Is Chris Christie too fat to be president?

ummm, maybe he's trying to make new jersian's feel better about him after the recent scandal by saying, hey look, i'm one of you.. i grew up here, i was raised here, and shit, for the record, i've never even been on vacation outside of new jersey as well all know it's the bestest state in the country, and i'd never dare leave this wonderful state?

read between the lines..his career is all but dead.
read between the lines..his career is all but dead.

so you're gonna validate obama with your clinging to guns and antipathy towards those who are different rather than stick by your man-love dean chambers?

was his skewed poll theory good then, but not now?

why are you breaking up with dean?

I won't be "clinging" to them, I'll just be keeping them clean and within practical proximity. Antipathy towards those that are different? If you mean different, as in I'm in this country legally, then yes. Never heard of, nor referenced Dean Chambers. Dean Wormer, sure.

The time has come for someone to put his foot down. And that foot is me.
I won't be "clinging" to them, I'll just be keeping them clean and within practical proximity. Antipathy towards those that are different? If you mean different, as in I'm in this country legally, then yes. Never heard of, nor referenced Dean Chambers. Dean Wormer, sure.

dean chambers is the fellow you blindly followed into stupid land with your skewed polls nonsense, you idiot.
well how is it possible to run for president when you 'live in new jersey for the rest of your life' as he just stated he intended to do?

Living somewhere for life does not preclude a presidential run. I think you are reading too much into this.

In addition, it is just barely 2014. Is your life so empty that you need to post multiple anti-Christy threads on the forum every day?
Is your life so empty that you need to post multiple (obamacare, benghazi, fake scandal) threads on the forum every day?

that's a good question, but you'd have to break reagan's 11th to ask it to the people who really spam this forum up with nonsense.
dean chambers is the fellow you blindly followed into stupid land with your skewed polls nonsense, you idiot.

Mmm, nope. Never heard of him or read ANYTHING by him...if he writes. You've taken so many liberties with your exaggerated and disingenuous claims of my predictions, you're starting to confuse yourself. Citation needed showing ANY post I made referencing him.
Mmm, nope. Never heard of him or read ANYTHING by him...if he writes. You've taken so many liberties with your exaggerated and disingenuous claims of my predictions, you're starting to confuse yourself. Citation needed showing ANY post I made referencing him.

so you got duped into repeating his theories without ever even knowing who he was.

you're easier to brainwash than previously thought.
Living somewhere for life does not preclude a presidential run. I think you are reading too much into this.

In addition, it is just barely 2014. Is your life so empty that you need to post multiple anti-Christy threads on the forum every day?

yes, i am empty women that's 5'6 139 and a perfect size 6 with porcelain i'm very empty and lonely:lol:
so you got duped into repeating his theories without ever even knowing who he was.

you're easier to brainwash than previously thought.

Nope, at the time I made the prediction of Romney's lead, major polls reflected the same. Just because you present them as being made right before the election is your dishonesty, not my error. I just let you run with it because I like watching you make a lying ass out of yourself, even if I'm the only one who knows it.
Nope, at the time I made the prediction of Romney's lead, major polls reflected the same. Just because you present them as being made right before the election is your dishonesty, not my error. I just let you run with it because I like watching you make a lying ass out of yourself, even if I'm the only one who knows it.

no poll ever predicted any consistent or significant romney lead, much less a 10 point romney lead.


if you're the only one who knew it, it's because the fantasy only ever existed in your head.
i don't remember

I'm looking for just the short version, everything is over 10 minutes. I'll keep looking. I see now that he was born and raised there, so he can get away with poking fun. He was on SNL during the Eddie Murphy time. He also did a great Springsteen bit.

If I can't find it, he played a Jersey character that went up to everyone saying "are your for jersey? I'm from jersey" in a really bad Jersey accent. I'll edit this for ya if I find it.

I am reading now that he made a run for the governorship in 04', didn't know that.