Well-Known Member
Damn guysThanks a lot for all this help !!!!!!! I'l be subbed to your threads!!
I've never planted anything else besides cannabis and I'm very interested in gardening.. Benfranklin I totally agree with you.. So many humans have become ultimately distracted that they no longer grow their own foods.. we depend on others to make it for us lol.. Fuck ->Monsanto. I'm going to grow my own stuff as soon as I got the proper experience/knowledge.. plus my grandparents were farmers/gardeners when they were youngerI;m really excited to get started!
It's beyond not growing our own food but most dont have a clue how to even grow it , harvest it , preserve it , store it, save seed, and preapare it for use.
If some emergency happened like a large scale EMP most of the population would die , becouse they dont posses the skills their parents and grandparents thought of as common knowlege