Hash and Oil Picture Thread

Collaborative effort my brother!

The Contributors of C&E have made this epic thread what it is.

Never thought it was gonna happen....hehe

I'll be adding more pics to the thread this weekend...

My Pain levels have been keeping me from running the oil I need to run, and I'm sick of it..
So, first thing tomorrow...
Medication will be doubled or tripled and I'm doing work!!!

Need to grab at least one case of tane.
@Black Forest..

What brands do they carry over there at the shop on Chelton & Fountain?
I prefer Lucienne.

Saw a new brand of Butane today at the head shop.

(new to me at least)(never heard or seen it before)

Clear Blue
Claims 9x refined. ...

Any Contributors have experience with this stuff?..7$ per can.

The new Vector..
Pretty sure I saw that Twitch tried this stuff at 17x???

Can't recall your thoughts..
Refresh me please?


I recall you saying you make some glass???
I would like to ask ya a few ??? S

Pm me or I'll pm you a lil late .

Thanks in Advance guys.
They just had some power 5 down there. I see some 14x online for about $65 per case I might give a try. I've never heard of Lucienne brand butane before, but will def. keep my eye out for it. Lately I've been running about a case at a time, so I have to keep the costs down if possible. I think I'm going to run some tomorrow too, going to make some more shatter for some friends. I try not to keep too much around because I'll be dabbing all day!

Ooh and as for the glass, my wife makes glass jewelry and art, and her lampworking is pretty much just beads although she did make a dabber out of a glass rod that ended up looking like a penis. :)
Right on BF!!
And no need to pm now ;)

Lucienne is made in the UK and carries the” Near Zero Unities”label.
Fairly low on” mystery oil” content and less than 4$ a can.

As always, thanks Twitch!
What exactly is happening when you try to post a picture? Try a third party site like tinypic.com, you don't need to register or anything and it always has worked for me.

Tried Tinypic was not working it kept saying invalid source or some crap I uploaded it to tinypic but cant move it here im fixing to give up
Come on R&R ...lol

You managed to get a badge and ya can't upload Photobucket?
Hehe .....

I'm just kidding...

But get Photobucket.

All you do is upload your pic to said site (this will work the same as tiny pic as well I'm sure. )
Click on” my albums”
It will open up your ” gallery”
Click on desired photo>
Photo is now on your screen>
” click”
> view links
Click” copy image”
Screen reads” image copied”

Come back to your RIU post field.
Type, hi, this my errrl..click right here......___________________
< and hold...an image pop up and say&#8221; paste&#8221; > click paste.
Repeat until desired post is complete.

Click on &#8221; preview post&#8221; to see if you did it correctly..
&#8221; Submit Post&#8221;
