Bad Karma
Well-Known Member
Also a side note:
This Bad Karma guy is the biggest BSer of them all. He always the first to bash other companies based on what he's read people say in forums. Where's your grow journals bro? And what's with the horrid avatar too? You trying to be intimidating? Also what grown men are that into WWE wrestling?
The guy who just joined the board is asking where my shit is?
For those of you that just saw these pics in another thread, I apologize for the redundancy, but if I'm getting called a liar, I have a right to clear my "bad" name

Apologies Snot. I'll follow PetFlora's lead and peace-out of this thread as well.
You are the angriest of trolls that we've ever had here, so thank god you've left, now the thread can return to being informative, instead of speculative.