Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Ursus marijanus
I'm getting ready to go out with the dog. He's so cute. Anyway I'm lighting up the bong because you can't run sober and it's loaded with girl scout poison. So this run is for you ;) and you know who you are!

As I'm sitting there lighting the bong with a match it made me wonder if anyone else hates using lighters with a bong? I'll use lighters for joints etc.. but bongs I light with (wooden only), matches.

So am I weird, crazy or ? Maybe I need a poll?

Maybe a little sativa heavy....
Darn it all to heck. I go out to shop with boy, and the Big Three-Oh K on which I'd set my sights for weeks gets snarfed up.
Let's see if I'm sportsman enough to look credibly sportsmanlike.


Well-Known Member
i am considering going on the raw diet dunno if i can give up cooked foods though ahhaha
one day were all gonna see Sunni post.. she has 100% given up on food itself.. she has learned how to absorb stuff via her skin like a amphibian :)


Well-Known Member
Found an Amish store. Bulk foods, all u.s. goods and no puppy mill on site. Mostly inexpensive and tasty stuff.


Well-Known Member
Ok so bout to go the F off so ima write it and calm the hell down...

it irks the absolute dog piss out me that people think cuz you grow their entitled to your hard work or have the right to hustle off you. I am by no means in this lifestyle to become rich. I don't care who you are, if I don't feel comfortable with you or who your trying to deal with that's it, done friggin deal(I don't feel comfortable with almost anyone either). All money is not good money! I know some of you will prol beg to differ but I'm not about to do anything that's gonna make me feel like a drug dealer. it's not worth the mental stress it puts on me and top of that I feel it's wrong to supply the masses when I'm not entitled to. At the end of the day I want to know I lived according to my beliefs. Sometimes I feel like the things I've been through have rendered my trusting abilities to zero. People talk though, it's just how it is, don't care how gangster they try to come off as, when shit hits the fan most birds sing. Call it insurance but I run a very tight ship that has all the crew members it needs. I'm free as the wind blows, self made, and intend to keep it that way.


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Staff member
one day were all gonna see Sunni post.. she has 100% given up on food itself.. she has learned how to absorb stuff via her skin like a amphibian :)
They are called breatharians, very holy men and they do exist. They live in the roof of the world.