Javadog's Next Adventure

Hey GD,

Thanks for chiming in. It was good to hear from you.

I will get some Bass. Thanks again for taking the time.

Well trimming my garage buds now.
They are so tiny lol, but damned if they arent the frostiest buds I EVER grew.

Trimming with no gloves and got high from it actually.

I have flushed, and am on water only, with the Chemdog and
Lemon Thai Kush, but the Blue Dream has been flushed and will
not be watered again.

I will be taking it right before lights on, within a week or so.

Week #9 is done in a few days for these plants, and I will likely
go 10 weeks for Blue Dream and 12 weeks for Chemdog and LTK.

Have fun with the contact high!

I love the perpetual thing you have going on!
I need to get something like that going.

I am thinking about using my Ebb & Gro instead of the hempys now.

I havent ever used is since buying it used from CL over a yr ago.
I was worried about flooding my garage or something.
I could still use the Maxibloom in the same way
Thanks Bass!

It is very cool to have one plant ready any time, two with a week
or two to go...and then Sour Kosher is coming on strong.

I like your idea....

The fact that you use the same feed throughout makes this possible.

A flood table would be optimal, just drop and flower.

Good luck,

Thanks Bass!

It is very cool to have one plant ready any time, two with a week
or two to go...and then Sour Kosher is coming on strong.

I like your idea....

The fact that you use the same feed throughout makes this possible.

A flood table would be optimal, just drop and flower.

Good luck,

My Dr said I am allergic to latex.
That is why I trimmed today without gloves, but after 2 plants I passed out and got a headache when I woke up

I suppose most trim without gloves, but I am a light weight by most ppl's standards on this forum lol.

I see your point with the flood tray...
Thats basically how I grow, especially since I have mutliple strains going now. WHen I had all one strain it was usually a full harvest about every 3 weeks. Now that I've got stuff finishing at different times, I generally have a few plants ready every week or every other week.

I think that I will open a thread on whether one can make
an analogue to Liquid Karma by dissolving Dr. Earth's Humic
Acids into water.

I am wondering whether it will be enough to grind the material
(mortar and pestle) and put the result straight into room temp
tap water.

Would boiling water help, and yet not break down desired elements?

Would a low/high pH liquid be a better start, with the result added
to water to expand?

Well, I am trying the simplest approach right now. We will see.


I think that I will open a thread on whether one can make
an analogue to Liquid Karma by dissolving Dr. Earth's Humic
Acids into water.

I am wondering whether it will be enough to grind the material
(mortar and pestle) and put the result straight into room temp
tap water.

Would boiling water help, and yet not break down desired elements?

Would a low/high pH liquid be a better start, with the result added
to water to expand?

Well, I am trying the simplest approach right now. We will see.


LIQUID KARMA ™Bio-catalyst Plant Stimulant (FYI)
Product description and Benefits....

The introduction of LIQUID KARMA ™ represents a major and significant breakthrough in plant nutrition.
This is because LIQUID KARMA ™ contains a full complement of metabolically active organic compounds not found in regular plant foods or supplements. These unique compounds are absorbed immediately and act as regulatory signals, activators or catalysts to produce synchronized and accelerated growth under all conditions. LIQUID KARMA ™ functions as a growth engine because its high metabolic activity produces a large amount of energy which is immediately transformed to growth.

Biochemical Composition
LIQUID KARMA ™ contains seven major groups of nutrients based on their specific effects on plant growth and development:

A. Fermented Compost Solution – prepared by exhaustive bacterial and enzymatic fermentation of fish meal, composted seabird guano, spirulina, sea kelp, and soybean meal. In order to enhance the fermentation process and obtain a product which contains the highest possible biological activity, the fermentation is carried out in different stages in the presence of humic acid, citric acid, raw sugar cane, complex carbohydrates, glucose, fructose and over 72 trace elements. Fermented compost solution prepared in this manner is used by an increasing number of organic gardeners to obtain luxuriant vegetative growth, huge flowers and flavorful fruits and vegetables.

B. Amino Acids – LIQUID KARMA ™ contains essential amino acids which are derived from casein hydrolysate and soybean protein hydrolysate. Amino acids are important plant nutrients because they serve as building blocks for structural proteins and enzymes. In addition, amino acids are also involved in the activation of transfer ribonucleic acids (t-RNAs) and DNA synthesis.The following amino acids are present in LIQUID KARMA ™:glycine, alanine, valine, leucine, isoleucine, serine, threonine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, asparagine, glutamine, lysine, arginine, histidine, cysteine, cystine, methionine, proline, phenylalanine, tyrosine and tryptophan.

C. Vitamins – All of the vitamins used in this formulation are extremely beneficial for plant growth because they function as co-factors for enzymes involved in carbohydrate metabolism and the biosynthesis of macromolecules. LIQUID KARMA™ contains significant amounts of riboflavin, thiamine, pyridoxine and all of the other B-complex vitamins obtained from fermented yeast extracts.

D. Plant Extracts – LIQUID KARMA™ also contains aqueous and ethanolic extracts of etiolated wheat seedlings and Zea mays. These extracts contain high levels of the plant hormones known as auxins and cytokinins. For successful plant micropropagation (tissue culture), the crucial requirements for an auxin and cytokinin are well documented in botanical literature.

E. Humic Acid – In addition to the ingredients indicated above, LIQUID KARMA™ contains optimal levels of humic acid and fulvic acid derived from leonardite. These substances are known to stimulate the growth of roots, shoots and flow-ers, by maintaining the proper osmotic concentration in cells.

F. Seaweed Extract – LIQUID KARMA ™ also contains a high proportion of seaweed extract obtained from North AtlanticKelp (Ascophyllum nodosum). Kelp extract contains metabolically active carbohydrates, complex carbohydrates, minerals such as cobalt, strontium and iodine, and growth substances that are known to be beneficial for plant growth.

G. Carbohydrates – Carbohydrates are included in LIQUID KARMA ™ because they are the direct or indirect precursors of virtually every metabolite. Their presence provides the added burst of energy required to assimilate and metabolize all of the other wonderful ingredients present in LIQUID KARMA ™.

Benefits of Using LIQUID KARMA ™
Extensive research and field trials indicate that LIQUID KARMA ™ produces beneficial results during every phase of plant growth. Starting with seed germination and following through to vegetative growth, budding and flowering, the continued use of LIQUID KARMA ™ ensures optimal plant growth at every stage. In addition, because of the presence of high concentrations of B-complex vitamins and plant hormones in LIQUID KARMA ™, the product has been shown to be very effective in protecting plants from transplant shock, and in promoting the rooting of cuttings. The seven nutrient groups used in the formation of LIQUID KARMA ™ act synergistically to produce optimal plant growth.
OK, so I am not going to be able to do all that right away!


My compost teas will supply some of that, and my tincture will
add the Humic acids....we will see.


D. Plant Extracts – LIQUID KARMA™ also contains aqueous and ethanolic extracts of etiolated wheat seedlings and Zea mays. These extracts contain high levels of the plant hormones known as auxins and cytokinins. For successful plant micropropagation (tissue culture), the crucial requirements for an auxin and cytokinin are well documented in botanical literature.

This is "sprout tea" too.

Onward and upward,

It is actually a very basic process....basically you sprout certain grains
and then blend and apply right them right away to plants.

It is about providing amino acids to the plants, IIRC.

I believe that I have a saved process....just a moment....

Sprouted Seed Tea v2.0

Jon Stika of Brew Your Own Magazine describes malt as "barley that has been
sprouted to the point where enzymes are produced that will convert its starchy
interior to sugar." After the grain has been malted, the sugar is fermented by
yeast to make beer.

This is an accurate overview of an article he wrote for those who want to make
their own malt and here's the Reader's Digest version:

Weigh out 2 oz. of Barley seed and remove any foreign matter by the seeds into
a large jar and fill it half-way with water and agitate to wash the barley.
Pour off loose husks & dirt that float to the top. Drain in a colander. Repeat
until everything has been removed.

Soak the seeds in water for 8 - 10 hours. Drain the seeds and weigh after
completely draining the water off. Assuming you started with 56 grams, you
want to hit a minimum of 84 grams at the end of these processes.

Let the Barley rest for 8 - 10 hours and then soak for another 8 hours, drain
and weigh. Repeat if necessary but that's not too unlikely.

Take a piece of cloth and you want to use something as 'raw' as possible like
hemp cloth, organic cotton, linen, canvas, flax, etc. - just check with a
large fabric store. If you buy a piece that is a square it probably helps or

Wet your cloth, wring out and fold it 2 times. During the rest cycles this is
where you want to let the seeds rest. You want moisture surrounding the seeds
but not water.

Once you hit 84+ grams, spread your seeds again in the middle of this folded
piece of fabric, place that in a brown paper bag - 55F - 65F ambient
temperatures will move this along quickly.

When the shoots inside the seed have grown the length of the seed you're done.
You're not growing sprouts but rather activating the enzymes and the compounds
in the endosperm as described in the post above.

Take these seeds and put them in a blender and some water and get it to a
puree to the extent possible. Using 56 grams to start will give enough puree
to make 5 gallons of tea.

Water your plants with this diluted tea. This will give you far, far more
enzymes than the straight sprouting method. One thing about beer brewers is
that they live & die by enzyme levels extracted from seeds and this article is
cited on several home brew forums.

This is definitely the way to use Barley and other seeds...

Onward and upward,

yeah the ROLS thread has great stuff, SST's, and BIM!
check that shit duders, if you haven't , it's good to read about and I plan on getting into it, in the future.

i'm looking forward to seeing how the purple spades does, nice looking ceedling!
Loving the hempy's , I miss them lol
Hello all,

I was looking the ladies over this morning, and, across the tent, I saw
that there was something suspicious coming out of the DNA Sour Kosher.

I had to take a photo to give it a good look without taking plants out
of the tent, and it looks to be a seed rather than a ball.

The weird thing is that I have not found balls yet, on any plant.

I need to get better at spotting stuff like this, but I am happy to have
spotted this one, this time.


I will be giving the ladies a good inspection. I expect to take the Blue Dream any time,
and will likely be putting Sensi's Skunk #1 into the tent.

Onward and upward,

You know, as I look at that plant, I do not like the fact that it looks like it
has been pollinated after all. I am not sure which plant could have done it,

What I guess I am asking about is why *all* the pistils seem to be turning
color already. This plant is past Week #6, but it should be about three weeks
from done.

For example the LTK is still all white, pistil-wise.

...but this raises another question: there is no way that one plant could get
really hit with pollen while another plant, a foot away, is not hit at all, is there?

Well, we will see. This is I have a Seven or Eight Week Breed?

That is, very interesting.. On the last shot there is another seed visible. I dont have a clue but wanna know :)
I thought i had got a good jizz from one of the dogs but i cant find any evidence of seed growth :/
Well JD maybe its a 7 weeker and will give u 2-3 beans.
I do see a 2nd one in there toward the top.

I took my Skunky Monkeys males and placed a fem NL between em outside, but looks like she didnt make any seeds
Well, I will not be pulling the thing we will see.

I am all the more interested in taking the Blue Dream
this evening.

1. It was flushed, hard, with plain water, more than a week ago

2. It got nothing but water, and then has been left to dry
for the last few days

3. The trichs are cool with the idea (plenty of ambers)

4. The water leaves are fading well

...oh yeah, and #5: Something might be fucking my buds!!

LOL, I appreciate the time.


P.S. I am sorry to hear of your bean issues...isn't that the
way it goes, if you want it you can't get it, and if you don't
want it you can't get rid of it. :0)