First Grow - Pics and Updates : Any Advice Encouraged

So here is an update thus far on my plants from seedlings to their veg stage.

Started them in rockwool cubes and after the initial set of leaves sprouted I popped them into coconut husk cubes with Fox Farms Happy Frog soil.

A week later they started popping more nodes and leaves, happy looking plants.

Then I added nutes to my watering cycle and this happened.
BUTTTTTTTT I saved them that same day!

At this point I just made sure to keep up with their thirst, mind you I didn't have a tent and only light was from a 2ft. T5 fluro.

Now that I had restored and growth was booming I started topping during this week of growing, as well the roots started popping out of the sides and bottoms of the husks.

After I topped three times I stopped, probably should have LST'ed, but I didn't really know how so I just let them grow.

After topping them, I had left them in 2 gallon pots to regroup and grow, still under just a T5 light at this point.

So this week the plants hit about 18inches in height and I knew it was time to step up to the task, so I purchased some 5 gallon pots, 600W HPS light, and a grow tent.
Sorry for the bad picture, my camera takes bad images under the HPS.

I will upload more images, as I will probably start to flower within two weeks time as the plants are 2ft tall as of today.

3 - Real Sour (Sour Diesel x ChemDawg 4)
2 - Lohan (Trainwreck x L.A. Confidential)

Fox Farms Ocean Forest Soil
Aurora Organics Buddha Grow & Trinity Catalyst

Any advice much appreciated, this is my first grow and hope I am doing it right. I have noticed since repotting them into the buckets, more nutes, and moving them into the tent that the leaves seem to be drooping some, is that normal? Beyond that they are super lush green and shiny and the stems are super strong.


Well-Known Member
2ft T5 flouro is a junky light I prefer the 4ft T5 with 6-8, 54w tubes on a rack, hang from chains and adjust daily, although the price is higher than the average 400w Mh/hps there is considerably less heat, when using flouro have a mixed kelvin on the tubes half 2700 and 6500k, for great growth, and keep them within 1-2 inches, keep a fan in there with temp. Rh gauge.

note there may be a way of doubling the lumen output by doubling up on the ballast you currently have in the 2ft T5 it


Well-Known Member
Glad you got to see first hand what feeding plants early in FFOF does to them. The first time you almost kill them all is the best learning experience. Glad you had a full recovery though. They look great.
Glad you got to see first hand what feeding plants early in FFOF does to them. The first time you almost kill them all is the best learning experience. Glad you had a full recovery though. They look great.
Yeah, I freaked out that day and had no idea what to do, but just flushing it with filtered water and they bounced right back. I am going to try LST and SCROG on my next grow, figure this batch should be finished sometime in April.
So here is a question I have seen so many answers/ideas on......When should one kick over to flowering? I know it's personal preference and can be done whenever in reality, but I am looking for a strong yield and large plants.

I can grow up to 6.5 ft vertically and have plenty of room in my tent to grow these plants bushy, they are currently between 19 and 26 inches tall (sativa's are over 24 inches tall). I have the 3 indica and 2 sativa's, how large do they get in the first few weeks of flowering? (because of the stretching?)

Also light schedules? I've heard to start at 14/10, then kick to 12/12, then at the end do 10/14...thoughts?


Well-Known Member
I never try to overcomplicate the light situation. The plants flower when they are on 12/12 just fine so I stick with that.

With a new strain I flower at around 20 inches. Gives me plenty of wiggle room even if one ends up being a stretchy monster. The only exception is when i'm growing from clone and know exactly how much they are going to stretch. My current white widow strain only stretches about 10 inches, so I can grow her damn near as large as I want. Your sativas are going to grow much taller than your indicas. Normally you wouldn't put a indica and a sativa in the same grow room. Having to raise the lights to suit the sativas diminishes the amount that your indicas get.
Good to know about the two strains in one tent, beginner mistake haha. I have an extra T5 light, would you add that in the tent to give more light to the indies?

This is Trainwreck x LA Confidential hybrid, I bought them from Reserve Privada as feminized seeds, which I was wondering if they would all be females or herms. I am keeping an eye out for the "balls" and the second i see them I am chopping them down. That plant compared to the others is the only "Scraggly" one all the others are dense and lots of foliage.

Pic #1 is of that same plant just a minute ago, from heavy feeding has bushed out in the past day.

Pic#2 is a node with a female hair on it i think, it's just a long skinny hair popping out as a pistol. Same strain just different plant. I didn't see any pistols as of yet on any of my other plants so far. fingers crossed.