Shittiest Job U Ever Had?.

Unit swamper in the joint. (Swamper is basically the unit janitor.) Had morning shift, and got my pick of job detail. That's what happens when yer number is older that the Captain's employee ID. Made $0.25 an hour, and they took half of my pay for fines and release supervision fees.

Or, asphalt scrubbing for a sealant company. 110 degrees out, rockin' the Little Wonder 13HP blower and a steel bristle broom. Started at 9.00 an hour, fresh outta the joint. Wound up running the shop within a season and a half. Those fuckin' kids: 18-22, college kids, athletes mostly. They'd last about an hour, before they'd start whining. Me and the crazy Korean would ride 'em till we broke them. Went through 40 temps my first full season - for the last couple months of the season the Korean and I were only allowed to work with the doomed -- guys that were gonna' be fired, but we still needed to work 'em through the end of shift. Everyone thought that when I started I'd last a couple days. Wound up running the shop 1.5 years later, instead.
Since when did San Quentin allow inmates online?...kidding of course but not far from accurate.


HA! I worked as a teacher at San Quentin -- it was actually one of my favorite teaching gigs. My students (inmates) were phenomenal people, but the teaching administrators were SO awful, and really dumb/lazy. I got fed up and resigned after repeated sexual harrassment from both a supervisor AND one of the union reps! (example: the female supervisors reprimanded me for "having curly hair". Seriously? You're gonna write me up for having bouncin' and behavin' curls??? It got old, really fast. Esp since they didn't say boo to the MEN with curly hair!)

Worst job ever? My most recent one, doing admin assistant work, for 1/2 of what I got paid 10 years ago, (and I had 11 years experience with this specific type of business). I had 4 different "bosses" who changed their instructions and minds, literally every 2 hours. I spent more time documenting their instructions, and emailing/cc-ing the emails to my various "bosses", just so I could figure out *what* I should be doing, and covering my butt when someone said "That's not how we do it here!" I cried every morning before work, and sometimes at lunch too. My bloodpressure skyrocketed, I developed a heart murmur, I had chronic infections. I lasted 18 months before I was "let go". There was no way I was gonna quit b/c the economy was/is so shitty, and I needed the money, or the opportunity for unemployment.

I've cleaned toilets in the nastiest bar in town when I was a bartender, and that admin assistant job is STILL the worst for me.
HA! I worked as a teacher at San Quentin -- it was actually one of my favorite teaching gigs. My students (inmates) were phenomenal people, but the teaching administrators were SO awful, and really dumb/lazy. I got fed up and resigned after repeated sexual harrassment from both a supervisor AND one of the union reps! (example: the female supervisors reprimanded me for "having curly hair". Seriously? You're gonna write me up for having bouncin' and behavin' curls??? It got old, really fast. Esp since they didn't say boo to the MEN with curly hair!)

Worst job ever? My most recent one, doing admin assistant work, for 1/2 of what I got paid 10 years ago, (and I had 11 years experience with this specific type of business). I had 4 different "bosses" who changed their instructions and minds, literally every 2 hours. I spent more time documenting their instructions, and emailing/cc-ing the emails to my various "bosses", just so I could figure out *what* I should be doing, and covering my butt when someone said "That's not how we do it here!" I cried every morning before work, and sometimes at lunch too. My bloodpressure skyrocketed, I developed a heart murmur, I had chronic infections. I lasted 18 months before I was "let go". There was no way I was gonna quit b/c the economy was/is so shitty, and I needed the money, or the opportunity for unemployment.

I've cleaned toilets in the nastiest bar in town when I was a bartender, and that admin assistant job is STILL the worst for me.

Yup. Johnny Cash wrote a song about it...
"Middle management, I will hate you 'till I die
You gave me contrary instructions and never once told me why"
Just about all of my 30+ jobs have been terrible. Food service, security, labor / construction, gyms, all pretty fucking crap. Only job I have really enjoyed was acting at a local theme park, of which now i can no longer do (due to misdemeanor charge)...

I'm going to school hopefully soon to get a cert in funeral services area, so i can either embalm or cremate. Then while making decent money, I'll further my pilot lessons and save for a plane. Eventually having my own business flying either tours, advertising, or crop dusting.
San Quentin musta sucked. I visited an inmate at Ft. Leavenworth once. Holy fuck. I cannot imagine.

It was so gothic and surreal, but that's because I got to go home every day. It wasn't my reality 24/7. It was probably a nightmare for some, or a fraternity for others. I remember looking at the wall in a housing unit, way up on the second tier, and seeing all these gross stains, everywhere. I hoped they were from peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, but it was probably much worse than that. I did my best to bring some laughter and hope to the guys in there, even if my supervisors were effing insane. I was, and continue to be, a HUGE supporter of prison reform and education for inmates or ex-offenders. That'll be my next job, I hope....:-)

Leavenworth is much older than San Quentin, I think ( SQ was founded in the 1850's? I'll have to look it up). If regular prison is bad, really really old prisons gotta suck worse maybe? I dunno. I feel for anyone who has to go thru that.
It was so gothic and surreal, but that's because I got to go home every day. It wasn't my reality 24/7. It was probably a nightmare for some, or a fraternity for others. I remember looking at the wall in a housing unit, way up on the second tier, and seeing all these gross stains, everywhere. I hoped they were from peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, but it was probably much worse than that. I did my best to bring some laughter and hope to the guys in there, even if my supervisors were effing insane. I was, and continue to be, a HUGE supporter of prison reform and education for inmates or ex-offenders. That'll be my next job, I hope....:-)

Leavenworth is much older than San Quentin, I think ( SQ was founded in the 1850's? I'll have to look it up). If regular prison is bad, really really old prisons gotta suck worse maybe? I dunno. I feel for anyone who has to go thru that.

He kind of deserved it. Sorry to feel that way. The whole experience ith this guy sort of killed something in me.
This could be the most hated tools I have ever used!!!!

well, when I started working in the sheep abattoirs at 18 , the first day I blistered my hands to shit on the hydraulic hock cutters, so they gave me easier work like sweeping the blood pit or pulling guts out. Good times.