The Irish Growers Thread!


An abundance of green is one thing but quality and quantity is another lol
Yea I have had to buy my weed since getting here. Fuck off with ya 2.5g €50 bags like seriously it should be 3.5 - Not happy at all, nothing motivated me so fast to get back to the garden than that. Now the countdown clock is ticking, come on April should be good by April - fingers crossed


Well-Known Member
Been years since it was 3.5 around here lol best I can get is 3.0 if its really good id say its about 2.5 but that's from a different guy, my main guys 3.0 but its still alot if U ask me


Been years since it was 3.5 around here lol best I can get is 3.0 if its really good id say its about 2.5 but that's from a different guy, my main guys 3.0 but its still alot if U ask me
Yea my main guy spun me this shit about how many hands it has to go through here compared to say Oz, but then a few weeks later I find out he buys locally from source - 2.5 sheesh what next -


Well-Known Member
Yeah, total shite but the problems that we pay those prices so they keep pushing up the prices so best just grow our own.


I got the software from the sticky forum and am using that to log/journal. At the end I will have a complete log of everything from height to nute feeds and all the pics to go with it. I tried it out as a way to pass the time and now use it all the time. I use a bit like a diary. I havent decided if I will post the journal yet.At the end of the day, we all have our reasons to grow. I just love the experience and the doing.
Just opened that software and had a ganders - Looks nice and practical my only comment would be wish I can put it on my iPad as that would be the perfect place for it

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
listen to you lot and your fancy 2.5 grams for fifty squids... get a gram here for that or if your lucky a touch over it, honestly... dick turpin at least wore a mask ...

suits me to grow anyways, i`d smoke a lot so no need to be funding any criminal enterprise and dealing with young lads, thas all thats about here to get some smoke off, the older crew i know have almos all either gone to canada or england and oz, few heads about still bt i wouldn`t really be pally pally with them lads so wouldn`t ask...

is it hard to get smoke where you guys are? its probably the hardest thing to get here at times...


Well-Known Member
NEVER paid for weed and wouldnt know where to get any. I always have some buried in someone else s flield just incase. Seems to get better with age anyway.


listen to you lot and your fancy 2.5 grams for fifty squids... get a gram here for that or if your lucky a touch over it, honestly... dick turpin at least wore a mask ...

suits me to grow anyways, i`d smoke a lot so no need to be funding any criminal enterprise and dealing with young lads, thas all thats about here to get some smoke off, the older crew i know have almos all either gone to canada or england and oz, few heads about still bt i wouldn`t really be pally pally with them lads so wouldn`t ask...

is it hard to get smoke where you guys are? its probably the hardest thing to get here at times...
SHIT! & I thought we were being bent over and screwed with a pineapple.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
lost the runt, normally i hold great expectations from the runts (i`m an underdog kinda fella) but she has decided to give up, not dead yet but she looks to be going that way, i`ve given her a small feed and tucked her under the centre of the light jst in case its a draught thing or something silly, so we shall see if that sorts her out, the other two are well thhe other two, a (indica dom) still great colour and growing now in leaps and bounds, the sister plant or b (sativa dom) is also comeing along nicely, the inital stages of flowering are now finishing and buds aregrowing in ernst so now gentlemen it feels like a grow....;)

also the smell is delicious, really sweet smell of bud....


Well-Known Member
listen to you lot and your fancy 2.5 grams for fifty squids... get a gram here for that or if your lucky a touch over it, honestly... dick turpin at least wore a mask ...

suits me to grow anyways, i`d smoke a lot so no need to be funding any criminal enterprise and dealing with young lads, thas all thats about here to get some smoke off, the older crew i know have almos all either gone to canada or england and oz, few heads about still bt i wouldn`t really be pally pally with them lads so wouldn`t ask...

is it hard to get smoke where you guys are? its probably the hardest thing to get here at times...
ooh yeah U get horrific deals, forgot about that haha I have a pretty consistent supply but my tolerance always gets the better of me n I stop n go on the legal stuff for a while then back to it lol once I chop ill never stop smoking!!!!!


Well-Known Member
lost the runt, normally i hold great expectations from the runts (i`m an underdog kinda fella) but she has decided to give up, not dead yet but she looks to be going that way, i`ve given her a small feed and tucked her under the centre of the light jst in case its a draught thing or something silly, so we shall see if that sorts her out, the other two are well thhe other two, a (indica dom) still great colour and growing now in leaps and bounds, the sister plant or b (sativa dom) is also comeing along nicely, the inital stages of flowering are now finishing and buds aregrowing in ernst so now gentlemen it feels like a grow....;)

also the smell is delicious, really sweet smell of bud....
its ooonnn like donkey kong!!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
as long as there alive theres hope gd... as said i`m an underdog supporter, doubt the weekend without tending to them has helped, but thats the danger with the kid being home at the weekends, she has jst begun to flower, well truely flower showing multiple hairs from head to toe...

how goes all in your drobe grow? you starting to see new growth/ less yellowing?


Well-Known Member
She is not talking to me at the mo. Think she deciding what to do. Not much left to turn yello except single leaves on floweres. No signs of new growth.Will she try for new growth or concentrate on finishing flowers?If she can limp on for 2 more weeks I will be happy. Any more than that and I know I am blessed. Dont hold out much hope though.Looking forward to actually pulling her from pot and see what happened to roots. I reread my posts and in the first week I mentioned something about the weight of the pot being funny. Think I grabbed the wrong pot of soil during the move. Live and learn.The Mazar Auto is germing there now so round two is begining.Good to hear about your girls btw.