Note to self thread

I'm just giving ya a hard time bro.
I've gone on runs, and had a clown come up to the door of my truck and push a knife against my paint, thinking it was gonna scare me, but by the sound of it, I knew it wasn't gonna be faster than my 9mm Ruger with 158 grain Hydra shoks from the inside.
I been around a time or two, and the AK behind the seat and the Oozy next to the console were just companions at that point, plus my idiot buddy,smiling at the cops a few miles later as he emptied out 2 full clips from the window as they followed me on the freeway with the spot lights and everything on me......:?

ive never even seen a gun in the uk, possesion of a handgun is a mandatory 5yr prison sentance, i have been big game hunting in south africa tho that was cool and fired afew guns in thailand.
ive never even seen a gun in the uk, possesion of a handgun is a mandatory 5yr prison sentance, i have been big game hunting in south africa tho that was cool and fired afew guns in thailand.
I've seen a few 'reality' shows about the UK, and I feel ya, the laws are much diff. than they are here, but I also know there must be just as much rebellion to the 'law'.
I've seen a few 'reality' shows about the UK, and I feel ya, the laws are much diff. than they are here, but I also know there must be just as much rebellion to the 'law'.

20 year ago a nutcase went into a school and shot fifteen young kids after that we banned all handguns n min 5yr sentence if caught with one, n rightly so imo.
I'm one of them 'Yanks' that says it's not the gun's fault, but the owner.:o

each to there own my friend i respect your views and if i was in a country with so many guns hell yes id want a fucking gun too, i dont no much about guns but when i lived in south africa i would carry a snub nose 38 revolver, couldnt shoot the thing for shit tho lol n always wanted a glock.
each to there own my friend i respect your views and if i was in a country with so many guns hell yes id want a fucking gun too, i dont no much about guns but when i lived in south africa i would carry a snub nose 38 revolver, couldnt shoot the thing for shit tho lol n always wanted a glock.
Ya gotta get a .357, then you can shoot .38 spec. shells when you're plinking and save a few bucks.
Ya gotta get a .357, then you can shoot .38 spec. shells when you're plinking and save a few bucks.

i just found the 38 snub nose so inaccurate, i couldnt shoot it for shit lol

dunno what rifle i used when hunting but the bullets where fucking big as was the animal, i shot a blessok, and a few baboons they are vermin in south africa.
note to self show guns the respect they diserve.

i also found never really being around guns i didnt have the respect they diserve, i just thought i was bobby big bollacks carrying around a gun in SA and didnt really no how to use it one night pissed up i was playing with it, taking the bullets outs putting em back in, cocking the hammer n bang the fucking thing went off n i all most shot meself in the leg lol

my friend whos gun it was soon took it off me after that lol like i said never really being around guns i found them both extremely powerful having the ability to end a life with a squeeze of a trigger but also tbh quite scarey..
i just found the 38 snub nose so inaccurate, i couldnt shoot it for shit lol

dunno what rifle i used when hunting but the bullets where fucking big as was the animal, i shot a blessok, and a few baboons they are vermin in south africa.

Sounds like a 303 you're not a saffa if you haven't fired one. I thought we were all given one at birth lol.

NTS : Don't even LOOK at a sledgehammer with bare feet.
I'm just giving ya a hard time bro.
I've gone on runs, and had a clown come up to the door of my truck and push a knife against my paint, thinking it was gonna scare me, but by the sound of it, I knew it wasn't gonna be faster than my 9mm Ruger with 158 grain Hydra shoks from the inside.
I been around a time or two, and the AK behind the seat and the Oozy next to the console were just companions at that point, plus my idiot buddy,smiling at the cops a few miles later as he emptied out 2 full clips from the window as they followed me on the freeway with the spot lights and everything on me......:?

Oh you must be from LA too!

another note to self lol dont try to start a diet when you have shitloads of strong weed about, the munchies win everytime lol

It's a bitch is it not? I try exercising when I get the urge to gnosh. I tell myself if I still want it after a quick trip around the block or some squats etc.. then I can have it. It rarely sounds good later if I'm even capable of remembering. If I can distract myself for just a moment I'll be off on another tangent and that works good too!
So... Tonight... I was pouring out some of that brown thick...
Stuff.. you know it can be mixed with your water...sweet... sticky....
Fukk it was pouring so fukkin slow...
January 28....
Yep... it was pouring slow... like WTF....
Do ya think it will pour faster next month?
So... Tonight... I was pouring out some of that brown thick...
Stuff.. you know it can be mixed with your water...sweet... sticky....
Fukk it was pouring so fukkin slow...
January 28....
Yep... it was pouring slow... like WTF....
Do ya think it will pour faster next month?
Nuke it for a few seconds next time.
I'm thinking I will Nuke it Feb first cause everyone knows Molasses pours faster in Februrary....
My fifth grade teacher was from the South, some relative of Reggie Jackson, or so she said, and she used to tell us this-
In the South, when you want Molasses, you first ask for 'Lasses'.
You can't ask for 'Molasses' until it's after than your first serving.