My first grow guys!


Well-Known Member
I have a question for u. its about ur fan do u run it 24/7?
n how loud r they? im building a cab and want to order a
fan just not to sure which one it has to be quiet .


Well-Known Member
I have a question for u. its about ur fan do u run it 24/7?
n how loud r they? im building a cab and want to order a
fan just not to sure which one it has to be quiet .
I don't run mine when the lights are out. It's really not that loud. I mean it's noticeable if you are by the room, but it's not like super loud or anything its actually quieter than I thought it would be.


It depends on how many cfm you need for the cab to exchange the air, a fan with 150cfm barely makes any sound if you have it inside, but circulates a lot of air, so it depends on space and where you put the fan, obviously outside the unit will be louder than in.

i really want to buy a tent and scrap my cabinet space after this grow, but I don't thing I have enough room to fit anything much bigger than the cabinet I'm growing in now, and still have access to my closet grow space. I kind of just want tent inside rather than in the garage, as it's way easier to control temps, but with limited space what can you do.


Well-Known Member
My box is 3feet wide 2feet deep and 5feet tall will that 150cfm fan keep my temps down with a 400w hps(I don't have a cool tube) cdd could u sleep if u had ur tent in same room?


Well-Known Member
My box is 3feet wide 2feet deep and 5feet tall will that 150cfm fan keep my temps down with a 400w hps(I don't have a cool tube) cdd could u sleep if u had ur tent in same room?
Hm that's a tough one. I would say yeah. But it would take some getting used to.


Looks good cdd, I'd give it another 2 weeks just to bulk it up then switch if I was you.

As long as outside temps didn't get above 85 it would be fine, a lot depends on the intake air, if it's hot you have no chance even with a high cfm fan, it really is just exchanging air, so just keep that in mind.


Yours took off way more than my outside grow, I think just consistent temps, that heat wave we had slowed my growth to nothing


Well-Known Member
Yeah that heat is brutal I bet man. Well I just topped the bigger one so yeah I was thinking 1-2 weeks myself. The bigger one is growing taller than the others leading me to believe it might be male. Hope not though.


Growth doesn't mean it's male, genetics can make growth so different, you hear people talk of phenos, it is the type of genetics a breeder is looking for, meaning tall/short, strong growth, indica or sativa dominance in hybrid etc etc. a tall and faster growing plant can just mean that your pheno has these characteristics. That plant would suck if you wanted to use it as a short bonsai mother in limited space, but if you didn't mind the height it would be a great plant for fast growing etc.

thats why you have to consider which plants clones to use carefully, usually after you have tried the smoke also if it's a new strain/pheno, because even the same strain can have very different variety in the high. I'd rather a plant with a high that I enjoy and suites your purpose and matches your grow area than a plant that is going to be a sub-par high, and not suite your grow room


Well-Known Member
True good point hoping for the best lol :) hope it gets cooler around there man! It's supposed to be 7° low here tomorrow with a high of 21° lol


Well-Known Member
Just ordered some azamax but Idk if it's gonna get here for four days Ugh what can I do?


Active Member
learn about bugs (:
Then learn about mold.
Then learn about water quality.
Then learn about the life of your soil.
Then get bugs again and learn even more (:
And on and on and on. Patience is the hardest part of growing. Dont freak out (: Your doing great.

PS. Dont believe everything you read. But read a shit load none the less.


Well-Known Member
learn about bugs (:
Then learn about mold.
Then learn about water quality.
Then learn about the life of your soil.
Then get bugs again and learn even more (:
And on and on and on. Patience is the hardest part of growing. Dont freak out (: Your doing great.

PS. Dont believe everything you read. But read a shit load none the less.
So does that look like a pest problem? Lol I think I saw something white fly around. Just one though.. But I don't see anything on the leaves


If your concerned about bugs and want a cheap solution that wont hurt your plants till that stuff gets there just get some soapy water and put in spray bottle, spray on your leaves. This is a temporary solution, top bottom all over leaves.


Also you should have a fly paper strip in your grow tent, this messes up those nasty flying insects, just change it out once a week or two depending how bad it gets, ill take a photo in bit and show you mine you will lol


Took a while cause I was also cloning plants tonight, finished up with that and we will have to see if they root in the next 10-14 days. Trying to get a perpetual grow that I can run 3-6 plants as soon as flower finishes and I'm drying the others will be ready to move in, veg for a week under MH and then switch to flower (this way with dry included would be pulling a new harvest every 10 weeks), not as good as if I had a separate dry room or two tents to roll plants constantly but with the space I have I think that is pretty good. Saving the whole veg period with two grow spaces, but with Hydro and same nute spread cant really run different plants in same space at different stages of flower.

Also waiting on attitude order, if that arrives I will start growing Girl scout cookies from seed, and use 1-2 clones so just a 3 plant grow I think next round. If attitude order does a no show probably going to run two back to back grows with same strains and save my other seeds for now (have to wait and see).

Here is the pic of the fly paper stuff (see how small some of the flying bugs are, I cant even see them barely when they are buried into the back of my growth. Have had NO bites or anything out of leaves so far which is nice. Also update on my space and a clone pic
