Shittiest Job U Ever Had?.


Well-Known Member
Or in the case of a few here, currently have?.

This shouldn't be hard for most of us, considering every survey ever performed indicated the majority of us don't like our jobs.

Of the dozen or so, there were only 2 I can say I actually enjoyed. The worst was an in-office estimating position, doors and hardware for a construction sub-contractor. This company was so poorly managed, I never knew who my boss actually changed from week to week. I had to support a sales department that knew almost nothing about the products they were selling, while learning myself on the job bidding million dollar projects.

I lasted 90 days, and quit on a Friday with no notice coinciding with the pay period...which is usually the day people are discharged. I would(and have)rather dug holes in 95 degree heat as opposed to dealing with the stress and aggravation of that whore of a company.

Looking forward to reading your stories.

Worked one day at a cold storage facility repackaging 40lb bags of turkey parts into 1 ton totes.

I held the 40lb bag in front of me while another cut the bottom and let the parts fall out.

Did that for 8 hours at just above minimum wage.
Cleaning a gym n shit for minimum wage last year or my first job at 15 for the much lower min wage back then cleaning up an RV lot and some RV's
I worked on a highway "crew" one summer in Illinois and pretty must just drove the Interstate and State Highways and picked up dead deer, coons, possums, skunks, dogs, cats etc.

By mid-afternoon the truck was pretty ripe.
I worked on a highway "crew" one summer in Illinois and pretty must just drove the Interstate and State Highways and picked up dead deer, coons, possums, skunks, dogs, cats etc.

By mid-afternoon the truck was pretty ripe.
That's what I've been doing for the last 5+ years and I actually like it. Pay is really good and I never work longer than a 6 hour day.

I worked at a veal farm as a kid so I'm pretty desensitized to sights and smells others find putrid.
tuck pointing!!!!!! by fucking faaaaar!!! hand mixing mortar......... grinding old mortar out gets nasty.. every night when I came home and showerd the water dripped off me black.... my nose inside my snot would be black... it was nasty.... I prolly ate a few ounces of mortar dust every single day I worked.... fuck that shit
I'm a retired nurse and the worst job I ever had ws working at a hospital in ILlinois that specialized in cancer treatment. It's now one of the Cancer Centers of America hospitals but when I worked there it was privately owned and they used experimental treatments. They woul use DMSO in their IV's so the chemo would absorb better, at least that was the theory. The whole hospital which was only two floors stuk like DMSO and at least one pstient would die a shift. The job paid way above what the going rate for RN's was at the time but you had to overlooka lot of medicaklly questionable treatments. Worse fucking nursing job I ever had. Iwas there for about twoy ears because I needed the money. I feltl like Iwas compromising my ethics every shift I worked.

Worst non nursing job was in a die cast factory counting and loading hot aluminum castings in baskets. Burnt the shit out of my forearms even when wearing long sleeves. Sometimes the temperature woud be over 100 in the summer inside that smoky smelling shit factory. Worked there for almost 3 years. I was young and it was before Iwent to nursing school.
used to set moulds, from 10,000 to 60,000 lbs into 4400 ton presses, swingin steel with a 60 ton overhead crane, my partner lost a finger in front of me. 15 bucks a hour. I quit with all limbs intact
I worked at a Medical packing facility, would pick and pack medical instruments in 4 different temps sub-zero, freezer, refridge, and room temp. Company would guilt trip you in the morning "meetings" which is what lead me to quiting but not before letting it be know the hypocrisy of what they said and did. Work you mandatory 10 hr days and ask you to stay longer if you want. Was 90% temp workers (I was one) and treated permanent hires like they were gods. Honestly, guy would come in drunk everyday for one, people would lie about their time, had a permanent employee tell their boss get the fuck out of my face and not get reprimanded, the company actually went to the length of imbedding spies that would report back each day about what the warehouse "gossip" was and systematically terminate people. And the straw that broke this camels back was the constant guilt tripping of how the production was never good enough and that we save lives by sending out cancer test kits to people and on the same note then when it is the end of the quarter and we met their sales goals we stopped sending out the packages and were told to put them in the fridge area to then repack them all the next day and keep up with the same production standards like it would be a normal day all why you pass big hanging signs about "the customer comes first" yeah right. I could of had a permanent job there but I decided to have a concious and tell them they are a fucking sickening company that only cares about lining a few pockets and pissing on the rest of the company. Just a funny side note at the company party they raffled off a 50" Flat Screen and who won The regional manager that was from out of Cali who makes over 250k a year why the fuck would he even be in the raffle???
I worked at a tree nursery. Ball breaking work for no pay with guys that seemed alright but didn't speak the same language as me. Dirty, filthy, minimum wage and no one to talk to.
there was a reason my fast food service career ended before the age of 18... it was a good starting point... but I only felt like wearing grease and smelling of fries for so long..
I worked at a Medical packing facility, would pick and pack medical instruments in 4 different temps sub-zero, freezer, refridge, and room temp. Company would guilt trip you in the morning "meetings" which is what lead me to quiting but not before letting it be know the hypocrisy of what they said and did. Work you mandatory 10 hr days and ask you to stay longer if you want. Was 90% temp workers (I was one) and treated permanent hires like they were gods. Honestly, guy would come in drunk everyday for one, people would lie about their time, had a permanent employee tell their boss get the fuck out of my face and not get reprimanded, the company actually went to the length of imbedding spies that would report back each day about what the warehouse "gossip" was and systematically terminate people. And the straw that broke this camels back was the constant guilt tripping of how the production was never good enough and that we save lives by sending out cancer test kits to people and on the same note then when it is the end of the quarter and we met their sales goals we stopped sending out the packages and were told to put them in the fridge area to then repack them all the next day and keep up with the same production standards like it would be a normal day all why you pass big hanging signs about "the customer comes first" yeah right. I could of had a permanent job there but I decided to have a concious and tell them they are a fucking sickening company that only cares about lining a few pockets and pissing on the rest of the company. Just a funny side note at the company party they raffled off a 50" Flat Screen and who won The regional manager that was from out of Cali who makes over 250k a year why the fuck would he even be in the raffle???

These assholes still in business?...hope not.
Or in the case of a few here, currently have?.

This shouldn't be hard for most of us, considering every survey ever performed indicated the majority of us don't like our jobs.

Of the dozen or so, there were only 2 I can say I actually enjoyed. The worst was an in-office estimating position, doors and hardware for a construction sub-contractor. This company was so poorly managed, I never knew who my boss actually changed from week to week. I had to support a sales department that knew almost nothing about the products they were selling, while learning myself on the job bidding million dollar projects.

I lasted 90 days, and quit on a Friday with no notice coinciding with the pay period...which is usually the day people are discharged. I would(and have)rather dug holes in 95 degree heat as opposed to dealing with the stress and aggravation of that whore of a company.

Looking forward to reading your stories.

Roofing in the summer time back in my early 20's. 90+ hot as a mofo. Hard work, I lasted 2 weeks. Wasn't my thing.