NY Times Editor: Obama White House the ‘Most Secretive’ I’ve Ever Dealt With


New Member
New York Times editor Jill Abramson sat down for an in-depth interview with Al Jazeera America recently. She discussed issues ranging from Edward Snowden to the the future of the print industry, but in perhaps the most candid moment of the interview, Abramson admitted that of all the White Houses she’s ever dealt with, the Obama administration is hands-down the “most secretive” thus far.

"I would say it is the most secretive White House that I have ever been involved in covering, and that includes — I spent 22 years of my career in Washington and covered presidents from President Reagan on up through now, and I was Washington bureau chief of the Times during George W. Bush’s first term.
I dealt directly with the Bush White House when they had concerns that stories we were about to run put the national security under threat. But, you know, they were not pursuing criminal leak investigations. The Obama administration has had seven criminal leak investigations. That is more than twice the number of any previous administration in our history. It’s on a scale never seen before. This is the most secretive White House that, at least as a journalist, I have ever dealt with."

In an interview with Newyorker magazine, Obama blamed his lack of popularity on Rush Limbaugh and Fox News.
So in other words, if it wasn't for Fox News and Rush Limbaugh, everyone would love Barack Obama.
How ironic, didn't Obama tell us his administration would be the most transparent in history, and wasn't it Hillary Clinton that said, "dissent is the highest form of patriotism"

I'm eager to see how our resident lefties spin this one.

President Obama is complaining that Americans’ view of him is distorted by a “caricature” presented by critics such as talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh.
“It looks like I continue to live rent free in the head of the president, Barack Obama,” responded Limbaugh on his radio program Wednesday.
Limbaugh was reacting to revelations from the much-discussed, 18-page interview with Obama that appeared in the New Yorker magazine. In bonus excerpts released Thursday, Obama blamed Washington’s legislative gridlock on his failure to convince Americans that he is “not the caricature that you see on Fox News or Rush Limbaugh.”
Obama accused Limbaugh and Fox News of trying to demonize him.

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2014/01/obama-blames-limbaugh-for-caricature-status/#Cd5RJYjBkoEVRsLh.99


Well-Known Member

  • This is the most secretive White House that, at least as a journalist, I have ever dealt with.

Maybe he meant to say Transparent.... This is the most Transparent White House... I think he just misspoke...


New Member


[/FONT][/COLOR]Maybe he meant to say Transparent.... This is the most Transparent White House... I think he just misspoke...
Maybe you're right, Obama may have misspoke.
He should have promised the American people the most secretive administration in history.:lol:


New Member
Even the left leaning NYT's finally comments on the secrecy of this administration, perhaps the rest of the MSM will follow suit and stop protecting and coddling his sorry ass.


Well-Known Member
The Economy is doing awesome. Housing is at an all time high as are the stock markets, the bond markets and the Yen carry trade. Gold is down as is silver, unemployment is becoming a thing of the past and the deficit is being reduced. Just ask the administration, they will tell you so.
Why is anyone complaining?


New Member
The Economy is doing awesome. Housing is at an all time high as are the stock markets, the bond markets and the Yen carry trade. Gold is down as is silver, unemployment is becoming a thing of the past and the deficit is being reduced. Just ask the administration, they will tell you so.
Why is anyone complaining?
Not to worry my friend, I guarantee you Barry will give a speech that will fix all this shit.


New Member
Reporters do miss getting their leaks.
Damn, they sure are missing a whole bunch of them from this administration.
For a President to make a promise of being the most transparent administration in history, then do a complete 180 and become the most secretive, how can anyone trust a thing he says or does?

I don't recall seeing the congressional debate and voting process of Obamacare on CSPAN, I'd like someone to explain this one.


Well-Known Member
I am not going to spin this administrations intense secretism. It is Obama's biggest lie/failure/scam.

i may even understand WHY he is doing what he is, but I will never ever accept it


Well-Known Member
When it comes to these sorts of implementation to executive power, each compounds that of his predecessor. The modern "power grab" began with Clinton, was amped to soaring hights by Bush jr and of course this president, only ads to the storehouse. The next,whom ever he may be will likely make things even worse. Of course the right, in Bush's case never raised a warning, claiming instead that perhaps his ideology was the correct one - a quadrenial monarchy, a unitary executive, a branch of government that could be made immune even from the bills that president signed into law. I had hoped Obama would rachet down that sort of behavior, knowing, I'm afraid that it will take a truely great man unencumbered by outside forces and seeing the state of affairs in a new light, to bring the presidency back down to reason.

We await that man. Republicans will most definitely not contribute as for some reason they actually believe that the presidency is their perpetual birthright - as we can plainly see. A Democrat will have to come from some other realm in order to accomplish what I have stated, and he will have to be helped, not hindered by his opposition.

The right's horror over presidential power is only temporary, the left's is permanent.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
I am not going to spin this administrations intense secretism. It is Obama's biggest lie/failure/scam.

i may even understand WHY he is doing what he is, but I will never ever accept it
if it werent for the secretive back room deals with the insurance "industry", secretive back room deals with the banking "industry", secretive back room deals with the "green energy industry", spying on our allies, and launching missiles in support of the moslem brotherhood, he would have no achievements at all.

he is doing it because he cant get his agenda through in the open.

you may like his agenda, and think he is doing this shit For The Greater Good! but that is rationalization.

when the next republican administration sets up star chambers, secretive cabals and back room deals with industry tycoons to get HIS agenda railroaded through, youll join the rest of us in complaint about our government being too big, too powerful and too unresponsive.

at least until the next democrat goes to the whitehouse.


Well-Known Member
When it comes to these sorts of implementation to executive power, each compounds that of his predecessor. The modern "power grab" began with Clinton, was amped to soaring hights by Bush jr and of course this president, only ads to the storehouse. The next,whom ever he may be will likely make things even worse. Of course the right, in Bush's case never raised a warning, claiming instead that perhaps his ideology was the correct one - a quadrenial monarchy, a unitary executive, a branch of government that could be made immune even from the bills that president signed into law. I had hoped Obama would rachet down that sort of behavior, knowing, I'm afraid that it will take a truely great man unencumbered by outside forces and seeing the state of affairs in a new light, to bring the presidency back down to reason.

We await that man. Republicans will most definitely not contribute as for some reason they actually believe that the presidency is their perpetual birthright - as we can plainly see. A Democrat will have to come from some other realm in order to accomplish what I have stated, and he will have to be helped, not hindered by his opposition.

The right's horror over presidential power is only temporary, the left's is permanent.
It didnt start with Clinton. Washington was apparently above it all as he could have been king if he wanted. All the presidents after that are suspect though...


Well-Known Member
if it werent for the secretive back room deals with the insurance "industry", secretive back room deals with the banking "industry", secretive back room deals with the "green energy industry", spying on our allies, and launching missiles in support of the moslem brotherhood, he would have no achievements at all.

he is doing it because he cant get his agenda through in the open.

you may like his agenda, and think he is doing this shit For The Greater Good! but that is rationalization.

when the next republican administration sets up star chambers, secretive cabals and back room deals with industry tycoons to get HIS agenda railroaded through, youll join the rest of us in complaint about our government being too big, too powerful and too unresponsive.

at least until the next democrat goes to the whitehouse.

This is my understanding as well, hence I understand but I will not ever condone a secret government as every single time we have elements of this government become secret, when its act are finally come to light, they are horrors regardless of original intent. We have Obama to blame for this newest round but he was placed in a positon of opportunity by Mr. Cheney and company. And Cheney was helped along by previous generations of people driven by an ideology of power that is the antihtisis of what our country pretends to stand for.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
When it comes to these sorts of implementation to executive power, each compounds that of his predecessor. The modern "power grab" began with Clinton, was amped to soaring hights by Bush jr and of course this president, only ads to the storehouse. The next,whom ever he may be will likely make things even worse. Of course the right, in Bush's case never raised a warning, claiming instead that perhaps his ideology was the correct one - a quadrenial monarchy, a unitary executive, a branch of government that could be made immune even from the bills that president signed into law. I had hoped Obama would rachet down that sort of behavior, knowing, I'm afraid that it will take a truely great man unencumbered by outside forces and seeing the state of affairs in a new light, to bring the presidency back down to reason.

We await that man. Republicans will most definitely not contribute as for some reason they actually believe that the presidency is their perpetual birthright - as we can plainly see. A Democrat will have to come from some other realm in order to accomplish what I have stated, and he will have to be helped, not hindered by his opposition.

The right's horror over presidential power is only temporary, the left's is permanent.
you mean the LEFT, trapped in their echo chamber didnt hear the right objecting to boooosh's excesses.

the left was too busy lying about "blood for oil" and claiming the us was a "cultural imperialist power" whatever that means, and inflating your scrotae with saline injections at code pink screech-offs.

the wacked out left picks their strawman and beats it into a powder then claims victory and erects a new strawman, while everybody else is arguing against REAL problems, but the press only listens to the wacky left and their shrill cries and bald faced lies.
the wacked out right has it's own issues, but the left's domination of the "mainstream" press, their focus on identity politics, bullshit non-issues and blind defense of whatever policies they think will advance their long term agenda are the source of the erosion of our constitution.

shit the left doesnt even LIKE the constitution, they have repeatedly demanded it be abolished, re-written to suit their narrative, or parsed into irrelevance by chompsky-style word wrangling.

the LEFT is the problem. the constitution is the solution.


Well-Known Member
It didnt start with Clinton. Washington was apparently above it all as he could have been king if he wanted. All the presidents after that are suspect though...

Not having an intimate knowlege of presidents before I was politicaly aware (Nixon), I cannot speak to that but I would suppose you are correct. When this country needs immediate action, when it requires leadership, then presidents should be granted a little extra leiniency but those actions should, as soon as possible, come under the scruteny of Congress AND - AND - AND, the American people. We cannot wait 30, 50, 100 years - or never, for the truth to be revealed. This is how our presidents now preside over questionable practices, by burying their actions under blankets mandated to be swept from the corpses in future generations, far too late to correct them, and in most cases far to late to even impugn the president that caused the actions.

People talk of Obama's broken promises, and I have spoken up about how many he has indeed accomplished, but his largest and least forgiveable failures surround his secrecy. He should do what he believes he must, and then take the consequences of his actions WHILE he is in office or shortly thereafter, by making those actions available to the public and coupling them with his reasoning for taking those actions.


Well-Known Member
you mean the LEFT, trapped in their echo chamber didnt hear the right objecting to boooosh's excesses.

the left was too busy lying about "blood for oil" and claiming the us was a "cultural imperialist power" whatever that means, and inflating your scrotae with saline injections at code pink screech-offs.

the wacked out left picks their strawman and beats it into a powder then claims victory and erects a new strawman, while everybody else is arguing against REAL problems, but the press only listens to the wacky left and their shrill cries and bald faced lies.
the wacked out right has it's own issues, but the left's domination of the "mainstream" press, their focus on identity politics, bullshit non-issues and blind defense of whatever policies they think will advance their long term agenda are the source of the erosion of our constitution.

shit the left doesnt even LIKE the constitution, they have repeatedly demanded it be abolished, re-written to suit their narrative, or parsed into irrelevance by chompsky-style word wrangling.

the LEFT is the problem. the constitution is the solution.

Show me the right's outrage over Bushs signing statements and his implementation of a unitary executive.