ISLAM - just clearing a few things up for ya'll


Well-Known Member
OKAY!!! I just read the racism thread and resisted the urge to reply (although I voted) because 90% of the thread belongs here.

Islam itself has nothing to do with "terrorists." Religion has and always will be an excuse for violence, war, hate, and persecution. Those of you who associate "islam" with "terrorist" are ignorant as shit to begin with. I'm not going to explain why you are ignorant as shit because ignorant people CHOOSE to be that way and nothing I say will dissuade you.

Actually I'm here to put you in the shoes of the ACTUAL terrorist. Then you might have a lot more respect for the muslims that choose NOT to get involved with the violence. In might wonder why they haven't...shit if I grew up in palastine I don't doubt I'd have volunteered to fly that fucking 747.

And I'm a White, long-haired, peace loving, pot smoking, HIPPIE!


WE started this shit. Back in '68 (may have began prior to this, however this is when israel officially "occupied" palastine. We started giving Israel $2BIL/yr for the EXPLICIT purpose of invading, occupying, and "reclaiming" "their" "holy land". Which by the way for you ignorant shits is MUSLIM holy grounds. Have you ever heard of Islamic violence & extremism before this? Fuck no. Americans didn't even know about Islam and palastine didn't give two shits about America. Right up until Israel invaded and dominated Palastine and america footed the fucking bill.

If you were born and raised in palastine you life might look something like this:

@ 13 my dad was given a piece of paper that said he had to register his property and his home with israeli authorities.

@15 We've been to the israeli's about two dozen times (mind you its a days trip to make this application for our own fucking land). They just bulldozed my best friends house and now he and some of his family live with us. I'm afraid they're going to tear down our house too. Where will my family go? Where will my friend and his family go? My family has owned this house for SEVENTEEN DOCUMENTED GENERATIONS!! We have all the paperwork..why won't the israeli's let us have our own fucking house? they patrol the streets daily. ANyone who argues with the soldiers our is out past curfew is shot on site no questions asked. We buried my uncle last week because a soldier stole his food and he argued with the Israeli who ended up shooting him.

@16 They bulldozed our house today. It's my fucking birthday! These Israeli's are fucking evil! Why do they do this to us? From what I gather they say this used to be there land because thousands of years ago their god promised it to them. FUck that bullshit they're just fucking evil.

Our family has been taken in by one of my dads friends. He shows us these movies about how the Israeli's are supported by Americans. WHy would America do this to us? We live in poverty. From what they tell me america is full of luxeries and opulence. Being FAT is major problem. They grow SO MUCH FOOD their government BUY TWO BILLION DOLLAR OF CORN EVERY YEAR AND THROWS IT AWAY. On top of that they pay farmers even more money TO NOT GROW FOOD. I"M FUCKING HUNGRY!


Tell me if this was your life wouldn't be a little pissed at americans...ALL RELIGION ASIDE.

Throw a little mind programming propaganda in the mix and BOOM...I almost don't blame them...

Remember the 72 virgins that suicide bombers were supposed to get? if not there was a big media hype about this so-called-fact. Guess who started that and a hundred other anti-muslim propaganda.

Guess who's MAKING MONEY off this whole situation?

Remember those are YOUR TAX DOLLAR AT WORK OPPRESSING THOSE PEOPLE. I'd be a little PISSED at me too.


Well-Known Member
Don't forget that these people are surrounded by gunfire and violence every day.

Yet our Government will accuse me of being racist. They'll call me anti-semetic.

What pisses ME off is that so many americans are SO fucking clueless. The most they know about the war is "support the troops" We don't want what happened back after 'nam to happen to our boys today. Even if we'd like them home.

You've been told Saddam Hussein is the Evil Violent Oppressor. Guess who is really the evil violent oppressor.


Gov't: THEY HAD WEAPONS!!!! So we torched them.

I.E. Blew a hole on both sides of the compound and fans lit napalm through the place. It didnt BURN the people inside alive because they we're in another room. Women, Children and all were instead baked alive.

Press: Show us the weapons.

Gov't: WE ah...didn't find..err...ah...No...We're not authorized to release that information I mean...go away.

Sound's like Jr. just wasn't creative enough and thought the american public was stupid enough to buy the same bullshit twice....apparently he's fucking right about something.


Well-Known Member
As for my sources. I've BEEN to waco. My ex (2yr relationship) was from WACO and her father had one of his property siezed AFTER the incident because he turned down the gov'ts cash offer for the place. He never got it or any kind of compensation back. I've driven by the place. But to this day it's illegal to go on the property or anywhere near the "compound" and they DO watch that shit...

I've spoken to AMERICANS (white born n raised americans for those of you to whom that shit makes a diff) who have been to palastine and back and told me of these tradgedies I am relaying to you in the form of a hypothetical/fiction story that is a very similar to many ACTUAL people's stories. Don't believe me? Do your own research. The information is out there and your obviously intelligent enought to use the web to learn how to better grow and smoke fucking weed. So this shouldnt be difficult for you.


Well-Known Member
very nice post.

(FYI - .223 bullets (used in M-16) are extremely cheap - about $0.05 each.)



Well-Known Member
OK..I think your right about the bullets..I was pricing them just couple days ago and was coming up with what I thought read $1-2/bullet. But I just googled the remmington .223's again and your right on the dot with about 5 cents ea. Dunno what the fuck was up with that shit. But I've been out of weed and sporadically sleeping the last few days so IDK where the fuck that shit came from. I'll edit the post to remove that incrorect info....wierd thing is my friend was sitting right here and I swear to God he read the same shit I did...but I don't remember what website we were looking at...and I have to erase history and delete cookies everytime I use this fucking computer. Anyway...thanks for the tip.


Well-Known Member
You know after reading over my post...

...and invariably I will go back and fix every freaking typo sometime today or tommorow (I don't care if you see them but they will bug the fuck out of me as long as I know they're there with my fucking name on em)...

...I think that maybe I should've posted in polotics. Initially I thought that dude's post belonged in religion but the more I read my OWN diatribe seems it may belong in religion. I suppose if consensus of posters indicate such it'll get moved.


New Member
Actually, I enjoyed reading your post. I have said exactly the same things before on this site. ViRedd, I'm sure could vouch for that.

I have never said that I don't sympathise with the muslim cause, and I have gone out of my way to learn about their plight. I have envisioned myself in a muslim's shoes when bombs are landing all around me, I have envisioned my family being blown to bits in front of my eyes. I have envisioned the hatred I would feel towards the West.

There are 2 sides. If you HAD to fight, if the war came to YOU. Which side would you be on? Know thine enemy.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Euthan.. great fooking post mate.. great perspective...
I feel for the peeps...

DO you think there is a idfference between having your entire village over run by..

1. Ants/termites - very common in africa..
2. Hurricane/ Tornado
3. Human armies

I ask... because, I often see this as the same thing...

UNTIL I REMEMBER the worst part about being over run by humans is not having THE "HOLY LAND TAKEN AWAY" who gives a fook about LAND when the real dieses is,

it fooks up your brain.. it spreads the mental dieses of hate AND IGNORANCE....

Humans killing humans spreads soooooo much sadness and anger... it seems to take many many generations to heal and to forget....IT IS WORSE THAN NUCLEAR FALL OUT!

The truth is, the real problem the world has is not loosing land or property.. but trying to excercise the hate within themselves that has been ignited within them.... WE WILL ALL GET THAT LESSON



Well-Known Member
Forgive me if I offend, but I don't condone justifiable homicide and especially not hate driven revenge terrorist attacks that end in thousands of civilian deaths. If we were to be so lenient, every murderer from this day forward would be telling heart wrenching sob stories to justify gunning down an office full of accountants. That's just the way I feel. I'm not flying a jet into some sheiks palace just because I had to grow up with such high oil prices :)


Well-Known Member
euthanatos93420, thanks for the story. I think some of your points are great, such as: Islam itself has nothing to do with "terrorists."

And other points are horribly ignorant much like the ones you are responding to.
Here is an example: "Have you ever heard of Islamic violence & extremism before this? Fuck no. "

There were Islamic crusades just like the Christian ones. I would call that violence and extremism- or at the very least violence.

You make it sound like the backing of Israel has the world of Islam against Americans and all terrorist acts by Muslims are againts Americans for somewhat understandable reasons.

The truth is closer to that the world of Islam is it's own enemy. If Americans left Iraq, Muslims would still be killing Muslims.

Do you know where Mecca and medina are? That country which those cities lie are the US's greatest allie in the Middle east - and the ruling family is very tight with our dear monkey president and his family.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Forgive me if I offend, but I don't condone justifiable homicide and especially not hate driven revenge terrorist attacks that end in thousands of civilian deaths. If we were to be so lenient, every murderer from this day forward would be telling heart wrenching sob stories to justify gunning down an office full of accountants. That's just the way I feel. I'm not flying a jet into some sheiks palace just because I had to grow up with such high oil prices :)
I don't understand...

are you saying that you don't condone carpet bombing desserts full of malnurished children..

or are you saying that it is cool.. to bomb the fuck out of innocent children

as long as THE intentions are

1. to preserve the right to have drive through starbucks for people who accidenatlly got to FAT and now cant get out of their Escalade..
2. we use smart bombs aand the kids only get killed by accident
3. we don't send any of our own kids to do the fighting..



Mr I Can Do That For Half
The worlds probablem could easily be solved but people are to needed for a life reason and wont give up all religion. All religion is the rules to all the worlds problems. over who was given what by the bible or islam or the koran.All the differences in whose god is right or the true god.The human factor of weakness to not be able to except a day for what it is and the need for a higher reason why.Stop all that crap if we all had the simple easy to except midnset of we are humanes and we live to day then the next no one is the righteous no one is wrong for a religious beliefs.Think of the wars that would never have been, think of the terrorists acts done in alahs name that wouldnt happen, Think about palestine and isreal not so caught up on who owns gods land.Religion is the end of the world that has just not come to full fruition but will as weak minded people struggle to prove thier righteouness to thier imaginary god figure.STop being so needy and live life and live it good for the worlds sake not yur gods luv..


Mr I Can Do That For Half
And thank god Bush was here and nopt that basterd clinton. its like people only kinda paid attention when Bush stated the reason we were going into Iraq. All the dummies walking around" Oh WMDs where are the WMDs? They lied about them for oil" thos fuck heads are so retarded and should be made sterile as they paid no attention. You do remember all 3 reason stated for going in right? And if you paid attention 2 of the 3 were found to be true and the other was most likey true but sold off to iran at the last possible moment. What you think Irans brazen new attitude is becasue they woke up and got balls??Hey remember when the world was so mad the US waited so long to stop Hitler and his jewish genocide? Ever here of Saddam and the Kurd cleansing?I guess those quarter million people he killed with expiremental gas tests(which the bodies have been found and it did happen) dont count and we should have waited til he moved from his borders into Saudi Arabia again and perfected genocide. Then people like the French would be "Why doesnt america do something where are the Americans?'Thats what pissees me off pay attention watch history and learn from it to stop the same tradgedies from happening over and over.Bush stepped up when the world was scared and stopped WW 2 from happening again.I thank our President for his strong stand knowing it would not be a parade with metals and ice cream. You think he sits thinking how popular this made him? He knows but took a stand and promised our help and is standing keeping americas word Unlike most countries .We promised and we stood by our word as hard as it is.What about the rest of the world? where are they now?England and Blair stood by as he promised and stated.I have utmost respect for Blair and his word from his country even though they have the dummies we have whinning and crying"Its for the oil" yeah if it was didnt help much did it as prices are higher then ever.


New Member
1000 years ago it was us cutting off the muslim heads (they got it from us, much like the scalping of the American Indians... I've read Geronimo's (auto?)biography), raping their women and robbing their riches.

Since Saladin defeated us at Constantinople we have never again had such a foothold. While we were there it was easier to transport riches back to England. We kept trying to take back a foothold but we were beaten back every time. Now we need to make up excuses to go over there and take what we NEED.

I have thought about this subject at length, and despite you thinking me ignorant I have analysed both sides of the tape. My mind is constantly changing and I may not hold this view forever but this is where it stands now:

If we had have sat on our arses when boats big enough to cross oceans were invented then we wouldn't be where we are today. We wouldn't have this great civilisation which eutha, you are a part of. It is great Eutha, it has given you the mind you have. In fact, we would most likely all be muslim. You likened me to the Nazi's, you are blind my friend. Pakistan... Pakistan is at the moment in the grip of civil war. The taliban in their black garb (very similar to an ss uniform in my mind) are taking over parts of Pakistan. This movement is very similar to the Nazi one, although to my mind it is much worse. Women are executed for the slightest transgressions. I've watched live footage of women being shot in the back of the head, one after the other in a football stadium. For reasons like a woman looking at another man. Know thine enemy.

We're not picking on them just because we don't like them, the main reason is so that our great society can get even fatter. Now, we just need to finish the fucking job.