Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
Looks like denvers gonna take it, i got my fingers crossed for seattle. Go hawks! I picked denver too, last game they played the defence and the run was amazing. Theyre going to be tough for whoever faces tham.


Well-Known Member

Well its my 2nd attempt. 1st run i had alot of issues. I bought 10 fem seeds 9 were duds. So this WW is givibg me her all so yes i am excited lol. And i wouldn't be nowhere near i am without Dank and his crew and a few other people :) but as of now all i see is just that 1 but im checking her later to see if i can spot more of em !!! :) and i am 21 so i tend to get excited like a kid in willy wonkas factory lol
Right on kid ;) dont quit, your doing great. Wait till spring when you get baked and decide to plant vegetables outside and grow your own that way too. All you need then is a home brewing kit for beer and your set for life :):):)


Well-Known Member
Right on kid ;) dont quit, your doing great. Wait till spring when you get baked and decide to plant vegetables outside and grow your own that way too. All you need then is a home brewing kit for beer and your set for life :):):)
Hahaha well... the vegetables yes.. beer no xD not to big on drinking...


Well-Known Member
Fuck Dank had to make my itch to start my RD gear worst. ;-) and I'm still buying gear from them. Didnt find Atamos at the local head shop. Oh well I found a nice connection. Got some good super silver haze for cheap. $25 for a lil more than a quarter. :bigjoint:
Damn.. Sorry bro.. I like some of their gear. ;) Been looking, and wanting to grow any I could locate here recently. Everything I'm seeing though is only in "reg' form. Is that the only way they sale their stock :??:

This is the kind I got for $25 for the quarter.View attachment 2965622
Hell that's what I let some of my tree go for to buddies. All my past tree I've been doing 25 an eigth on 50 a quarter. ;) Some I gotta get atleast 60 a quarter but not over that.

First batch flowering in 3 gallon, second in 5 gallon or 7 gallon, and final mothers left(looking to be about 6-8 will be in 10 gallon.
I will have clones of what I want to keep around PLUS new seeds popping along the way after the first batch.
Dang bro, you going to have HUGE fucking mothers if you sink them in 10 gln containers.! Hope you don't "over crowd" your room if you end up with a bigger amount of females then you anticipated. }ust a thought. I had that 1st Hubba Bubba Bomb of Dads in a 5 gln and that bitch got over 7 and half ft talll, and I had to keep my lights up higher, didn't have another light system for my little babies, just didn't think she'd get that big.. lol

i was gonna ask why you never sent it as i have no emails from you dank was gonna say are you guys that busy? haha just mis communication but resend it when you get the chance.

harvested the wreck so been trimming up the first part and i hate it soooo much because i am super ocd about trimming my bud so it takes forever.
lol.. was kinda waiting on 2 hear from you bro..

Same age as my mom. Who is single if you're interested. Haha daddy BEECH.
Beech KID!! Haha.. Yo Beech is goin be yo DADDY!! J/k bro. ;)

Okie dokie. And im positive something is eatibg my WW. I see more leafs that have been damaged and some that might be on the brink of getting eaten as we speak :-(
90% of the time if you start off with a "fem" bean, you'll end up with a female. The only way she would turn out to be a male would be, if your light schedule got screwed, or if you over feed (N) during flowering, or a "reg" seed got mixed into "fem" batch. ~ it happens. But like said, if you start "fem", 90% of the time you'll end up with a female buddy..

Well, you can definitely tell the diff between the size of the Diesel (although a lot more Sativa than the others), but I didn't veg the others, those are 12/12 from seed.
I did NOT however notice much diff between a 30 day veg and a 60 day veg last season.
Hey bud. I wrote you a post a few pg's back, don't know if you seen it or not. Didn't vever hear anything back from you. Just wanted to see how you was doing man, hadn't heard from you in a good while.. :??: Hollar at yo bro sometime..


Dam it took a long time for somebody to ask, LOL.
IDK if everybody else knew, didn't care, or used Google.View attachment 2966962View attachment 2966963

BTW, link, funny, coming from UD, is true accurate translation.;-)
HAHA I thought it was a "game" or some shit! Lol

Seriously the LONGEST thread ive come across to date lmao, was gonna take a look and see how the green leds work from another thread work but 1947 pages..... Funk that i say .... Too lazy and waay to stoned for that
Well, if you would hang around 4 a few, I do updates for the most part on a regular basis. There's a ton of coo ass people that hang round here, I'm sure if you'd stick around you'll see. ;) Thanks for following though.

Never heard of Tangerine power....Looked it up and the looks tasty
I believe SSC sent me some of their Tangie when they had sent all those other freebies for me to test. I had started the Fucking Incredibles though.. ;) Remember :??:

good morning everybody or good afternoon!!!! checked up on my WW she is 4 days in smelling PHUNKYYYY and getting taller :D i also saw this on one of my nodes today....
Good afternoon. ;)

View attachment 2967493 yall might have to blow it up... but there is a stipule and than calyx development near the tops of my WW still forming around bottom nodes... but is this a hair i see????
Looking good buddy.. :mrgreen: Keep it up!!


Well-Known Member
I have a ?. how the hell does a person give rep now.
Bottom of the post you will see journal this post, a star, and triangle. ..
Click the star
Theres a little sherrifs star under the persons avatar on their post. Click it and you give them rep on the post you like. Add a comment if youd like............trim trim trim :):):)
Damn.. Sorry bro.. I like some of their gear. ;) Been looking, and wanting to grow any I could locate here recently. Everything I'm seeing though is only in "reg' form. Is that the only way they sale their stock :??:

Hell that's what I let some of my tree go for to buddies. All my past tree I've been doing 25 an eigth on 50 a quarter. ;) Some I gotta get atleast 60 a quarter but not over that.

Dang bro, you going to have HUGE fucking mothers if you sink them in 10 gln containers.! Hope you don't "over crowd" your room if you end up with a bigger amount of females then you anticipated. }ust a thought. I had that 1st Hubba Bubba Bomb of Dads in a 5 gln and that bitch got over 7 and half ft talll, and I had to keep my lights up higher, didn't have another light system for my little babies, just didn't think she'd get that big.. lol

lol.. was kinda waiting on 2 hear from you bro..

Beech KID!! Haha.. Yo Beech is goin be yo DADDY!! J/k bro. ;)

90% of the time if you start off with a "fem" bean, you'll end up with a female. The only way she would turn out to be a male would be, if your light schedule got screwed, or if you over feed (N) during flowering, or a "reg" seed got mixed into "fem" batch. ~ it happens. But like said, if you start "fem", 90% of the time you'll end up with a female buddy..

Hey bud. I wrote you a post a few pg's back, don't know if you seen it or not. Didn't vever hear anything back from you. Just wanted to see how you was doing man, hadn't heard from you in a good while.. :??: Hollar at yo bro sometime..


HAHA I thought it was a "game" or some shit! Lol

Well, if you would hang around 4 a few, I do updates for the most part on a regular basis. There's a ton of coo ass people that hang round here, I'm sure if you'd stick around you'll see. ;) Thanks for following though.

I believe SSC sent me some of their Tangie when they had sent all those other freebies for me to test. I had started the Fucking Incredibles though.. ;) Remember :??:

Looking good buddy.. :mrgreen: Keep it up!!
Naw, I must have missed it man.
That's funny though, I was thinking to email you earlier today and I forgot.:wall:


Well-Known Member
Damn.. Sorry bro.. I like some of their gear. ;) Been looking, and wanting to grow any I could locate here recently. Everything I'm seeing though is only in "reg' form. Is that the only way they sale their stock :??:

Hell that's what I let some of my tree go for to buddies. All my past tree I've been doing 25 an eigth on 50 a quarter. ;) Some I gotta get atleast 60 a quarter but not over that.

Dang bro, you going to have HUGE fucking mothers if you sink them in 10 gln containers.! Hope you don't "over crowd" your room if you end up with a bigger amount of females then you anticipated. }ust a thought. I had that 1st Hubba Bubba Bomb of Dads in a 5 gln and that bitch got over 7 and half ft talll, and I had to keep my lights up higher, didn't have another light system for my little babies, just didn't think she'd get that big.. lol

lol.. was kinda waiting on 2 hear from you bro..

Beech KID!! Haha.. Yo Beech is goin be yo DADDY!! J/k bro. ;)

90% of the time if you start off with a "fem" bean, you'll end up with a female. The only way she would turn out to be a male would be, if your light schedule got screwed, or if you over feed (N) during flowering, or a "reg" seed got mixed into "fem" batch. ~ it happens. But like said, if you start "fem", 90% of the time you'll end up with a female buddy..

Hey bud. I wrote you a post a few pg's back, don't know if you seen it or not. Didn't vever hear anything back from you. Just wanted to see how you was doing man, hadn't heard from you in a good while.. :??: Hollar at yo bro sometime..


HAHA I thought it was a "game" or some shit! Lol

Well, if you would hang around 4 a few, I do updates for the most part on a regular basis. There's a ton of coo ass people that hang round here, I'm sure if you'd stick around you'll see. ;) Thanks for following though.

I believe SSC sent me some of their Tangie when they had sent all those other freebies for me to test. I had started the Fucking Incredibles though.. ;) Remember :??:

Looking good buddy.. :mrgreen: Keep it up!!
there you are! lol
seen you lurking forever ;)


Well-Known Member
Lol son??? I guess im the kid on here LOL!! Maybe when we all get together for a stoner convention ill cook up some chicken lickin WANNGGSSSS :D


Well-Known Member
Hey Dank, how are your Cherries doin'? You got any idea on what I should be looking for traits?

I mean I only have the two but they look pretty different. One is shorter, bushier, more side branching. The other is taller, lankier, less branching.

I see some signs of them wanting to show sex but it's still too early to tell. A male and female wouldn't be bad, but I don't think I'm that lucky haha. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
If you are talking cherry pie. Its Power Pie.. Blue Power x Cherry Pie from sin city. Got 5 going meself lol

Hey Dank, how are your Cherries doin'? You got any idea on what I should be looking for traits?

I mean I only have the two but they look pretty different. One is shorter, bushier, more side branching. The other is taller, lankier, less branching.

I see some signs of them wanting to show sex but it's still too early to tell. A male and female wouldn't be bad, but I don't think I'm that lucky haha. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
If you are talking cherry pie. Its Power Pie.. Blue Power x Cherry Pie from sin city. Got 5 going meself lol
Yeah same ones, yeah I've just been callin' them cherry pie for whatever reason lol. :-P

So how are yours going? Seeing anything in particular sticking out at all or seeing any consistences?


Well-Known Member
Yeah all 5 sprouts are shaped like swastikas lol.... is that trait strain specific? Haha....

Dank calls his Cherry Pie too. Technically they are Cherry Pie F1s or Power Pie if you look it up on sin city seeds forums.


Well-Known Member
Lol son??? I guess im the kid on here LOL!! Maybe when we all get together for a stoner convention ill cook up some chicken lickin WANNGGSSSS :D
Yeppers. You're two years younger than my youngest kid ;)
and for sure, you bring them wings and I'll bring some magic brownies!
btw, your WW looks great, did you find any bugs? very curious...


Well-Known Member
Haha, yeah idk about that one. :-P

Yeah I know it's still in the test so not much info on it. Just trying to collect and gather what I can for now.

Do you have any of those links that they talk about it on their forum? I'm going to try to look myself but figured you might have something on hand.
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