Obama says Weed is no more harmful than Alchohol


Well-Known Member
[h=1]Obama says marijuana ‘no more dangerous than alcohol’[/h]
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CNN White House Producer Kevin Liptak Washington (CNN) – Marijuana, which is still placed in the same category as heroin, ecstasy and psychedelic mushrooms by the federal government, is no more dangerous than alcohol, President Barack Obama said in an interview published Sunday.
Speaking to New Yorker editor David Remnick, Obama said he still viewed pot smoking negatively – but that on the whole, the drug wasn’t the social ill that it’s been viewed as in the past.

“As has been well documented, I smoked pot as a kid, and I view it as a bad habit and a vice, not very different from the cigarettes that I smoked as a young person up through a big chunk of my adult life. I don’t think it is more dangerous than alcohol,” Obama told the weekly magazine.
The president said pot was actually less dangerous that alcohol “in terms of its impact on the individual consumer.”
“It’s not something I encourage, and I’ve told my daughters I think it’s a bad idea, a waste of time, not very healthy,” he said.
Two states, Colorado and Washington, have legalized recreational marijuana use. Another 18, along with the District of Columbia, allow some legal pot use, primarily for medicinal purposes. But when it comes to federal law, marijuana remains a schedule 1 controlled substance - a drug with high potential for abuse but no accepted medical use - and the White House has said that Obama doesn’t support changing that status.
Instead, Obama said in the New Yorker interview that he’s focused on making laws that treat users fairly.
“We should not be locking up kids or individual users for long stretches of jail time when some of the folks who are writing those laws have probably done the same thing,” he told Remnick.
In August, Obama’s Justice Department announced it would not challenge legalization in Colorado and Washington, and instead focus federal enforcement on trafficking cases and preventing pot from getting in the hands of kids. Prosecutors are now required to focus on distinct enforcement priorities that also include preventing driving while high and forbidding the cultivation of marijuana on public lands.
In the New Yorker, Obama said Colorado and Washington’s laws were “important” since they decriminalized a commonly used substance. But he also said the laws could raise questions for other illegal substances.
“If marijuana is fully legalized and at some point folks say, Well, we can come up with a negotiated dose of cocaine that we can show is not any more harmful than vodka, are we open to that?” Obama wondered. “If somebody says, We’ve got a finely calibrated dose of meth, it isn’t going to kill you or rot your teeth, are we O.K. with that?”



New Member
I thought you dolts would have learned by now, you can't listen to Obama's words, you have to watch his actions.


Well-Known Member
I thought you dolts would have learned by now, you can't listen to Obama's words, you have to watch his actions.
In August, Obama’s Justice Department announced it would not challenge legalization in Colorado and Washington, and instead focus federal enforcement on trafficking cases and preventing pot from getting in the hands of kids. Prosecutors are now required to focus on distinct enforcement priorities that also include preventing driving while high and forbidding the cultivation of marijuana on public lands.


Well-Known Member
I thought you dolts would have learned by now, you can't listen to Obama's words, you have to watch his actions.
Hahaha... Obama said what? haha.... This guy would say anything... Trust him. Hahaha
My distrust for him is well documented but this can only help our cause. There are many who take his word as gospel and this could change some minds. We need as many on our side as we can get. I would argue that it's less harmful, but his words are better than the reefer madness mentality I'm used to coming out of DC

credit where credit is due. Thanks Obama


bud bootlegger
So he thinks it has less impact in lives then alcohol, and yet he won't try and get it rescheduled?
And lastly, what is going to happen to legal Colorado and Washington when another president takes office who won't turn a blind eye to them breaking federal law? Instead of obama some what legalizing weed like you claimed the other day, all he's done is prolong the agony IMO.


Well-Known Member
So he thinks it has less impact in lives then alcohol, and yet he won't try and get it rescheduled?
And lastly, what is going to happen to legal Colorado and Washington when another president takes office who won't turn a blind eye to them breaking federal law? Instead of obama some what legalizing weed like you claimed the other day, all he's done is prolong the agony IMO.
Then ensure that a Candidate doesnt get in that is Anti marijuana. And until the Majority of states legalize weed He isnt going to reschedule it. That would be insane. Right wingers are already saying Obama is trying to get kids hooked on drugs.

Check out the comments section for the article posted
Here is a sample

Yora Nidiot

A stoner President.. what else would you expect him to say? We try to get rid
of drunk driving deaths, but allow a bar to be built on every street corner.
Then (NOW) we allow people to be stoned at any waking moment of their lives, cuz
it's "so much better than booze". When stoned-driver death reports come back as
alarming as drunk driving, what will we say then?


bud bootlegger
My distrust for him is well documented but this can only help our cause. There are many who take his word as gospel and this could change some minds. We need as many on our side as we can get. I would argue that it's less harmful, but his words are better than the reefer madness mentality I'm used to coming out of DC

credit where credit is due. Thanks Mr obama/QUOTE].
Thanks for what? What on earth did he do, but admit the truth for a change?
Well, shit, you're right, thanks Mr President for telling all us ignant weetards the truth and not lying to us for a change.. such a swell guy that obama..


New Member
Sorry, I just don't trust a damn thing that comes out of Obama's mouth.
I know first hand what Obama's Justice Dept has done to people lives here in California.

He said the same kinds of things during his campaign, history proves he cannot be trusted.


bud bootlegger
Then ensure that a Candidate doesnt get in that is Anti marijuana. And until the Majority of states legalize weed He isnt going to reschedule it. That would be insane. Right wingers are already saying Obama is trying to get kids hooked on drugs.

Check out the comments section for the article posted
Here is a sample

Yora Nidiot

A stoner President.. what else would you expect him to say? We try to get rid
of drunk driving deaths, but allow a bar to be built on every street corner.
Then (NOW) we allow people to be stoned at any waking moment of their lives, cuz
it's "so much better than booze". When stoned-driver death reports come back as
alarming as drunk driving, what will we say then?
How on earth is rescheduling insane? I'd love to know that one..
You know what is truly insane? Thinking that weed is anything like an addictive drug like coke, with no medical benefits, and not rescheduling, that's really insane..

And how the hell can I, or even you, guarantee that the next two shit sandwiches who run for the oval office are going to be pro cannabis?


Well-Known Member
How on earth is rescheduling insane? I'd love to know that one..
You know what is truly insane? Thinking that weed is anything like an addictive drug like coke, with no medical benefits, and not rescheduling, that's really insane..

And how the hell can I, or even you, guarantee that the next two shit sandwiches who run for the oval office are going to be pro cannabis?
Because many Americans think Weed is on par with Heroin and would vote against any democrats running?
You dont think that if he would reschdule weed now there wouldnt be any harsh consequences during this years elections?

Are you really that FUCKING stupid?


Well-Known Member
He's the first president I can recall that said something that was sort of not negative about pot. I'm grasping for straws, but I think it helps our cause more than hurts it.

Agreed though that he could decriminalize weed and chooses not to. Sure it's just lip service, but I wonder how many opinions he swayed with that simple sentence.

Anyone paying attention knows that our government lags decades behind society. I think it's because it's a generational thing. Unfortunately in this nanny state we've created, we have no choice but help them catch up, or just sit back and wait. I think this helps.

Balke Buds

I like the way he perpetuates the stigma that cannabis is equal to cocaine and meth....so by ending the prohibition on cannabis we are all accepting that REAL drugs are OK too and therefore we MUST accept those....idiots.
This is just more proof that he is nothing more than an idiot...he really believes that cannabis and cocaine are the same.....probably because he used to sprinkle the rock on his herb, just saying.


New Member
Or, of.course there's that other brilliant plan of.yours, legal to possess, illegal to sell, that also seems sustainable genius, what was I thinking? Fucking cheeses rice has all the answers to cannabis legalization.. hail cheeses, and Obama. Can't forget obama..
Yeah, I couldn't understand this theory of his at all.
WTF, how in the hell would this kind of law play out anyway?


bud bootlegger
And tell me exactly how Colorado and Washington are going to play out if there's a Republican in office next round cheesesus..
I'm listening.. how does Obama turning a blind eye on the federal law do anything for legalization in the long term? Exactly, until it's rescheduled, then no matter who was in office, then it's never going to last..
I guess we could do what you do, live in a dream world and hope that the next two people running for president will also not enforce federal law, that sounds like such an awesome plan.. fuck legalizing, let's just hope we can vote in presidents who won't enforce federal law.. brilliant plan.. get normal on the phone, cannabis prohibition is.over..
Real easy
You grow it
You use it

Wow such a complicated plan.
No goverment involvement, No cops


bud bootlegger
Real easy
You grow it
You use it

Wow such a complicated plan.
No goverment involvement, No cops
Yeah because even though every person can legally grow tomatoes in their yards now, no one, not a single person opts to not bother and simply buys them at the supermarket instead..


Well-Known Member
Yeah because even though every person can legally grow tomatoes in their yards now, no one, not a single person opts to not bother and simply buys them at the supermarket instead..
Yeah it's not like the USDA and the FDA arent involved with the food you buy in the supermarket

Heh genius?


bud bootlegger
Yeah it's not like the USDA and the FDA arent involved with the food you buy in the supermarket

Heh genius?
So what does that have to do with anything? I'm sure you must be implying because government agencies are involved then the tomatoes people buy in a super market are magically better then the ones I grow in my back yard? Is that what you're trying to tell me?