World Of Hempy

sky rocket

Well-Known Member
Sorry been busy with work and all but here's a pic of my 120 site cloner. I started them in the cloner with tap water and root solution on January 8th and today only 70 out of 120 truly develop roots to go to flower. I expected at least 100 to have good roots but I'm sure I may know why some didn't root. Next time around ill fix the problem. But since only 70 rooted well I'm going to veg for a week to hopefully boost up my yield. From what I read 5-7 day veg really didn't make a difference in yield but I'll try it out. I empty out the tap water with my shop vac and filled up 15 gallons of r/o water and canna aqua a&b, rhizo, and dutch masters zone. Ph at 5.6 ppm's at 462....... I will put them into flower next weekend under 2x600 magnums xxl's. Tomorrow or so I will clone about 40-50 more to fill up my 4'x8'tray.

In my other tent wich are in canna coco with canna nutes on day 3 of flower. I took clones and vegged them for about 2-3 weeks in my aerocloner and put them in coco surprisingly with no transfer shock....oh and 5-7 plants are the wanna be cali connections gsc and 2 of them are hortilabs sour star...right now they are under a 600 watter but soon I'll put a 1000 watt bulb in. I'm just waiting on my vortex s line 8" fan to be delivered.......oh and I did my first attempt at lolly popping.


sky rocket

Well-Known Member
ladies are looking BEAUTIFUL

i really cant wait to get back into hempy, i built my fucking aerocloner just for hempies and then I ran outta medium, and money

When i get to it, it'll be my first quick-run sog , with single stalk plants

i really digg the technique shaggn, I wonder what the maximum yield could be on a 400w light and a high yielding strain, with a 3-day transplant and then straight to flower

keep it upp!
I would suggest 20-25 2l under a 400 watter...I have a 400 watter lying around so I may try it as well.
So I just put a newly sprouted seedling of DNA Genetics Kosher Tangie in a 2gal hempy today. We'll see how I do with a Hempy from seed. I'll get a pic up soon.
Can't wait to see your kosher tangie...I've been checking every day for when the tangie feminised version on the tude will be available because the description says its a good candidate for sog.


Well-Known Member
hmm.. if I ended up getting them, how do you think i should put em in my setup??

part of me wants to do single bulbs following all my t5's, all the way around , but those bulbs are kind of pricey.
I was originally thinking one 2' on each far end, on on the right back wall, and one on the left front, but I love any suggestions.

or if they make cfl-type ones, i could try doing say, 6, spaced evenly like a 6 on rolling dice

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
Yesterday I put my plants under the 600 HPS at 50% but today have bumped it up to 75%, also have four 23 watt 6500K CFL for the additional spectrum.

Last year my grow was in a spare bathroom but it was hard to control the temps.

This setup is in the spare bedroom which is very stealth both from inside and out.

The windows have blinds, then I added two sets of thick drapes, so no light leak in or out.

The temps are running a bit low (72-75F) but that should increase once I turn the light to 100%




Well-Known Member
ISK, be careful with that clothing rack, they aren't too sturdy from my experience

but then again, thats with a fuck ton of clothes on it (girlfriend) and wheeling it around. Just wanted to warn you that it could be a fire hazard! Possibly re-enforce with tape

lol i love the bathroom type design though! Good to see you back at it dude, you grow some lovely plants


Well-Known Member
Reserva Privada. This OG is a 3rd generation clone. I've grown it 4 times over the last year and am letting it go. I do have an HSO bean as well, but I am not in a hurry. I've read that HSO's version is more of a chemdawg.

Like I said, it's not bad but the symmetry and colas on yours blows mine away. I broke a top so I ended up drying it out and blazing it. It is killer.