Jock Horror x berry something


Active Member
I just got some AMAZING dank. It's a cross of Jock Horror and something that gives it a heavy berry aroma. I imagine It could be Berry Ryder. This is some damn good 1 hitter quitter. Very good head high, but still functional body high. Slightly increases appetite, and relives all stress. Only problem with it I can find is that after a fat joint at night, I wake up still a lil baked lol. All around great smoke, nice cure, and smooth smooth smoke. Tastes like Crunch Berries!
His name was Jack HERER, one of the most influential cannabis activists of all time "The Emperor of Hemp"...annoys me that people cant even take the time to spell the mans name right...he deserves the time i think :) without him we would not be nearly as far with cannabis activism as we are today...for fuck sakes people....JACK HERER lol
haha, thanks for the replies. I know for sure it was JOCK HORROR though. Still interesting, I will have to look into Jack Herrer
but the strain garrados is talking about is jock horror, a different strain , with similar genetics.
link if interested
rip jack

lol you might be the one that needs to get with the times ^_^
you're def right tho, recognition is deserved

yeah ive smoked jock horror and grew a strain crossed with it...but i still think some stoner just pronounced his name wrong one time and it stuck as the strain name ;P
His name was Jack HERER, one of the most influential cannabis activists of all time "The Emperor of Hemp"...annoys me that people cant even take the time to spell the mans name right...he deserves the time i think :) without him we would not be nearly as far with cannabis activism as we are today...for fuck sakes people....JACK HERER lol

Your too funny