It's possible, so why doesn't humanity...


Well-Known Member
Leave this rock?

Not a mass exodus, but a large, multi-ship fleet. Nuclear powered, built in space. City ships, not just little ships but ultra-huge, nuclear powered, self-sustaining, scientific vessels (they can come up with their own new fuel supply, build more advanced technology...) Of course people that go will never come back. But, so what? Everyone's gotta' die, why does it HAVE to be on this rock? Why not on a scientific deep-space ship, breaking past our solar system...

Split society, divergent socially influenced evolutionary paths. Everyone has a job on the vessels, every child born is trained in everything, and is assigned a job. Waste people (people that refuse to contribute and work) can be jettisoned. Same with criminals. Not Utopian, but scientific, not government or military sponsored. Laws based on need. Not on fear, or "could happen."

Yes, I'm high.


Well-Known Member
My only gripe with dying is that I won't be around when we make those next revolutionary scientific leaps. As it stands, I'm not sure we're prepared technologically or psychologically for deep space exploration.

Done any reading on the Mars Project?


Well-Known Member
having all my growing crap sent up there and reordering it's gonna be a tad pricey.. might be cheaper just to have hash sent up.. just a thought...


Well-Known Member
Well, the sync. lag with Earth would suck. But, a fleet of super ships? I think 1G+ should be easy.
I'd give em a week and they would have set up a NWO type planet... fleet of ships tips mean to think the gov is involved.. unless it's a large commercial fleet and then screw them too.. lobbying mofo's


Well-Known Member
My only gripe with dying is that I won't be around when we make those next revolutionary scientific leaps. As it stands, I'm not sure we're prepared technologically or psychologically for deep space exploration.

Done any reading on the Mars Project?
Mars is a bad bet. Can't terraform so it'll wind up being a civilization living in bubbles. If you are a scientific civilization, living in bubbles, why not propel those bubbles through space, building what's needed to continue, advancing science and using resources available in space. If Mars is plausible and the space station is a reality, than a "bye bye earth" fleet should be plenty workable. The ONLY reason we AREN'T interstellar is because we just don't fuckin' do it. Start with nuclear for propulsion. Food and oxygen supply ship (grow house!) hospital ship, population ship, shuttles. We can get to space. We can build a space station, we can privately travel in space, we are a curious species, by nature, and we have billionaire philanthropists who throw their money at space projects.

I don't see the hold up. (And, I know, they'd probably NOT let me on the fleet, I'd still apply.) Is it really that the people that fly away won't be coming back? Is that the only hold up? I mean, just undertaking the project -- building the necessary structure to build the fleet, will advance us in our knowledge of space activity and will lead to people that have a new specialty. "Space welders," "Zero G miners," (why wouldn't we mine or in space? We'll need the tech, and we've kinda' got the resources to practice.)


Well-Known Member
Leave this rock?

Not a mass exodus, but a large, multi-ship fleet. Nuclear powered, built in space. City ships, not just little ships but ultra-huge, nuclear powered, self-sustaining, scientific vessels (they can come up with their own new fuel supply, build more advanced technology...) Of course people that go will never come back. But, so what? Everyone's gotta' die, why does it HAVE to be on this rock? Why not on a scientific deep-space ship, breaking past our solar system...

Split society, divergent socially influenced evolutionary paths. Everyone has a job on the vessels, every child born is trained in everything, and is assigned a job. Waste people (people that refuse to contribute and work) can be jettisoned. Same with criminals. Not Utopian, but scientific, not government or military sponsored. Laws based on need. Not on fear, or "could happen."

Yes, I'm high.
If you cover up the Bieber avatar and mentally substitute Bundy, the tenor of this post changes a lot.


Well-Known Member
Mars is a bad bet. Can't terraform so it'll wind up being a civilization living in bubbles. If you are a scientific civilization, living in bubbles, why not propel those bubbles through space, building what's needed to continue, advancing science and using resources available in space. If Mars is plausible and the space station is a reality, than a "bye bye earth" fleet should be plenty workable. The ONLY reason we AREN'T interstellar is because we just don't fuckin' do it. Start with nuclear for propulsion. Food and oxygen supply ship (grow house!) hospital ship, population ship, shuttles. We can get to space. We can build a space station, we can privately travel in space, we are a curious species, by nature, and we have billionaire philanthropists who throw their money at space projects.

I don't see the hold up. (And, I know, they'd probably NOT let me on the fleet, I'd still apply.) Is it really that the people that fly away won't be coming back? Is that the only hold up? I mean, just undertaking the project -- building the necessary structure to build the fleet, will advance us in our knowledge of space activity and will lead to people that have a new specialty. "Space welders," "Zero G miners," (why wouldn't we mine or in space? We'll need the tech, and we've kinda' got the resources to practice.)

we dont have to leave the planet to do this... just make the zorbie BIGGER!!!



Well-Known Member
having all my growing crap sent up there and reordering it's gonna be a tad pricey.. might be cheaper just to have hash sent up.. just a thought...
Well, if non-government, non-corporate (aka philanthropist driven, even with hidden money from corporations and governments.) There are a lot of vital uses for marijuana, aside from just getting high. So, I don't see why it wouldn't be put on...

I'd give em a week and they would have set up a NWO type planet... fleet of ships tips mean to think the gov is involved.. unless it's a large commercial fleet and then screw them too.. lobbying mofo's
Hopefully, they'd break Earth's gravity and be like "Fuck 'em, their doomed. Glad Minne came up with this crazy idea." Declare the sovereign interstellar human league or some other silly shit, and take it to the next level.

Everyone says "oooh, whats out there?" When they stare up. Some people say "I wish I could explore." Well, it's a doomed mission in that no one going would be coming back. But I'm sure that we could build and fill fleet after fleet of people wanting to hop ship - to a ship.


Ursus marijanus
I have a coupla quibbles.
1) What sort of drive do you suggest? "Nuclear" isn't very descriptive imo.
2) By "scientific" do you mean "highly technologized"? I wonder if it really is possible quite yet. Terrestrial colonies have easy materials, energy and life support (food, draft critters, self-renewing air and water) access. To be a true self-supporting, self-reproducing community, the technical and industrial capacity of each ship/society will have to be large and comprehensive. And that is for the best-case analysis. I would really like to design in a slop factor, so the ship and its offspring can weather some adversity. I want the weakest link to be either robust or have available plans B etc.

But i agree that the overall idea is THE key to species survival and evolutionary divergence. Wanna speciate? Step one is divide populations. Step two is place each population into a different environment. Homo sapiens could quite soon be the root species of a genus.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Leave this rock?

Not a mass exodus, but a large, multi-ship fleet. Nuclear powered, built in space. City ships, not just little ships but ultra-huge, nuclear powered, self-sustaining, scientific vessels (they can come up with their own new fuel supply, build more advanced technology...) Of course people that go will never come back. But, so what? Everyone's gotta' die, why does it HAVE to be on this rock? Why not on a scientific deep-space ship, breaking past our solar system...

Split society, divergent socially influenced evolutionary paths. Everyone has a job on the vessels, every child born is trained in everything, and is assigned a job. Waste people (people that refuse to contribute and work) can be jettisoned. Same with criminals. Not Utopian, but scientific, not government or military sponsored. Laws based on need. Not on fear, or "could happen."

Yes, I'm high.
What makes you think they haven't? I'm really sort of concerned the meek will inherit the earth.


Well-Known Member
I have a coupla quibbles.
1) What sort of drive do you suggest? "Nuclear" isn't very descriptive imo.
2) By "scientific" do you mean "highly technologized"? I wonder if it really is possible quite yet. Terrestrial colonies have easy materials, energy and life support (food, draft critters, self-renewing air and water) access. To be a true self-supporting, self-reproducing community, the technical and industrial capacity of each ship/society will have to be large and comprehensive. And that is for the best-case analysis. I would really like to design in a slop factor, so the ship and its offspring can weather some adversity. I want the weakest link to be either robust or have available plans B etc.

But i agree that the overall idea is THE key to species survival and evolutionary divergence. Wanna speciate? Step one is divide populations. Step two is place each population into a different environment. Homo sapiens could quite soon be the root species of a genus.

Give me 3 options to choose from, with nuclear propulsion.

Build in space. Learn to harvest from asteroids. A ship would have to make an aircraft carrier look like a ford pinto... A lot of material, manpower, and probably lives. It's doable. We've built on smaller scale. It's "stood the test of time." But, it's not big enough, nor is it designed for the probable threats of deep space. Scientists, researchers, chemists, medical professionals. The process of BUILDING something of that magnitude would take immense support. And, that would be gotten by excluding governments -- except in donating resources and offering the best of their population. The new job any felon could get: Asteroid miner. Pay starts at 100 an hour. We'll lose a lot of people, it'll offer a lot of people a chance to work, knowing the risk. It can be done. Human nature -- fear of dying, is the only reason we DON'T do it. And, when enough come around to going "maybe die in space, or here?" The rest of the thought will be "We shoulda' chose die in space."

What makes you think they haven't? I'm really sort of concerned the meek will inherit the earth.

I don't think that anyone's bailed on earth, yet. I think that the people who would benefit most from it (the ultra rich, the elite power brokers) are the ones that are too chickenshit to get down with the cause.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Give me 3 options to choose from, with nuclear propulsion.

Build in space. Learn to harvest from asteroids. A ship would have to make an aircraft carrier look like a ford pinto... A lot of material, manpower, and probably lives. It's doable. We've built on smaller scale. It's "stood the test of time." But, it's not big enough, nor is it designed for the probable threats of deep space. Scientists, researchers, chemists, medical professionals. The process of BUILDING something of that magnitude would take immense support. And, that would be gotten by excluding governments -- except in donating resources and offering the best of their population. The new job any felon could get: Asteroid miner. Pay starts at 100 an hour. We'll lose a lot of people, it'll offer a lot of people a chance to work, knowing the risk. It can be done. Human nature -- fear of dying, is the only reason we DON'T do it. And, when enough come around to going "maybe die in space, or here?" The rest of the thought will be "We shoulda' chose die in space."

I don't think that anyone's bailed on earth, yet. I think that the people who would benefit most from it (the ultra rich, the elite power brokers) are the ones that are too chickenshit to get down with the cause.
Nope but I'd be willing to bet money we have an off planet presence, mostly military and scientific.

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
Leave this rock?

Not a mass exodus, but a large, multi-ship fleet. Nuclear powered, built in space. City ships, not just little ships but ultra-huge, nuclear powered, self-sustaining, scientific vessels (they can come up with their own new fuel supply, build more advanced technology...) Of course people that go will never come back. But, so what? Everyone's gotta' die, why does it HAVE to be on this rock? Why not on a scientific deep-space ship, breaking past our solar system...

Split society, divergent socially influenced evolutionary paths. Everyone has a job on the vessels, every child born is trained in everything, and is assigned a job. Waste people (people that refuse to contribute and work) can be jettisoned. Same with criminals. Not Utopian, but scientific, not government or military sponsored. Laws based on need. Not on fear, or "could happen."

Yes, I'm high.
It seems that we need gravity to function well so deep space is not good.