Buds outdoor 2013


Well-Known Member
Just remember the more you beat it the more its gonna turn green and have Chlorophyll in it.

Personally i do three runs with 10 mins of agitation inbetween each pull, and will keep adding ice do keep it super cold.
mine turns red the more I beat..... oh oh the weed, yea.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
some bad news, checked my jars and a few of them had white fuzzy mold. wtf. I was worried about drying them out too much because its going to be a while before I get into them and I let them sit for too long. has to be at least 1/2 lb. (im not going to pick out the bad and good nugs and separate) So I tossed it all in the freezer and in a couple days Im going to do a super large bubblebag run. I wanted to do this eventually with some of my stash so this is kindof pushing my hand. hopefully all goes well and I might even have to break it up into 2 separate batches because I have so much.

If I dump it all in how much is too much? Im thiking anything deeper than 3 inches of floating bud/leaves will be too much for good separation . any opinions?


some bad news, checked my jars and a few of them had white fuzzy mold. wtf. I was worried about drying them out too much because its going to be a while before I get into them and I let them sit for too long. has to be at least 1/2 lb. (im not going to pick out the bad and good nugs and separate) So I tossed it all in the freezer and in a couple days Im going to do a super large bubblebag run. I wanted to do this eventually with some of my stash so this is kindof pushing my hand. hopefully all goes well and I might even have to break it up into 2 separate batches because I have so much.

If I dump it all in how much is too much? Im thiking anything deeper than 3 inches of floating bud/leaves will be too much for good separation . any opinions?
Is your material dry, it makes a huge difference. I used the washing machine method and it works the balls. well worth the investment for people who grow. I would put up to half a pound into the zippered bag, fill it with ice, fill the mini washing machine with ice and run it 3 times. I'd get anywhere between and ounce to 2 ounces of premium hash. I have a puck maker to that works awesome. here are some picks of the system I have.


Pro Kit new.jpgbubblenow bag_500 pixel-01.jpgjack-puck-press-reviews.jpg This set up is worth its weight in bud!!!

I highly recommend this set up to any grower. I produced pounds of hash. That PUCK JACK is awesome. you can put the chamber in an over to heat up the hash and then press it into pucks. I recommend using wax paper cut out for the top and bottom to avoid it sticking. The washing machine method is awesome and no where near the mess and pain in the ass factor + plus you'll get way more hash and awesome quality.

Smartest investment I ever made. Paid for itself the first day!!

Dry the material to maximize collection. I had hash making with this set up down to a science. I had two zippered washing machine bags so I could keep production moving fast. I made a half a pound a day for weeks. Fun, Fun, Fun! The good old days!



With the 8 bag set up the 45mil bag 2nd from the bottom is the money bag. I threw away the contents of the first3 bags. I kept the contents of the 120 mil bag for cooking, and then comes the awesome stuff. The 90 ml bag will collect the heads of indicas if gently handled. I was in full production mode and used a hose to blast the contents into the bag below, 73ml. the bag that is the most fun and rewarding is the 45 ml bag. I remember my very first batch and there wasn't very much in the 73 ml bag and everybody online said that was the best. I was really disappointed in the amount, about 6 grams, but when I saw what was in the 45 ml bag I nearly shit my pants. Over an ounce of blonde with the most amazing bouquet of flowery delight. I'm killing myself remembering all this when I haven't even smoked a joint in 3 years.

1) Dry the bud/trimmings 2) tons of Ice. I recommend getting a great big cooler, a monster one, and go to the store and buy 20lbs bags of ice and fill the cooler, so you'll always have a supply on hand. If it was me, I'd invest in a bubble machine/washing machine and do it up right. for a few hundred bucks you'll reap the rewards. I have friends that do it the old way with drills and blenders and they waste all their product without retreiving a fraction of whats available. That's just me. Ice and more ice.... keep the ice coming. have fun!


For the record, after each run I put the contents through the bubble bags so I make seperate 3 batches out of the material. I've tried going for a fourth batch but there's not much left after 3 runs.


I don't know what size bags you have or how many are in the set. if you have 5 gallon bags I'd do smaller batches. I have the 8, 30 gallon bag set. better to run small loads if you only have a limited supply.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
thanks for all the info, the washing machine way seems like its the bees knees. Ive only got the 5bag 5gal set. hopefully will do that 1st run in the next day or 2.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
Oh shit, one of my big 3 is off the hook. I know I havnt been doing reviews like I said and I cant even find a pic of this one, but it goes mentioning. Its the one that taste like lemon and the high is great. IMO this makes all the difference, having something different to go to. I had been sticking with mostly a potted one and The biggest of my big 3. I was kindof getting used to them, so going to this really gets me feeling it. strong body buzz. I would say the strongest of the year candidate. glad that batch was dried enough so no moldiness.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
went for a nice big batch of whole nuggets. started off by filling bucket with 3 gal of water and just about 3 bags of ice. this was almost too much. the water level was a little over an inch below the bucket top. Let the water and ice sit for about an hour stirring every 15 min. got that water nice and cold. first run went nice and easy and got some nice full melt with a lot in the 160. and a decent amount in the 73 too. ended up doing 5-6 runs and still don't feel like I got it all. I feel like I cant get it all off the screens when I go to scrape it, a lot of it just gets stick in the screen and smooshed. I put all the bud and trim in the freezer for another round and that was less than half of what I want to convert so hopefully ill get better results down the road.

I really had to clean out the 2 most clogged screens and just used hot water in the sink. did pretty good but was quite a bit in there and wish I could have saved it. but now they should flow better and my bathroom smells great. hope to do another run today.


bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
oh yea that first pic is the huge puck I smoked last batch I made. took me 2 days to smoke that bowl. notice the holes for airflow.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
And happy MLK day. what a solid dude. knew what It took to stand up against the white man and led peacefully. I know there is still racism but things have gotten much better over the last few decades. Ignorant violent racism is almost unheard of in this country, and there are successful black people all over the place. Mostly in sports and entertainment but its all good.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
So today I figured out extactly what I was doing wrong. I don't know why I thought scraping off the bottom of the bucket was a good idea but it wasn't. I saw on bubblebags.com that they use a big salad bowl and actually go over the top (so your scraping with the screen almost stretched across). and use a little cup of water to help wash and collect the trichs. I was just smearing them and not even coming close to collecting them all. I wish I hadn't washed all those down the sink yesterday. :wall: that's how I usually learn things, the hard way.

But im happy I finally figured that out because I was starting to think I could do better dry sieving. Anyways I reused everything from yesterday including half the water so this batch is very green. but better than tossed out.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
stuff from yesterday is on the wax paper very nice quality stuff just wish I had known the right way to scrape it. I would have had a lot more.:sad: But im glad I kept the material and did the runs today and got it right. Got a decent amount considering I did 5+ runs with it yesterday. I really had to get whipping in the last few to really break up the bud, next time ill work with less and use scissors to break it up a little ahead of time. Next time I am expecting a bigger batch of what you see on the wax paper.

Oh yea and I didn't go and find a salad bowl, I just turned the bucket over and used the top.


bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
1. don't use good bud unless you need to!!!,(I should have tried to save some of the bud I used) I think anyone would rather have a months worth of bud rather than turn it into a few days worth of hash smoke. From now on I will only use trim. that first run I did with the nice dark gooey hash was the best one. After that I couldn't seem to get as much quality shit.

2. Keep those bags clean. especially the 25 and 73 It took forever to drain it on the last run. Im going to have to resort to iso. alcohol to get them clean. I know its not too good for them but the smaller ones are getting too slow.

3. Work on your technique. Its a science on the mixing and scraping. knowing how to get all the shit off the screens is important.

also want to get the 190 just to help take out more big shit before the 160.


Well-Known Member
1. don't use good bud unless you need to!!!,(I should have tried to save some of the bud I used) I think anyone would rather have a months worth of bud rather than turn it into a few days worth of hash smoke. From now on I will only use trim. that first run I did with the nice dark gooey hash was the best one. After that I couldn't seem to get as much quality shit.

2. Keep those bags clean. especially the 25 and 73 It took forever to drain it on the last run. Im going to have to resort to iso. alcohol to get them clean. I know its not too good for them but the smaller ones are getting too slow.

3. Work on your technique. Its a science on the mixing and scraping. knowing how to get all the shit off the screens is important.

also want to get the 190 just to help take out more big shit before the 160.
I never agreed with using buds for hash and butter, I mean If you have lbs on deck why not, but If the buds good I save it for smoking, and utilize trim for hash/butter. Currently I dnt have large enough harvests to supply me with bud for the year, some extra to sell and still have oz's to just throw in a batch of butter. someday...

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
whats up mrM, yea I knew I made a mistake when I saw how little I got. (I think part of my problem is the bud wasn't dry enough too) I did do one trim run early and that's what gave me my best hash. I should have just taken out the moldy nugs and try to save the rest. I was thinking I would have gotten a brick of hash or something, but I was wrong. Ive actually got 3+ ounces that I think has caterpillar shit in it so I was thinking trying my hand in some iso. Ive always been against it but I cant really say anything until ive tried it. seems pretty easy .

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
Ive been really looking into hash making the past few days and im really thinking about a bho setup. I hear you can get so much more quality stuff. and if you purge it right it will be butane free. Its a little more startup costs. especially getting the vac setup too. and would most likely have to do it on a decent day. wouldn't want to be freezing my ass off making this stuff outside. I found one thread in particular that I really liked (more than one but one that really explains shit) and it was no heat and a vac purge.

pretty much what I got is if you do iso you get less and a chance of getting chlorophyll If shaken too long. ive bought the coffee filters so one step In that direction. leaning towards butane.