Haha funny you mentioned i just went to a bar the other day where they made mojito with hierba buena instead of mint, the best mojito ever. I will try your tho to compare hehe.
Cool hope the place is nice, if your friend needs i can help make it nicer
Ye the weather was horrible in my village a pine tree fell over though i find bad weather never sticks for longer than 3 days max around here.
Ye Moncho is a rescue dog from Mataro, really good perrera they were talking to me for 2 hours even before i saw any dogs very thorough. Hes older about 6 or 7 years, chilled well behaved and obidient. Ive been clicker training everyday and he can now sit, lie down and stand pretty much on cue also keep eye contact when i call his name(working on this but gets better everyday), i think he got confused with the english pretty sure he was spoken to in catala before. Still kinda wished id gotten a puppy but they really advised against it as a first dog especially with the breeds i wanted.