Dr Kynes
Well-Known Member
EDIT: maybe i should have told them i think the bitch next door grows since they "act on tips".
seriously, whats with you jews and your hatred for Tips?

or is it a secret LOVE for Tips?

EDIT: maybe i should have told them i think the bitch next door grows since they "act on tips".
the Jewish Card thread is Thataway--------------------->
A mention of a Biblical account doesn't say a thing about religious membership. Logic fail imo.
Forgive if someone said this already, but there he goes lying again.
Pot is not, no more harmful than alcohol. Alcohol is a liver poison. Alcohol can kill you, immediately dead or take it's time. It is like saying lawn grass is no more harmful than cyanide.
IAC, how many of those weekly military suicides, are guys that got so Stoned, they killed themselves? I can tell you a great thing for PSTD, from personal experience....pot.
But, seriously, it is a strange day indeed when the C&C says something like that to his drunken Military.
But, I do so get his point. And Self Rule is very, very difficult.
First we didn't want pot and now we do.
He actually said it was less harmful than alchohol
President Obama believes that marijuana is not as dangerous as alcohol and that the ban in most states unfairly targets the poor and minorities.
In an interview with the New Yorker, the president stated that marijuana use is not something that he would suggest for his daughters or anyone else, but prohibition has become a problem for the U.S.
'As has been well documented, I smoked pot as a kid, and I view it as a bad habit and a vice, not very different from the cigarettes that I smoked as a young person up through a big chunk of my adult life. I don’t think it is more dangerous,' Mr Obama said
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...arijuana-dangerous-alcohol.html#ixzz2rZ6RbcCu
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being able to say the word Shibboleth WAS flashing your "I'm a Jew" card.
thats why it was the password. the philistines coudnt pronounce it.
looks like bettedavis there has resorted to spamming the exact same thing across multiple threads to distract from his neverending march of lies.
i'd be embarrassed too if i were him.
Obama also said you can keep your healthcare if you liked it.
my opinion, there both good and both bad. if they are used like there expose to be from time to time. they wont bother you. but if you abuse them. they both will fuck you. but if one toke every day quick buzz it will no do harm. but how many shots of liquor to get the same buzz ? 2 or 3 or more. so if your trying to get hammered weed is better for you then liquor. but for pleasure. drinking a beer is better then smoking a joint. they both have a trade off. I rather be high then drunk . no hang over . It lowers my blood pressure. im not sick the next day. and I get smart thoughts going. drinking just gets me dizzy sick an hour later head ache . raised the blood pressure put on weight .
That's weird becuase me and the vast majority of Americans actually did get to keep our Healthcare insurance.