Marijuana VS Caffeine: Which is more addictive?

Marijuana VS Caffeine: Which is more addictive?

  • Marijuana

    Votes: 6 28.6%
  • Caffeine

    Votes: 15 71.4%

  • Total voters
i can give up smoking weed without a hitch. but just try to pry my coffee mug out of my jittery hands and see what happens.
dunno but I take 2 jet alert tablets + 2 spoonsfuls of canna peanut butter almost daily caffeine helps with the absorption and flow of the medibles.. (why Excedrin works well)
Caffeine no doubt for me. I can go days without a toke and never think about it but the coffee pot is where I head as soon as I get up.
But Nancy Grace says pot is "Highly Addictive".

What a clown.

What I am actually addicted to is Skoal. Nicotine.
Nancy Grace needs her pussy serviced by a cunning linguist....
I'll take one for the team...

I'm not the addictive type...
I wake I am at 100%...
No coffee needed... Coffee makes me jittery...sometimes... I like the speedee feeling...
MJ slows me back to normal...
I'm running sprints and circles inside my mind with the coffee and MJ alllll day...
Hittin the pipe....
Two days. That's the longest I can go without coffee before a murder will occur. Cannabis has had breaks, some as long as a few months some for 31 days, other times for weeks. I get a little grouchy if there's a stupid comedy on and I can't participate. I love dumb movies.

"what do we want!?"
"When do we want it!?"
I get a little grouchy if there's a stupid comedy on and I can't participate. I love dumb movies.

Wife and I just watched "The Jerk". Can't get any dumber than that.

As far as caffeine addiction goes I knew a marine biology professor who drank a case of Coke a day. Sugar addiction too I would guess. Every day. A case. Go ahead and call bullshit I don't blame you. And he'd drink a bottle of B&B (Benedictine & Brandy) every evening.
I've seen some people drink massive amounts of coffee daily to run their restaurant before.

Dave Grohl had to go to the doctors for drinking too much coffee

This thread makes me want to make a fresh pot of coffee.
I've seen some people drink massive amounts of coffee daily to run their restaurant before.

Dave Grohl had to go to the doctors for drinking too much coffee

This thread makes me want to make a fresh pot of coffee.
Now... I don't need coffee... but I love it...
Grammy B if she couldn't sleep would wake and brew herself a cup of java...
Then calmly lay down and go back to sleep...
Grammy B... I miss ya...

Coffee... I drink it any way... cold, frozen, hot, latte, mocha, I love me my coffee...
Pot... Fukk, it just make me a better person...

So, not addicted to either... but can't live without either neither...
I was on a behavorial modification rehab years ago for dope..
Lil did I know what I was signing on for when I went there..
Anyhoo's, if you did something bad, which there meant starring out of the window for a few minutes, I shit you not, one form of punishment was called a coffee, tea and soda ban.. I never had money for soda, and I'm not big on coffee but every meal we'd have iced tea, and couldn't have it on the ban..
Would get such a wicked head ache that'd last a good few days..
well considering ive walked several kilometers in a snow storm to get a gram, but didnt think to get a coffe on the way im going to say weed is more addictive
Caffeine falls in same category as tobacco for me if i have
it cool if not, its just a watever thing.
Smoke on the other hand depends. if i have had only high grade
then I'm a prick when I'm out.
.If i don't smoke but lower grades its watever.
But the problem is i only like high grade lol
I love a nice sativa joint to compliment a fresh pot of morning coffee, they even each other out. I think they are pretty close on addictiveness but I'd give up my joe before my joint. Weed always clears my head and reminds me what really matters. Hash on the other hand could be more addictive then normal bud I'm not sure because I've never had an abundance of it. Smokin some blue lemon Thai right now.:bigjoint:
i love coffee but i need weed with a capital WEED, also i want coffee in the morning, i want weed all day, plus by the time i get coffee im high as hell

i am way way way a marijuana ADDICT ive done most drugs ive heard of weed is the most addictive thing, for me, on the planet hands down
i dont NEED any drug I NEED WEED SORRY