1st Grow. Fem. Cheese


Well-Known Member
it will more than likely go down like this, hang the buds in a box, move out of my apt, hang buds in closet for a week or so then jar them up. they are only goig to be in the box literally when im in the process of moving.


Well-Known Member
btw, i just took some pics when the lights turned off a lil while ago. i just dont know how to resize a pic on a mac computer.

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
very nice, those look very dense. Hows the smell- the cheese bio's describe it as a dangerous smell- hard to hide very potent... is it?


Well-Known Member
as far as smelling my whole apt, its not there yet, i dont know if it will, maybe i can smell it when im at the door of my bedroom. the plants are in a closet thats inside my restroom thats in my bedroom. my room and restroom reak of this realy strong lemony skunk smell. pretty awesome smell man.


Well-Known Member
thanks hhm, that means alot bro. i feel yea on the man and its hatred for this beautiful plant. july 17th marks 8 weeks completed, the 24th marks 9 weeks completed. if i can harvest between the 17 and the 24th that would be cool, if i can harvest on the 24th maybe the 25th and get the fk outta my apt, then that would be GOLDEN!!!! bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I gotta feeling (and it aint the clap) that its gonna work out just fine!!! Its obvious that you put a lot of work and care into those ladies!! I just cant beleive that much good can be allowed to have a less than steller chance to shine... *damn that was like a hippie rant, strange im not even a hippie...* to much smoking tonight I think.


Well-Known Member
your hippie rants are welcome here anytime bro lol. thanks for the compliments man. i have no ganja right now!!!! grrrr!:evil: do you watch weeds? i missed tonights episode.:cry:


Well-Known Member
was it a good episode?

figured id post this info incase anyone cares, my plans for my next grow:
ill be growing in a mini cab(filing cabinet) dimensions are: 42in Height, 36in Wide, and 18in Deep. 250w hps in a cooltube(vented), mini cab will have the proper venting goodies, and i plan on growing an autoflowering strain, hopefully the diesel ryder will be in stock when im ready to order.


Well-Known Member
yea it was good... celia comes back into play.. I wont give ya a spoiler!!

Im going to be getting cooltube to for next grow... prolly 1000k.. next grow will be way amped up compared to the one im in now... Looking forward to that!


Well-Known Member
its great bud... ready for some new though.. this is the second time Ive been given some weight of it... usually I get something different every two weeks.. gotten spoiled I guess..
looking at your avitar makes me think we are neighbors, well by state anyway....


Well-Known Member
keep 'em comin'!

can't wait to see the harvest photos... :)

even better -- can't wait to see the post-cure photos... :) :)
me either brother! ill for sure keep the pics coin and will gladly post harvest and post cure pics so stay tuned for that. thanks for stoppin by wormy butt lol. funny name:mrgreen:

yea it was good... celia comes back into play.. I wont give ya a spoiler!!

Im going to be getting cooltube to for next grow... prolly 1000k.. next grow will be way amped up compared to the one im in now... Looking forward to that!
lol thanks for the no spoiler! good call, yea last weeks episode when they showed whats coming on next week, i remember the detective going to celia and showing her the pic of nancy and guillermo. but yea im gonna have to purchase a 250w light now and a cooltube but oh well, ill later use the cooltube on my current 600w when the time comes.


Well-Known Member
yea man this shit I am now realizing is something I will always be spending money on!! I can see I will never be satisfied, always gonna be trying to make it bigger and better.. Im to fucking obsessive!


Well-Known Member
its great bud... ready for some new though.. this is the second time Ive been given some weight of it... usually I get something different every two weeks.. gotten spoiled I guess..
looking at your avitar makes me think we are neighbors, well by state anyway....
guilty lol:mrgreen: