What is your personal Most Annoying Word?

Hey all,

I have been seeing so many race remarks around here and I keep wondering, aren't we the people (who smoke up) bound to deviate from inferior thoughts of differentiation. , because after all; we all are brothers. Created from a single cell :)

Spread the love,


blah blah go hug a tree

bitch (I heard Joe Rogan "own" some dude on a radio show and call him 'bitch' after his rant. The subject was enlightenment.) (the joke is inherent, eh?)

meat and cheese, fine. meats and cheeses, no good. especially meats.

also, ''no worries''. didn't have any, was just informing you.
my grandpa would call every fucking thing a "deal"
i don't know where this shit came from, but i use to hate it,
he would be like go grab me that deal on the deal by the red deal.
i'd be like what the fuck!?
my grandpa would call every fucking thing a "deal"
i don't know where this shit came from, but i use to hate it,
he would be like go grab me that deal on the deal by the red deal.
i'd be like what the fuck!?

Shoulda' looked for his stash ... Bet that deal woulda been the real deal.
That is exactly what I was going for. "I could care less" is continually used by morons, when they really mean "couldn't care less".

I once argued the point for way too long with somebody (my boss) about it. I used graphs n shit! But he still claimed that he was using it correctly. He also did a power point to 300 people where the first slide was 'Congrads!'. And then there was that meeting about the fake moon landings......