Chaka's Doing Me Dirty! 1600 watt Headband


good story on that strain. :-) its funny how people love familiarity. :-) Your GSC does look super good. I think you would dig my ak. I am still interested in FMILY's cherry pie. ...crap... I want everything though...LOL.
They're from seeds. I've never cloned it but will this time. I'm expecting them to hermie but hoping it's true that the clones do not.
They're from seeds. I've never cloned it but will this time. I'm expecting them to hermie but hoping it's true that the clones do not.

If you find a stable one maybe you would be willing to let one go to a loving home? :-) I have some trade-able genetics I think.

good story on that strain. :-) its funny how people love familiarity. :-) Your GSC does look super good. I think you would dig my ak. I am still interested in FMILY's cherry pie. ...crap... I want everything though...LOL.
I gave my last Cherry Pie clone to Keif Moon, if you like I still have LA Con and MK Ultra. They are just as good, I thought I had another Cherry Pie but it turned out to be a LA Con. Hopefully Chaka can keep the Cherry Pie going and hook you up with a clone!

So I'm 9 days into flower. 1k HPS on one side, 600 MH on the other. The 1k is 8 inches higher than the 600. Theres not a whole lot of difference in their development. Stretch is about identical as well. I do run my lights pretty high though and they do crossover a fair bit. Some are a little blurry, yeah whatever! I start at one side and work my way to the other side.
The view is skewed and throws off the sizes a little bit. Just go off the top ring since those are all the same height. The furthest left plant (who's ring you can't see) is blowing up the most and happens to be under the 1k. Fuckin plants are starvin'!
LA Medical Cannabis Cup!

Let's all go! Then we can follow up with the Chaka cup :)


Emily tried to get me to go to the LA cup last year and I passed. He said it was fucking terrible! Are there hopes for this one to be better?! San Berdoo is significantly closer to me though. Might be worth a jot, even if it sucked I didnt drive far!
Emily tried to get me to go to the LA cup last year and I passed. He said it was fucking terrible! Are there hopes for this one to be better?! San Berdoo is significantly closer to me though. Might be worth a jot, even if it sucked I didnt drive far!
The one in LA was Hemp Con, the one in San B is Cannabis Cup. The Cannabis Cup you can SMOKE AT!!! I am going!!!

What are you talking about your plants are starving??? THey look fine and are showing NO signs of hunger!