My first grow guys!


Well-Known Member

flowering day 2, I am not sure but ice and wwxskunk#1 may be males, giving them a few days to see for sure, the ww looks like it has balls on one node but on another looks like hairs, so it may be a hermie perhaps, they are still very small so need to wait and see.

The stem of my plant outside that snapped over was still standing up but it looks like even with the bandage some pests attacked it and now its super thin, think it may have had it, will need to wait and see, I wrapped it again and covered the stem with dirt this time.

I love the color change, I was getting sick of that bright whitish blue light.

If you think you should do it but make sure it is male first. I keep checking mine each day, will take some photos of the nodes and you can see what you think. I was really sure the WW was a male but now from the other nodes I cant be sure.

The growth in flower is amazing nearly a couple of inches in two days.
I think mine might be hermie Idk I don't see anything resembling any balls anymore.. Just those two little pods I pinched off. Looks like white hairs, I'll give it a couple days..


Sometimes they just take a while to develop, that's why I said leave it. All the grow bibles and info I have read said so many beginners pull weed early because they are so worried about having a male and then it develops into a female but they were to anxious to rid their garden of this presumed male.

As I said before you have no trouble with it till it develops fully anyway so just give it a chance and see what happens.


Looking good btw :)
I was a little surprised this morning when I opened the closet the White widow on the back left had reached nearly 1/4 distance to where I had the light, its a real stretcher but unfortunate it may be the one that is male, oh well. Northern lights is little small still to swap to flower so I don't think ill get much yield of her this time round, will be nice to grow her out as a clone and see how she goes with my gsc if she proves to be strong. Used to smoke NL back in the day, was always super smooth smoke and one of my past favorites.

Damn helicopters have been flying over all morning, guess they are trying to catch the outdoor grows before flower. Who knows though there are many people who take tourist flights around here also.


@ matt ur hydro looks gud,nice setup,this weekend im gona get all my supplies for hydro
nice green that's cool, hydro is fun, nerve racking but fun.

Thanks for the props on my setup, apart from the obvious store bought bits and pieces its pretty much 100% DIY put together. I would love to do a warehouse set up some day, if weed ever becomes legal here, obviously would need backers but I mean running a grow room that size as a job would be really interesting to me. I am learning biological sciences for fun this year, should be interesting to know more about plant genetics and growth related information and how the environment will affect things. Obviously I know a bit from my experience growing things but this would give me the scientific knowledge behind plants/animals/environment. Could prove very useful if I wanted to ever get a job in research or animal/plant area.

In terms of growing Cannabis I think I will have a much more sound knowledge of plant genetics and how to maximize yields from chemical or organic processes among other things.

Would really be interested in going to the US or Canada for 3 months and working along side a grow op for at least one grow cycle (3 months due to tourist visa), I mean one of the commercial size, not just a small grow operation.

Anyway added nutes up to 700ppm again, going to run them light for few days and slowly add more till they are up to 1000ppm by sometime next week.

Perhaps good news also, my wwxS#1 that I thought was male is showing signs of fem, and the Ice is also showing signs of fem...going to give them a few more days to determine for sure they aren't hermie or male, but that would be really awesome, no need to pull anything. Time will tell, fingers crossed.
Sounds like u got it down man,learning is fun,im gona b lookin n2 taking a botany class my only issue is work,I work so many damn hours during the week & im hoping they have a Saturday class cuz eventually I wana start giving 2 cannabis clubs or mayb even getting my own patients,Thats y im starting off slow then gradually pik up 2 more plants,bigger setups


Sounds like u got it down man,learning is fun,im gona b lookin n2 taking a botany class my only issue is work,I work so many damn hours during the week & im hoping they have a Saturday class cuz eventually I wana start giving 2 cannabis clubs or mayb even getting my own patients,Thats y im starting off slow then gradually pik up 2 more plants,bigger setups
thats really noble green, good on you. I also wanted to provide to medical patients, both my grandparents were in a lot of pain before they died, my grandma with cancer. I would have liked to be able to give them some cannabis infused products, but with the legality of it here in Australia and the amount of tests the doctors do, it would have been asking to get in trouble.

I really think they need to adjust some laws here, kids with epilepsy and seizures can benefit from a low Thc high cbd content item, but due to the lack of research and the high prohibition it is not worth going to jailo provide them with it. Others would say differently and one guy growing 120 plants for this purpose got 3 years jail, helping people =jail. It really is a shame and can only hope for a brighter future.

In USA people would say they have this or that medical condition, when really it's nothing they just want to get high (which I don't have a problem with as long as they are not hurting anyone), but the ones who genuinely feel better after having cannabis, I think that is a great benefit to not only them but society and the health system.

personally I only smoke when I am super stressed or have insomnia and sometimes when I have back pain from an old snowboard injury. None of these things would I ever consider taking prescription medicines for as I don't feel they are serious enough to warrant the potential to become addicted to pharmaceutical drugs, but few tokes of weed and I feel relaxed, sleepy or no pain. What's the harm in that.


Well-Known Member
Well the kerala is a female and now that I see what a female looks like it is clear that the other is a male lol and I'm pretty sure other bagseed is a female too


Well the kerala is a female and now that I see what a female looks like it is clear that the other is a male lol and I'm pretty sure other bagseed is a female too
Grats it's a girl...x2

my ww was a hermie
ice was male

pulled both

4 fens it looks like


Well-Known Member
not bad so is that 2 out of 3 don't u have one more?

sorry to hear about the hermie matt.


Well-Known Member
not bad so is that 2 out of 3 don't u have one more?

sorry to hear about the hermie matt.
I gave the other one to a friend because it was really small I should have started them all at the same time lol. But yeah 2 out of 3 isn't bad!


Oh I still have a white widow x skunk#1 , had two of them in. Unfortunate I won't get to try the ice, one pulled cause the roots were crap and the other pulled cause male. I'm really happy with all the fem seeds though, 3/3 female. I had a huge open space on the left of the screen so I bent down the darkstar and the sage n sour and northern lights in that direction, the white widow I bent to the front right. It really opened up my space a lot with just four plants, I think that is a much better number for in there and if I know they are fems that is what I will do in the future. Not sure how the northern lights will go, it didn't have a great root structure or much veg growth so it will probably be low yields if it gets through flower, but the other 3 are looking really healthy on top and below.

probably could have kept them in veg and re-done the screen after I pulled the 2 to get higher yields, but oh well still a learning process for my setup and so many things I know for next grow that will help.

cdd 2/3 is awesome and your plants are looking great. I figured you had just ditched the little one, your friend will have to throw you a couple of grams if he gets anything from it.

Still waiting on my clones to show roots but not impatient, they can take 10-15 days and 3 of them have yellowing leaves which usually means the plant is using that energy to sprout new root growth. I had to much run off water for a day so hopefully that doesn't affect the chances of them rooting, lid is also off and they aren't wilting so that's good to.


Forgot all about my three outside also, grew about a foot in the last week , not sure of sex but these are wwxs#1 also. Few are just starting to show but it's so tiny don't know yet. Hope for some fems from the 3. Next season will be running auto flower fems and sativa fems outside so no need to worry about sex unless hermie



Well-Known Member
Forgot all about my three outside also, grew about a foot in the last week , not sure of sex but these are wwxs#1 also. Few are just starting to show but it's so tiny don't know yet. Hope for some fems from the 3. Next season will be running auto flower fems and sativa fems outside so no need to worry about sex unless hermie
Damn those did grow a lot


Damn those did grow a lot
Yeh the power of the sun. I thought I would not get much height on them because of when I planted but guess I was wrong, imagine if they were in during the spring, they would be nice size bushes by now. That is the goal for next season, I don't want super high but I would like to have bushes that are about the same size of these:

it would fill out that spot really nicely, oh well another season.

My indoor grow is looking a little reduced now since pulling the two plants and the Northern lights is not looking to crash hot, may pull it out and re-veg if it does not pick up a bit, think the root structure is just not sound enough due to the nute issues (was young when that happened and fried most of the roots so it didn't have chance to grow long roots). Will give it a few more days of flower and see if it can pull it together, but with the added nutes each day I think its not going to do well unless I re-veged it for a month or two at least, if the clones root for NL I may just leave it in till it either recovers/hermies/dies etc and then use them for next grow.

Here are the pictures as you can see my training has caused a lot lower canopy than in previous photos, but the light coverage is bringing up all sorts of tops from below, hopefully I will get a semi-even canopy of healthy flowers.

overall I think next grow will be much better, this one has had so many issues between nutes, heat wave, males, etc etc. Will be happy just to make it to harvest and get something from all this hard work and learning curve with hydro.
Did u pull the plug on that male? Im glad you got a female man treat her well & she will reward u,update on my plants their over 6 feet tall,wow 4 some indoor plants I'll take some new pics n a min. I wana sho matt a crazy pic of 1 of my budz,its a 3 headed bud