Update-day 8.
Ok first sorry about the bad pic quailty took them with my phone only means i have to take pics at the moment.
So to start with i germanated 3 seeds, 2 lowryder-2 and 1 swiss mix seed. I think the one that had sprouted was my swiss mix so i have put that in my green house now like intended, so no pics of that today. As for the other two well they don't seem to be doing anything! Still havn't popped though the soil yet, seems like forever since i planted them. Temps are now at 75 watered today as they seemed really dry again.
Update-day 1.
So since i havn't been having much luck with my lowryders so far, for the last couple of days i have been germanating 2 more lowryder seeds. (The same way i germanated the last ones.) All seems fine decided to put them in soil and in my cab about 30mins ago since i could see the roots clearly coming out the seed didn't think they could really stand another 14 hours being germanated so potted them up.
I have put clean film on the top of all my pots in my cab now as someone suggested in a hope that it will stop them from drying out so quick and keep the moisture in.
On to the pics, ok the first 4 pics are of my seeds before i planted them. then the last 3 are of them all together, the pots at the front are the ones that are 8 days in and as you can see still nothing! (Do people think i should start a new journal for my 2 newly planted seeds or keep them all in one journal together? Just wondered what people would prefer.) Oh forgot to mention only have 3 bulbs turned on in my cab at the minute decided to turn a couple off till they have sprouted.
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