Organic or Chemical??

Organic or Chemical?

  • Organic

    Votes: 16 76.2%
  • Chemical

    Votes: 5 23.8%

  • Total voters

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
So where do I get this lightbulb and all for $15 to do a 5 x 10 area(centimeters)?
What do you mean light bulb and all? I mean for the soil! You spend the same money I do for lighting and you said soil growing costs more!! So lighting etc. does not count!
Actually, your right. I put $15 USD in soil for an area of 8 feet by 10 feet. No, that's not my total used space.....I use Potter's Gold and get a bulk buy discount direct from the maker, 1 bag free for every 4 I buy when I buy a full skid. It does last me too.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Many say non-organic product taste better than chemical nutrients growing. One thing flush 2 weeks for non-organic and 4 weeks for chemical nutrients, *advanced, ect)_Never used non-organic but thinking of using Budswell and their super tea - go organic
You must be way more buzzed than I am:)

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
What do you mean light bulb and all? I mean for the soil! You spend the same money I do for lighting and you said soil growing costs more!! So lighting etc. does not count!
Actually, your right. I put $15 USD in soil for an area of 8 feet by 10 feet. No, that's not my total used space.....I use Potter's Gold and get a bulk buy discount direct from the maker, 1 bag free for every 4 I buy when I buy a full skid. It does last me too.
Last time I checked a bag of Promix was $29 a bag(at a garden store), hydroton or clay gravel is $40 at a hydro store. The lava rock grow pellets are even cheaper. The rock can be reused for years in a table. A timer and a pump does the watering. Valves on a timer water the moms. I'm sure every grower regardless of whatever method uses water. A large plant will use about 1/2 litre of water everyday.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
I would like to point out that just because it was grown in soil doesn't make it organically grown. Magic mushrooms grow in cow paddy fields. For this reason I quit eating them. After a little more thought I figured I'd rather not smoke from the stuff either. Foodstuffs are different, our stamachs were made to deal with this. Smoking isn't natural.
giant oil tankers leaking thousands of gallons of oil into the ocean, does not mean it's right for me to pour engine oil down the sink.

people misusing and abusing fresh water sources, does not mean it's right to do so yourself.

that kind of thought process is poison.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
You are correct. All soil grows are not organic. I use organic amended soils that do not require nutrient "feedings" for 30 days.....At that point I begin feed with enough ORGANIC material to go about 30 more days.....I also use my own AACT teas.
I do not use "PROMIX". I still say that I spend LESS overall on growing my organic to your "synthetic" hydro over the life of your bottled nutrient and amendments, additives or supplements you use, in comparison to my dry organic nutrient!
Hmm..."cowpatties" are organic! And LSD is synthetic.....Have you ever been to the Vally of the Golden Mushroom in Puerto Rico? Oh never mind that's another story for another topic.

I'm done now and will not be baited back into this battle.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Lol these organic guys crack me up with their false knowledge they wants to try and spread. If they were true organics guys then they would know that organic gardening is not really any better then synthetic gardening/ The left over build up from organic gardens also cause eco damage as the salt build up from them along with things like manure run off or guano run off changes the soild ph and can kill of new plant life and cause water toxicity. Its the same with those people who champion electric cars being better then gas cars for the environmnet...but they forget they need electricity which comes from coal or nuclear for the most part which increase pollution then the fact the batteries are toxic to the earth for 100s of years much much longer then oil or gas run off. Then you had someone try and say image the wasted water in hydro you should be ashamed.. yeah right because being efficient in the shortest time with higher yields is so much worse then depleting soils for smaller gains longer environmental damage and inefficiency. I guess those organic indoor lights are electricity free huh...Its nothing mre then personal preference as either way has its economic effects and poisons.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Where are "salt" build-ups coming from Organic? I sure don't piss in my nutrients,,,yet a lot of synthetics are made from UREA.
It takes the same oil,coal and Nuke power to make your your synthetics as it does to power an electric car....As far as guano runoff goes....It's farm animals and short sighted farmers that with a bit of understanding of the problem and how to do some adjustments around the farm, most of that problem can be reversed!

And on your last thoughts you are EXACTLY correct! At some point we should all begin to care about these things....Like I said in an earlier post in this thread, potassium available to be mined. Only 25-30 years left! Guess everyone will be going organic in time ah? What kind of legacy are we leaving for our kids? And theirs?
The point being is we should all get along...and TRY to make a difference. Btw, my house runs on wind/solar.

Not going to jump back in for your retort now either.
I have never had any organically grown buds before, at least to my knowledge, but I am going to have to say I would prefer organic over chemical if I had the choice at same price.


Well-Known Member
if it comes in a bottle, it's most likely not very organic. Organic based nutes are not organic really at all. If I recall correctly, only 15% of it actually has to be from an "organic" source.
First off that's a whole different topic if it says its an organic fertilizer for sake of this particular discussion it counts as organic..what I was particularly referring to is general organics liquid nutes and they are completely organic in fact a couple bottles are even veganic


Well-Known Member
And on your last thoughts you are EXACTLY correct! At some point we should all begin to care about these things....Like I said in an earlier post in this thread, potassium available to be mined. Only 25-30 years left! Guess everyone will be going organic in time ah? What kind of legacy are we leaving for our kids? And theirs?
Hmm I found that very hard to believe, from everything I looked up we still have 250 years of potassium in reserve ready to be mined lol Idk one of us found incorrect information and yours is harder to believe i'm leaning toward that being wrong..


Active Member
I stay with organic always.
fuk that chemical shit
dont mind smoking it but
when im growin i like organic

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Hmm I found that very hard to believe, from everything I looked up we still have 250 years of potassium in reserve ready to be mined lol Idk one of us found incorrect information and yours is harder to believe i'm leaning toward that being wrong..
My bad! I had that wrong......I should have said Phosphorus, and that's the available amount left in the US!
That's what I get for listening to my Partner and not investigating it for myself!
You sir are total correct!
I apologize to all who may have been misled!

Here is an "out-take" from a report on the Phos. for the facts.
Ninety percent of the phosphate rock reserves are located in just five countries: Morocco, China, South Africa, Jordan and the United States. The U.S., which has 25 years of phosphate rock reserves left, imports a substantial amount of phosphate rock from Morocco, which controls up to 85 percent of the remaining phosphate rock reserves. However, many of Morocco’s mines are located in Western Sahara, which Morocco has occupied against international law. Despite the prevalence of phosphorus on earth, only a small percentage of it can be mined because of physical, economic, energy or legal constraints.
In 2008, phosphate rock prices spiked 800 percent because of higher oil prices, increased demand for fertilizer (due to more meat consumption) and biofuels, and a short-term lack of availability of phosphate rock. This led to surging food prices, which hit developing countries particularly hard.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
So when the world supply of refined NPK has deminished I'll be out collecting cow patties again. But until then I have the option of keeping the sh*t out:)


Well-Known Member
All weed is grown with chemicals, whether grown "organically" or not. Everything is chemicals and it's ignorant to think the nitrates in soil are different than the nitrates in hydro. The plants eat them all the same.

I hate to break it to you, but food has minerals in it. See? I called it minerals and it sounds like a good thing. You call them "chemicals" and it sounds like it's something unnatural and/or unhealthy.

So yes, I prefer weed grown with "chemicals", including water. I prefer it when my smoke is matter. I also prefer to grow hydroponically.

Now it's my turn... Do you know what chemicals exist in your soil? Did you know there's probably lead, mercury, and aluminum in greater than trace amounts, but that those metals simply aren't available to be taken up by plants?