Muffler for can-fan


Active Member
Hey guys, I just started on setting up my grow room, 5'x5'x'7' I have a 6" can-fan but its really really loud so I bought a muffler, I notices that putting the muffler on the intake side makes it more quite, then putting it on the outtake side. I took my 6" can-fan and inclosed it 1/4" flywood box, I insulated the box with fiberglass and styrofoam. I think it help some what. Should I have the exhaust on all day and night? Any comments on this?



Active Member
If you put one muffler on the intake and one muffler on the outtake of the Exhaust fan it makes it sooooo much quieter, its awesome. :hump:


Well-Known Member
yes very professional looking grow room. I love it when people take the time and effort to make shit clean and finished. +rep nice very nice


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I just started on setting up my grow room, 5'x5'x'7' I have a 6" can-fan but its really really loud so I bought a muffler, I notices that putting the muffler on the intake side makes it more quite, then putting it on the outtake side. I took my 6" can-fan and inclosed it 1/4" flywood box, I insulated the box with fiberglass and styrofoam. I think it help some what. Should I have the exhaust on all day and night? Any comments on this?
Great looking room! (and plant!!!!)

blade tip speed it the main culprit for noise. (or crappy bearings) Putting the muffler on will load up the fan (decreasing the flow) With the lights off, I don't see much of a reason for more then a pair of PC fans (or the like) just to change over the air. you might get a little more mileage with eggshell foam. (the stuff with peeks and valleys. Just chill until you wander across some cheap ) I've also heard that insulating the ducting helps too. (helps with heat also so its a win-win)
Hang the box from bungee cords too. (no hard mounting)


Active Member
Thanks guys. My roommate is going to move out so i'm moving my grow room in the room. I will buy a 5x8x7 grow tent and use my 5x5x7 for veg. I will put the fan box in the attic so I dont hear it. I will keep you guys posted with lots of pics.


Active Member
We hung the fan from a car serpentine belt screwed into the ceiling. The noise was coming from the vibration of the fan screwed into the wall. Hung the ballast with a belt from a car too. Cut way back on that vibration noise too.
My daughter was bitching about the noise...I don't blame her,