Facebook is dying. Hooray?


bud bootlegger
There is an urgent need for meaningful regulatory restrictions on business. But that would be socialist of fascist or some shit. You know, biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig gub'mint.
But until then, I just rage against the machine. Sometimes I order shit on Amazon just to fuck with their profile. Yes. Yes I am a catheter using Buddhist who likes Nickelback and takes frequent vacations to Delaware. Yup.
i draw the line at liking nickelback, even faking it.. no way, no how..


Well-Known Member
I'm happy to say I never had a Facebook either.. I have noticed a big trend of people saying they don't like it now.. Everyone is about Instagram or Snapchat.. Watch in 4-6 years they will also join myspace and facebook as irrelevant social networking.

I gotta say I like Twitter for keeping up with news, bands/artists, other gardeners, etc. but it too will eventually be obsolete.


Well-Known Member
We're all in the thick of it, no matter how hard you try to avoid the data streams your "fish" will be pulled down with the tidal forces. The only issue is whether to be a big fish in a small pond or a small fish in a big pond. I personally like to be more of a cuttlefish, blending into the background when needed.


bud bootlegger
We're all in the thick of it, no matter how hard you try to avoid the data streams your "fish" will be pulled down with the tidal forces. The only issue is whether to be a big fish in a small pond or a small fish in a big pond. I personally like to be more of a cuttlefish, blending into the background when needed.
i agree, i don't post anything personal on facebook for all the world to see.. i use it mostly to talk to friends i don't see too often, or to troll tv shows i hate and talk shit to their fans, which is great fun imo.

i never get the people who think fb is a site to stand and give all of your political views on every thing possible.. i've deleted more then one person for doing so, and only keep one person who continually doe so because i've been friends with him for ages, plus, it's fun posting the opposing view and pissing him off..


Well-Known Member
i agree, i don't post anything personal on facebook for all the world to see.. i use it mostly to talk to friends i don't see too often, or to troll tv shows i hate and talk shit to their fans, which is great fun imo.

i never get the people who think fb is a site to stand and give all of your political views on every thing possible.. i've deleted more then one person for doing so, and only keep one person who continually doe so because i've been friends with him for ages, plus, it's fun posting the opposing view and pissing him off..
The devil's advocate is one of my favorite characters to play.


Well-Known Member
i agree, i don't post anything personal on facebook for all the world to see.. i use it mostly to talk to friends i don't see too often, or to troll tv shows i hate and talk shit to their fans, which is great fun imo.

i never get the people who think fb is a site to stand and give all of your political views on every thing possible.. i've deleted more then one person for doing so, and only keep one person who continually doe so because i've been friends with him for ages, plus, it's fun posting the opposing view and pissing him off..
There are "grass roots" "think tanks" teaching and motivating these Jackholes. The extremists have jumped social media real hard. I seen it.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
It is considerably more insidious than that. I am not worried about the NSA, they got shit better'n this. I am talking completely unfettered, clandestine corporate data gathering. There are companies that specifically exist in order to run great masses of uploaded FB pictures through facial recognition software. "Don't tag me, bro" hasn't worked in a couple years. They know. I object to such things. My data is my right and I won't allow these predators any more access than I must. Saw on the Colbert last night that a bunch of dickheads designed and deployed a garbage can that would read the depositors cell phone numbers - for advertising!

Facebook sold it's soul and now will probably pay for it. Sure, Zuckerberg will always be one of the richest peeps alive, but somebody is going to end up holding this bag of crap.
That's what I meant about Eisenhower and the MIC. That was when dodging the laws with contractors seemed to gain real traction.

Even if YOU have nothing to hide, I would expect you to be sensitive about people's privacy concerns. But I suspect that you just may not appreciate the consequences.

Right now, grocery/pharmacy chains can predict (with fairly high certainty) when a woman becomes pregnant by her shopping habits - before she even knows. What if they sell this info to "right to life" supporters?

On one hand, you got your computers. And on the other hand, you got your databases. And when you mix the two, we all end up with our own personal version of Rainman dogging our asses for just pennies a day. Trust me, you keep this shit up and it's gonna get all "Brave New World" and "1984".
Target and a motivated statistician showed what leveraging a database could do. To me the question seems, "Am I paranoid enough?".


Well-Known Member
Facebook is like showing people your vacation pictures, no one really cares because you weren't there.
Send them an email and ask them what they know about you. Don't give them your name or anything just a random unused email address. If they did tell you the information they will be able to tell you what you ate for breakfast more than likely in less than 5 min. I don't care if your an American or not, they have admitted to watching the whole world even foreign leaders. Don't blame them for everything, your the one who put your "Vacation Pictures" on facebook so they could get you in a facial, and retina scanning program. Don't worry if you don't have Facebook because if you have touched a smartphone screen they probably have all of your finger prints, and hours of sound and video recordings to ID you.

tiny roach

Active Member
I liked F B , at first..........I foind all my old highschool friends, after so long !!

One I'de thought had died, was alive and well, all my old gorlfriends I hung with.......who they married, all that. It was fun .

After about 3 months of stopping in each day, I began to see.........we really did not have all that much in common , anymore.

In fact........There were a few , who's political views were enough to make me want to "defriend" them.

So...........I left my pg. and my measly 32 friends, and went to blogging and forums.

I'm much happier, internet wise, now, and I stop into my F B page, to take and transfer, artworks, or photo's and usually respond to any messages , left there .

I, too think that F B has outlived itself, except perhaps for those who are very young, or older, and have no other way to stay in touch with family, see new grandbabies, etc.

I know I'm done with FB, myself.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Send them an email and ask them what they know about you. Don't give them your name or anything just a random unused email address. If they did tell you the information they will be able to tell you what you ate for breakfast more than likely in less than 5 min. I don't care if your an American or not, they have admitted to watching the whole world even foreign leaders. Don't blame them for everything, your the one who put your "Vacation Pictures" on facebook so they could get you in a facial, and retina scanning program. Don't worry if you don't have Facebook because if you have touched a smartphone screen they probably have all of your finger prints, and hours of sound and video recordings to ID you.
Why would you suggest anyone email the NSA or even put their IP on their site? Further murdering Zuckerberg seems extreme? Should we blame the inventor of the technology for any potential negative side effect of any of their inventions? If so there's a long list to murder. Frankly the time was ripe for this. If it wouldn't have been Z it would have been someone else.

The problem is anything sufficiently powerful has both a negative and positive side. Possibly we should be asking ourselves how to grow up as a world. Not pointing at the next enemy to murder. This entire scape goating thing merely takes our eyes off the prize: TYPE I (Kardashev scale).

What I wonder is how any sentient adult could not have seen this coming. I have NEVER had a Facebook, Myspace or other social aggregation account it just seemed seriously juvenile and potentially dangerous. Then again I was lucky enough to be a software engineer and specialize in network middle tier, we just didn't know to call it that then LOL! It was mostly flat files in the beginning but we advanced.

So let's blame MySQL :) PgSQL MSSQL ORACLE etc..., they are as much to blame as anyone or anything else. This is another example of anything sufficiently powerful having both a negative and positive aspect. Let's work on balance.