hard to stay strong for us all. So late 2013 I got us a new place out of the inner city and in the burbs. We have struggled with rent, bills, food, and HERB. I decided to grow again, for my sanity and supply. With troubles here and there with my soil mix I have adapted quickly and now the growth and vigor is back. Plants are healthier, and so am I. I felt like growing again was a great stress reliever and really pulled me back to reality. I am not JUST saying that the growing produces positive vibes but doing positive things, working hard to dial my new setup has brought out changes in my attitude. Looking at the fact that taxes are coming back, I go out of state on a new buisness venture and get to come back with a nice $7,000 bonus if it all goes well I am extremely stoked. I Thank God, thank you guys, and thank my VERY strong partner. We needed this so bad, just a month and we will starve for nothing again. 2014 is great so far and I plan on putting a ring on the Mrs once we again can afford LIFE. I hope y'all have positive vibes 2014 and lemme know how it's been so far!

PS Ohh! I forgot to mention COLORADO here we come
Why are you THANKING GOD???
Do the Tooth Fairies and Rainbow Cloud Pixies take January off?


Well-Known Member
Glad to hear some positive news for ya wdk420...feel ya! my last year had more ups n downs than a Roller Coaster...2014 gonna be a Wicked Yr!

How do you know that "2014 gonna be Wicked...."???
You could get hit by a bus tomorrow, have your life saved in hospital, then get told you have terminal testicular cancer.

Enough with the Oprah Winfrey style 'feeling good through self delusion' method.

I'm going to do all I can to make 2014 a great year.
I'm going to plan and work hard and, hopefully, EARN a good year.

It will have nothing to do with GOD - That much I can tell you!
And very little to do with 'positive visualisation' or 'yogic flying' or 'aspirational meditation'.
It will come down to preplanning AND work!


Well-Known Member
How do you know that "2014 gonna be Wicked...."???
You could get hit by a bus tomorrow, have your life saved in hospital, then get told you have terminal testicular cancer.

Enough with the Oprah Winfrey style 'feeling good through self delusion' method.

I'm going to do all I can to make 2014 a great year.
I'm going to plan and work hard and, hopefully, EARN a good year.

It will have nothing to do with GOD - That much I can tell you!
And very little to do with 'positive visualisation' or 'yogic flying' or 'aspirational meditation'.
It will come down to preplanning AND work!
Ah pessimistic prick. That's more like what I'm used to. Brits do miserable well.

Hey but lay off Oprah man she's like Lorraine Kelly......only black and prob not as dirty in bed.


Active Member
In Scotland it's well know she puts out for a bag of chips and two pickles.

Hell, who wouldn't?!

On a more serious note, why are people being rude to other members for trying to have a positive outlook. Sounds to me that your life has sucked so much that you just try to infect other people.

Look into counseling or start smoking weed.....


Well-Known Member
Hell, who wouldn't?!

On a more serious note, why are people being rude to other members for trying to have a positive outlook. Sounds to me that your life has sucked so much that you just try to infect other people.

Look into counseling or start smoking weed.....
On a serious note, what you class as rude was an attempt at humour with some "cunts" thrown in for effect. Didn't think it was that bad.

You've gotta admit though, overly optimistic people are mostly just annoying twats :)


Well-Known Member
Hell, who wouldn't?!

On a more serious note, why are people being rude to other members for trying to have a positive outlook. Sounds to me that your life has sucked so much that you just try to infect other people.

Look into counseling or start smoking weed.....
Cheers DJapeshit, man some peeps just wanna piss on other peeps parades!! I don't let other peeps or their views grind me down...Last year for me Sucked for many reasons, but there was also many moments of happiness, Hence "Had more UPS and DOWNS than a Roller Coaster" I'm quite an optimistic person by nature..Who cares for negative vibes anyway...

My Glass is always Half Full, Never Half Empty...Enough Oprah! Lol

Anyways got my grow into New GR and about 2~3 wks away from harvest..and 2 of these(WW x Skunk#1) which I was told on THC Farmer, THC Talk, even maybe RIU..can't kill/chop..forget about em...look shit etc...Well I didn't listen and Repotted into some HUGE pots..and they survived and flourished :bigjoint: So I have good reasons for being Positive..never gave up and soon I will have some Nice Herb to smoke, 1st Grow that wasn't Bagseed nearly complete.. Its been a Journey the last year from 30w CFL to 600w Hps/Mh and double the grow space..Living and learning everyday...

WW x Skunk No1.jpg WW x Skunk No1_P2.jpg
The WW x Skunk#1

Photo-0251.jpg Photo-0252.jpg Photo-0254.jpg Photo-0255.jpg
The rest of the Ladies ~ 00 Choco Skunk / Delicious Cotton Candy / Bomb Cherry Bomb

I also pulled 21 Clones out of 24 from these Big can keep the Strains reason alone why MY 2014 is going to be WICKED! and the next lot won't end up like Jack and the Bean Stalk...

Yes the Blue Plastic sheet sucks(Put this over the Panda Film over the Window because I don't Think its 100% light proof) will be replacing with window box cover with Intake




EDIT: anyone on here got Lorraine Kelly's phone number......
