My first grow guys!



My plants aren't chewed on but here is my basil in the garden, all the top growth is solid because I sprayed organic bug killer on it, but here is the bottom growth, DAMN bugs...

You can see they form small holes in the leaves and then they munch the crap out of them...

This is outside in a garden, so much harder to control, your in tent and can keep them in check and fix it easily so no need to panic, just showing you what it looks like when bugs really want to mess up your plants to show you have only small issue and catch it early will easily be able to fix.


Well-Known Member
Okay cool I just don't want my plants dying because of a damn bug lol. And what's up green how ya doing?


Okay will do. Thanks I pulled some of that leaf off because it looked black it didn't get munched down lol also if it is bugs then why aren't they going to the other plants?
Im not 100% positive it is bugs but from the leaves that is my best assumption. I have 8 plants surrounding my basil plant, it got munched to hell and not one of the other plants have been touched, they aren't sprayed with any bug spray either. Bugs infect one area and then spread, it is just how they work. You will find with a lot of bugs this is true, infest a spot, breed, lay eggs, eggs hatch, infestation spreads.

I don't want to freak you out DONT WORRY your problem is small and you are attentive, just wait and watch (check the bottom side of leaves), I will have a look around and see if I can come up with any other possibilities but I think you should be fine since its restricted to a limited area on one plant.


Well-Known Member
Im not 100% positive it is bugs but from the leaves that is my best assumption. I have 8 plants surrounding my basil plant, it got munched to hell and not one of the other plants have been touched, they aren't sprayed with any bug spray either. Bugs infect one area and then spread, it is just how they work. You will find with a lot of bugs this is true, infest a spot, breed, lay eggs, eggs hatch, infestation spreads.

I don't want to freak you out DONT WORRY your problem is small and you are attentive, just wait and watch (check the bottom side of leaves), I will have a look around and see if I can come up with any other possibilities but I think you should be fine since its restricted to a limited area on one plant.
Okay cool and yeah I've been checking everywhere under the leaves and everything can't find any bugs. Thought I saw something little and white flying through the air but it could have just been soil particles off my fingers flying through air. Other than that can't see anything..


Well-Known Member
Looking good green I feel ya on recooping I had to the other day beer and rum drinking game haha


Well-Known Member
Do u have a mite problem? They r small and cuz of heat they can multiply fast
Idk like I said I can't see any bugs anywhere and that's the first sign I have seen from anything that would resemble bugs..but just from reading that definitely could be a possibility. From what I have read though spider mites don't chew holes..


Mites usually don't put holes through the leaves though unless its really bad and you can tell by then cause it wont be limited to one area. Mites start off with little white spots all over a leaf first before destroying them..

Green looking good, those are some tall plants for indoors you usually only see that height in the professional grow rooms as most people tend to LST or super crop before they get that high. How much room do you have before they hit your lights?

I went through my seed order and have 4 autos think im just going to throw those outside next spring, that way I can get two crops, most of them flower and harvest within 3 months but my Sativas will need to wait till photoperiod and Autumn before they switch. That would be good if I could do that, 3 autos and 3 sativas at one spot and 1 auto and 5 satvia/hybrid at another spot. Would = to some pretty high yields perhaps.


Well-Known Member
Well I went in there. Havent seen anything munching on the leaves or flying around. Hm..


Looking real good man.

Any signs of pre-flower yet?

My white widow x skunk#1 is showing one fem - one I think is male but not totally positive yet
Darkstar(fem) showing fem
Sage n sour (fem) showing fem
Ice-not showing
Northern lights - not showing

at least 3 fems for sure now, pretty happy about that.


Well-Known Member
Looking real good man.

Any signs of pre-flower yet?

My white widow x skunk#1 is showing one fem - one I think is male but not totally positive yet
Darkstar(fem) showing fem
Sage n sour (fem) showing fem
Ice-not showing
Northern lights - not showing

at least 3 fems for sure now, pretty happy about that.
Thanks man and I haven't checked lol I'm too scared I was just being patient. I'll take pics tomorrow and see and that's awesome man. Hopefully only one male for ya!