ted cruz slams oboma on stance on legalized marijuana in two states.

Curious, can you provide me with data that shows the Justice Department has prosecuted sick individuals?

I don't need to provide anything, all you have to do is look at the promise Barack Obama made below during his campaign to become President.
He's a proven liar, no disputing it.

Nuff said.

“You know, it’s really not a good use of Justice Department resources.” — responding to whether the federal government should stop medical marijuana raids, August 13, 2007, town hall meeting in Nashua, New Hampshire.
Incorrect answer.

U.S. 'secret war' expands globally as Special Operations forces take larger role

Beneath its commitment to soft-spoken diplomacy and beyond the combat zones of Afghanistan and Iraq, the Obama administration has significantly expanded a largely secret U.S. war against al-Qaeda and other radical groups, according to senior military and administration officials.

Special Operations forces have grown both in number and budget, and are deployed in 75 countries, compared with about 60 at the beginning of last year. In addition to units that have spent years in the Philippines and Colombia, teams are operating in Yemen and elsewhere in the Middle East, Africa and Central Asia.

The surge in Special Operations deployments, along with intensified CIA drone attacks in western Pakistan, is the other side of the national security doctrine of global engagement and domestic values President Obama released last week.

Your penis is so very, very small.
I don't need to provide anything

yes you do, actually.

you showed some quotes obama made and claimed he broke them. see4 asked for you to provide evidence that he broke them, you refuse because you are unable to provide evidence.

it is similar to how you refuse to meet for lunch because you have a small, small penis.
yes you do, actually.

you showed some quotes obama made and claimed he broke them. see4 asked for you to provide evidence that he broke them, you refuse because you are unable to provide evidence.

it is similar to how you refuse to meet for lunch because you have a small, small penis.

hey! wait a minute!..how come you want to take these guys out to lunch and golf and i don't get an invite?:lol:
hey! wait a minute!..how come you want to take these guys out to lunch and golf and i don't get an invite?:lol:

So the small penis thing...on a golf course? Too much estrogen, maybe. What could you subtract from that? :)

Do you play, by chance?
yes you do, actually.

you showed some quotes obama made and claimed he broke them. see4 asked for you to provide evidence that he broke them, you refuse because you are unable to provide evidence.

it is similar to how you refuse to meet for lunch because you have a small, small penis.

Not at all, I cited one of the promises Obama broke, no need for any more.
Besides, you're a bigger dipshit than Cheezy and that's saying a lot.
"Read my lips - no new taxes"

"Let me tell you what else I'm worried about: I'm worried about an opponent who uses nation building and the military in the same sentence. See, our view of the military is for our military to be properly prepared to fight and win war and, therefore, prevent war from happening in the first place."

Balance the budget
*End draft registration.
*Eliminate Department of Energy
*Eliminate Department of Education

"Peace with Honor"
Sure, but we are talking about one that kept none.

Create new financial regulations
Promise Kept
Obama signed a major overhaul of the finance industry into law in
2010, including a Consumer Financial Protection Bureau aimed at
helping average Americans.
Sign a “universal” healthcare bill
Promise Kept
Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2013/01/19/3190442/politifact-and-president-obama.html#storylink=cpy

Tracking President Barack Obama’s 508 campaign promises
OVERALL 239 130 139

So he either kept or compromised on 369 promises - not bad.
Create new financial regulations
Promise Kept
Obama signed a major overhaul of the finance industry into law in
2010, including a Consumer Financial Protection Bureau aimed at
helping average Americans.
Sign a “universal” healthcare bill
Promise Kept
Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2013/01/19/3190442/politifact-and-president-obama.html#storylink=cpy

Tracking President Barack Obama’s 508 campaign promises
OVERALL 239 130 139

So he either kept or compromised on 369 promises - not bad.

Dont even bother. Ever since Obamacare , Benghazi and The IRS scandal fell thru for the Republcians. The new talking point in the echo chamber is he is a liar. It appeals to emotion and is harder to disprove
Create new financial regulations
Promise Kept
Obama signed a major overhaul of the finance industry into law in
2010, including a Consumer Financial Protection Bureau aimed at
helping average Americans.
Sign a “universal” healthcare bill
Promise Kept
Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2013/01/19/3190442/politifact-and-president-obama.html#storylink=cpy

Tracking President Barack Obama’s 508 campaign promises
OVERALL 239 130 139

So he either kept or compromised on 369 promises - not bad.

Obamacare IS NOT universal health care, it's the best thing that has ever happened to health insurance industry.
Dont even bother. Ever since Obamacare , Benghazi and The IRS scandal fell thru for the Republcians. The new talking point in the echo chamber is he is a liar. It appeals to emotion and is harder to disprove

Didn't we have a president who claimed he knew nothing about arms, contras and Nicaragua? Who was that fella again?
Obamacare IS NOT universal health care, it's the best thing that has ever happened to health insurance industry.

Not the point, you said Obama hasn't kept any of his promises, he is the first and only president to accomplish some sort of national health care - and if the right would quit it's incessant whining and get off the mark, they might just help fix it. Kinda like Medicare Part D maybe? The Dems had no problem with helping it along.
Obamacare IS NOT universal health care, it's the best thing that has ever happened to health insurance industry.

Of course that is why the health insurance industry spent 130 million dollars so far fighting it

And that isnt even counting campaign contributions
Some minor compromises - sure, but major issues that he was running his mouths about during his campaigns like immigration, Afghanistan, Guantanamo Bay etc.. The financial overhaul? He signed a few meaningless papers that had zero effect in helping anybody but big businesses. He even had the balls, or whatever passes for balls in his family, to say on veterans day how he is going to get the veterans the benefits they deserve after repeatedly slashing our educational and medical benefits throughout his presidency. Not saying Romney or any other of those jerk-offs would have been any better but stop acting like Obama is some fucking god sent. Just another worthless politician sold out through campaign contributions.

...oops, wrong quote, lol
Of course that is why the health insurance industry spent 130 million dollars so far fighting it

And that isnt even counting campaign contributions

Now you're just making stuff up. Obamacare even has bailout option for insurance companies. Plus maybe you can explain to me how making health insurance mandatory for everybody is not a good thing for insurance companies..
Now you're just making stuff up. Obamacare even has bailout option for insurance companies. Plus maybe you can explain to me how making health insurance mandatory for everybody is not a good thing for insurance companies..

Busted! Health Insurers Secretly Spent Huge To Defeat Health Care Reform While Pretending To Support Obamacare
No matter what your perspective on the Affordable Care Act, this shocking bit of news should concern—and disturb—you greatly.
According to the National Journal’s Influence Alley, at the very same time the American Health Insurance Plans (AHIP)—the health insurance industry super lobby—was cutting a deal with the White House leading to its stated support of the proposed Obamacare legislation, they were secretly funneling huge amounts money to the Chamber of Commerce to be spent on advertising designed to convince the public that the legislation should be defeated.

How much money?
A stunning $102.4 million spent over just 15 months.
While one would not think that so much money could be spent in secret, AHIP pulled it off by utilizing a completely legal process of funneling the cash to the Chamber under the radar while putting the giant expenditure on their books under the simple heading of ‘advocacy’.