Coconut Milk in Compost Teas?

That is disappointing, I'm even more glad that I've been getting into true living organics. That means Soma is not really growing organic then, since he uses BioCanna.

soma has been all about deep water culture for a long time. I think he only does soil outside. He uses cana soil and guano for his outdoors.
soma has been all about deep water culture for a long time. I think he only does soil outside. He uses cana soil and guano for his outdoors.

I read the link you posted, I didn't see anything about biocanna, where did you read that they are not really organic? Soma does deep water culture but wrote his book about indoor organic soil, that is weird.
The link was for an alternative to coconut milk. There's links and all kinds of info about bio canna in the vegan organics with matt rize sticky thread.

somas book was published in 2004. He switched to deep water culture a couple years later. Theres an article about it in a n old high times and Soma and his daughter talk about it in amsterdam cannabis cup dvd
The link was for an alternative to coconut milk. There's links and all kinds of info about bio canna in the vegan organics with matt rize sticky thread.

somas book was published in 2004. He switched to deep water culture a couple years later. Theres an article about it in a n old high times and Soma and his daughter talk about it in amsterdam cannabis cup dvd
That is disapointing, thanks for the heads up :-)
Recipe i use is one organic store bought coconut to 20 gals of water, I cut up aloe filets and let them soak in water for up to a week , dump a gallon of the aloe water in, add a cup of kelp and I'm good with my enzyme tea, love it. Makes plants pray to the plant gods. Gives me a woody when I walk in and see them with their leafs up. I do this every 2 weeks. I usually water, feed, water , enzyme, feed, water- repeat.