outdoor growing question


Well-Known Member
I'm a grown man not some high schooler I'm not a fan of show an tell so how wouldn't anyone know its in my back yard to even start to look there for it
ever heard of Google earth? your the one who didn't want it to be seen from above.....


Active Member
All I'm really going for is lime a seven or eight foot plant with a few nice tops from topping or main lining I'm not asking for a 12 to 14 foot plant


Well-Known Member
If your looking for the invisible 1lb plant......it doesn't exist. Unless your growing in a very remote or secure location, security will be a big issue. A 1lb flowering plant stinks to high heaven during late summer, you can smell it for 100's of yards if not more. It don't take a hound dog to follow the scent trail.......

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
out in the woods I was worried about drainage so I dug my holes and put my dirt in, but also put a bottomless pot on top to act as a raised bed. this way if it rained I wouldn't have to worry about things getting too soggy. and soon enough the plant had roots underground so It never really went dry either. went out to feed about every 10 days and just hoped it would rain In between. worked good last year.